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Shipping remains the dominant mode of cargo transportation worldwide, ensuring the safe and efficient movement of goods in compliance with international regulations. As part of these regulations, nations have the authority to inspect vessels calling at their ports under established agreements.

This study examines the human factors contributing to bridge-related deficiencies on bulk carriers, focusing on inspections conducted under the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU). By analyzing data from annual reports and the 20 most common bridge deficiencies, the study highlights key areas affecting navigational safety.

Using the Delphi method, industry experts identified several critical factors influencing deficiencies on the bridge. These include lack of motivation, skills, knowledge, familiarity with procedures, general awareness, experience, adherence to company directives, excessive workload, fatigue, and stress. However, there was no consensus regarding the impact of indifference on navigational safety.

The findings underscore the importance of addressing human factors in maritime operations to enhance bridge performance and overall vessel safety. Implementing targeted training programs, reducing workload, and fostering awareness can significantly improve compliance and navigation safety standards.

To support these efforts, our software CrewExpress provides an efficient solution for recording crew work and rest hours, ensuring compliance with international regulations and improving operational oversight.

crewexpress stcw rest hours software


A three-year exhaustive study has shown that the structures supporting the implementation of work/rest regulations at sea are being broken, with nearly two-thirds of seafarers adjusting their work/rest records.

Under the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC), a seafarer has the right to regulated work and rest. A three-year exhaustive study has revealed that the structures supporting the implementation of work/rest regulations at sea are breaking down, with nearly two-thirds of seafarers adjusting their work/rest records. Under the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC), a seafarer has the right to regulated work and rest hours. Hours of work are defined as either maximum or minimum hours of rest. The maximum work hours must not exceed 14 hours in any 24 hours and 72 hours in any seven days. The minimum hours of rest must be at least 10 hours in any 24 hours and 77 hours in any seven days.

A record of a seafarer’s daily hours of rest or work must be kept onboard in the ship’s working language and English, signed by the seafarer and the master or other authorized person, with a copy provided to the seafarer. In his PhD dissertation for the World Maritime University, funded through support from the ITF Seafarers’ Trust, Bikram Bhatia surveyed 6,304 seafarers, interviewed 55 port state control (PSC) officers, and analyzed data from 16,551 PSC inspections. The research findings include that 64.3% of seafarers adjusted their work/rest records, while PSC officers needed help to detect non-compliance.

More concerning is the coercion from shore-based management. 66.7% of respondents had their reports questioned by their company, 60.1% felt compelled to adjust their reports, and 49.1% were explicitly instructed to do so. The high compliance rates reported by PSC inspections mask the reality of seafarers’ non-compliance, creating what Bhatia describes as a “false narrative at policy levels.”

Reconciling wellness with excessive demands seems implausible, suggested Steven Jones, founder of the Seafarers Happiness Index, in a recent article for Splash. “Crews face overwhelming demands while grappling with chronic underreporting of work hours and the threat of punishment for infractions,” Jones argued, adding: “Seafarers face a difficult choice: being honest about overwork can lead to punishment, while dishonesty may allow them to escape consequences, this creates a troubling lack of incentive for proper, effective, open, and transparent recording of work hours.”

Souce: Splash 247

crewexpress stcw rest hours software

Member Authorities of the Tokyo and the Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on STCW.

This campaign will be held for three months, commencing from 1 September 2022 and ending 30 November 2022. The CIC inspections will be applicable for all ships and conducted in conjunction with the regular Port State Control inspection.


The campaign on STCW aims to confirm that:

  • the number of seafarers serving on board and their certificates are in conformity with the relevant provisions of STCW Convention and Code and the applicable safe manning requirements as determined by the Flag State Administration;
  • all seafarers serving on board, who are required to be certificated in accordance with STCW Convention, hold an appropriate certificate or a valid dispensation, or provide documentary proof that an application for an endorsement has been submitted to the Flag State Administration;
  • the seafarers on board hold a valid medical certificate as required by STCW Convention;
  • the watch-keeping schedules and hours of rest indicate compliance with the requirements of STCW Convention and Code;
  • The CIC will assist in raising the awareness of shipowners, operators and crew on the specific requirements in the STCW Convention and Code.

The questionnaire is annexed to the Press Release.

Source :

Digital access on seafarers – 25 June, 2018: A new report looking at crew connectivity on ships has revealed the emotional and operational impact on professional seafarers who are often away for up to six months at a time with limited opportunities to interact digitally with friends and family.

International maritime charity Sailors’ Society, which helps seafarers and their families with welfare and practical support, and Inmarsat, the global mobile satellite company, have worked with researchers from Royal Holloway, University of London, to examine the effect on seafarers who have limited or non-existent digital access.

Researchers for this latest study, “Navigating Everyday Connectivities at Sea”, used an immersive study approach on board two container ships for 10 days, one with on board Wi-Fi capabilities and one without.  They looked at how seafarers use mobile phones and other digitally enabled devices in their daily lives during long periods at sea, and the opportunities and risks that such usage introduces.

The results revealed the fundamental importance of reliable connectivity and the impact it has on mental well-being, operational efficiency and safety, as well as its critical role in attracting new talent to the industry.

The report showed that access to Wi-Fi aboard ships – even limited – helped reduce some of the emotional stresses that come with separation from families.  However, the research also showed that where there were weekly limits of connectivity, this forced seafarers to ration their allowance to certain periods or to prioritise contact with friends.  Restricting usage also meant that domestic issues could not be resolved immediately or in real time, adding to personal stress or anxiety.

The ability to connect with family on a regular basis while away was also understood to ease transition into home life when returning from sea. In particular, being in frequent contact allowed people to keep up to date with everyday mundane events and activities at home, minimising the feeling that they were missing out on important life events.

In addition, one of the report’s key findings was how connectivity is becoming a significant factor in recruitment particularly for those entering the industry. Young people – who have been brought up with constant connectivity – are viewing an ability to get online as a significant deciding factor as to whether they commit to a career at sea.

One of the historic arguments from ship owners for not providing on-board connectivity has been that it disrupts work and rest patterns. However, this latest research shows that, in fact, not having reliable on-board internet impacts such patterns. It found that if the only method of digitally engaging with kin and friendship networks is through personal mobile phones, seafarers would connect when the ship was within mobile signal range, regardless of the time of day, external factors, work or rest hours.

“Digital connectivity at sea has been one of the major talking points of the decade in the maritime industry, which has been slow to adopt technology enabling improvements in connectivity across the world’s commercial fleet,” said Dr Rikke Bjerg Jenson, one of the principal researchers from Royal Holloway, University of London. “While several studies have used surveys to try to establish the rate of these improvements and their wide-ranging implications, none – to our knowledge – has taken observations of crew behaviour and conversations with seafarers as their starting point.

Digital access on seafarers

Sailors’ Society CEO Stuart Rivers said: “This study offers valuable insights into the huge impact that connectivity can have on seafarers’ well-being, which is of vast importance to the maritime industry. We all have a duty of care to those who are the foundation of our businesses – and with mental health playing a key role in their decision-making abilities, if we neglect that duty the consequences can be deadly and costly.”

“With 1.65million seafarers employed at sea and an industry which is responsible for carrying 90% of total global trade; improving operational efficiency, impacted by crew welfare, is of global economic concern”, said Drew Brandy, Senior Vice President, Maritime Market Strategy at Inmarsat. “In terms of future sustainability, the industry needs to consider the significant expectations of the next wave of talent into the industry who will see access to online as a major factor in their career decisions.”



Work and rest hours for seafarers

This MSN contains the requirements specified by the Secretary of State under the Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Hours of Work) Regulations 2018. It also gives guidance on the application of the regulations.

Notice to all shipowners, ship operators and ship managers; employers of seafarers; masters, officers and seafarers on sea-going ships ordinarily engaged in commercial operations.

This notice should be read with the Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Hours of Work) Regulations 2018 and replaces MSN 1842(M).

MSN 1842 will remain valid until 6 April 2018 when the Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Hours of Work) Regulations 2018 come into force.

Work and rest hours for seafarers

Key Points
The Regulations:
apply to all seafarers, including masters, employed, engaged or working in any capacity
on board a seagoing ship, and whose normal place of work is on a ship;
do not apply to seafarers on fishing vessels, pleasure vessels , warships or naval auxiliaries, or vessels which are not ordinarily engaged in commercial activities; or seafarers subject to the Merchant Shipping (Working Time: Inland Waterways)
Regulations 2003;
As they apply to UK ships and non UK ships with no maritime labour certificate, the Regulations
provide for a minimum of 77 hours of rest in any 7 day period and 10 hours rest in any 24 hour period ;
require a schedule of hours of rest to be posted up on board the ship (Annex A);
require records of hours of rest to be maintained (Annex B);

Download MSN 1877 – Source Merchant shipping notices (MSNs)

CrewExpress Maritime STCW Rest Hours Software – Video Presentations

CrewExpress Maritime STCW Rest Hours Software – Videos Quick Presentation Quide- The best software in full compliance with all in force regulations,allow your crew to ensure that they complete easy ,quickly but most important correctly their onboard work/rest hours. Trusted by many companies worldwide.

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Any 24 hours
Minimum ten hours of rest in any 24-hour period
Any 7 Days
Minimum 77 hours of rest in any seven-day period
Periods Of Rest
Hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods; one of the periods to be at least six hours in length
Work Hours
Intervals between consecutive periods of work shall not exceed 14 hours
OPA 90
Rest hours less than 36 hours in any 72-hour period (OPA 90)
Hours of Rest
Hours of Rest should not be less than 10 hours


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