bp and the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping signed a partnership agreement for a long-term collaboration on the development of new alternative fuels and low carbon solutions for the shipping industry.
bp will second experts to work on relevant research and development projects in the Center’s portfolio and contribute to the development of methodologies and optimized pathways for safe and sustainable fuel solutions for shipping.
bp will also join the Center Advisory Board providing guidance for transition strategies and further development of the Center’s activities.
William Lin, bp’s executive vice president of regions, cities and solutions said:
This is a privileged opportunity to collaborate and advocate with key industry players to progress solutions at the pace and scale needed. When we work together, we can fast track development, de-risk investments and provide signals to the market that will speed up the decarbonization of the shipping industry
Furthermore, bp added that in order to accelerate the development of viable technologies a coordinated effort within applied research is needed across the entire supply chain.
Industry leaders play a critical role in ensuring that research is successfully matured to scalable solutions that match the needs of industry. At the same time, new legislation will be required to enable the transition towards decarbonization