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Offshore accommodation company CBED has won a contract extension for its Wind Innovation service operations vessel Wind Innovation.

Back in May, the company secured a contract for the vessel at the DanTysk and Sandbank offshore wind farms in the German North Sea.

Now, the extension has been secured with the wind farm owner, a joint venture between Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH and Stadtwerke München GmbH Vattenfall, securing full activity for the SOV, Wind Innovation, from Q1 to Q4 2023. Financial details were not disclosed.

Daniel Alon, General Manager, CBED said: “Following a positive project opening, we are excited to extend our collaboration and offer comfortable living onboard Wind Innovation for the service teams for a prolonged period. In fact, this new contract marks CBED’s 30th offshore wind assignment, and also, on this occasion, we expect our joint operations to contribute to CBED’s collective and unparalleled offshore experience.”

DanTysk Sandbank Offshore Wind required a Walk-to-Work vessel that was equipped with DP2, and gangway capabilities and which, at the same time, met all technical and HS requirements.

“For this specific project, the offshore operations will benefit from the adjustable pedestal gangway, allowing the flexibility of connecting Wind Innovation to transition pieces of different heights across the two involved wind farms. Wind Innovation can operate as low as 11,95 m (LAT) from the lowest operation level up to 26,45 m (HAT) from the highest operating level,” CBED said.

CBED will use the Port of Esbjerg, Denmark, as the base port for crew change and loading of fresh supplies throughout the project period.

DanTysk offshore wind farm is located 70 km west of the island Sylt and has been in operation since 2014. Sandbank offshore wind farm is located 90 km west of Sylt and has been in operation since 2017. With their 152 turbines combined, the offshore wind farms have a total capacity of 576 MW, enough to provide electricity to more than half a million households.



CREWEXPRESS STCW REST HOURS SOFTWARE - Paris and Tokyo MoU have announced that they will jointly launch a new Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) from 1st September 2022 to 30th November 2022



It’s amazing to consider that a commercial vessel in the Pacific Ocean, approaching the mouth of the Columbia River, can continue its eastward journey to finally tie up at the Port of Lewiston, in Lewiston, Idaho, America’s most inland West Coast port, 465 miles from the Pacific Ocean.

The Columbia and Snake Rivers form that critical east-west waterway, an economic powerhouse regionally, nationally and internationally. According to the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association (PNWA), the Columbia-Snake River System (CSRS) is the nation’s single largest wheat export gateway, second largest for soy and corn exports and in the top ranks for wood products, autos, bulk minerals and a growing market for inland river cruises. Eight dams – four on the Snake River – create and maintain waterway performance – importantly, not just for commercial navigation but for energy, flood control and recreation. Petroleum is a top commodity moved upriver.

Now, this national asset is under critical scrutiny; it could be scrapped. There are a number of concerns but topmost, particularly along the Snake River, is the survival, the sustainability, of northwest salmon and the impact of dams on their storied lifecycle of river to ocean and their return upriver to spawn. There are suggestions now to breach the four Snake River dams. Otherwise, supporters charge, Snake River salmon face extinction.

Obviously, such a drastic move does not proceed casually. Columbia-Snake River waterways operators are right in the middle of these swirling currents, trying to keep one eye on immediate business demands and one eye on a hazy future. If the dams are breached, the Snake River is no longer commercially navigable.

National-Federal issues and initiatives
Briefly, there are three very high-profile Snake River initiatives:

From the White House: On July 12 Administration officials released two studies, one focusing on salmon recovery, the other on electric power replacement if hydro generation were lost. “Business as usual will not restore the health and abundance of Pacific Northwest salmon. We need a durable, inclusive, and regionally-crafted long-term strategy for the management of the Columbia River Basin,” said Brenda Mallory, who chairs the WH Council on Environmental Quality.

In June, U.S. Sen. Patty Murray and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee released a draft report to inform upcoming recommendations from their Joint Federal-State Process regarding the Lower Snake dams and salmon recovery.

In February 2021, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson unveiled the “Columbia River Basin Initiative,” a $33 billion plan to at least start on compensatory costs if the dams were breached and the costs to build alternatives for lost assets, including power and transportation, i.e., new highways and rails.

In August, ACE’s Inland Waterways Users Board met in Walla Walla. Northwest issues were on the agenda – deliberately so, commented Chairman W. Spencer Murphy, with Canal Barge Company. Murphy introduced Robert Rich, VP Marine Services, with Shaver Transportation, based in Portland, Ore. Rich is a member of the Users Board.

Rich provided the balance of comments, presenting regional concerns about the increasing political intensity on dam breaching but without a full presentation of impacts – to waterways operators, farmers and agricultural businesses, regional energy operations and markets, multi-modal shippers and, really, food security for millions, worldwide, who depend on a very dependable system.

Rich posed a rhetorical question to Board members: If we were starting with a clean slate in 2022 what would be prioritized? His answers: green transportation – waterways. Clean, low-carbon energy – hydro. Irrigation and flood control. Multimodal – barges, trains and trucks each contributing best value across the supply chain. Accessible recreation. All at a scale that expands from singular farms to eventually encompass national and international markets and consumers.

It’s the dams that make this possible, Rich reminded the Board. “This is working now – in 2022,” he emphasized.

(Photo: Shaver Transportation)

Business perspectives
Heather Stebbings is Executive Director of the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association. The PNWA, established in 1934, with 150 members, is a collaboration of ports, businesses and public agencies.

Stebbings and her team are closely watching the dam issues. Major concerns include:

That White House documents are tilted in favor of established interests, including the Nez Perce and State of Oregon, who have long supported dam removal.

Giving too much weight to the notion that salmon mortality in the ocean results from hydro system impacts. “This is unproven,” Stebbings says, citing research showing that salmon returns are similar in dammed and undammed rivers. She notes research that the Pacific itself is the largest driver of salmonid mortality, not the dams. She said that the four Lower Snake River dams “provide greater than 97% successful fish passage for juvenile salmon making their way to the ocean and have had improved salmon runs over the last three years.”

Dam breaching poses significant, and negative, energy-environmental impacts. PNWA calculates it would take 162,153 semis or 42,160 rail cars to move the 4.2 million tons of cargo currently barged on the SR. “That means an increase in CO2 and other harmful emissions by over 1,251,000 tons per year – the same as opening a new coal plant every six years,” Stebbings writes.

Finally, there’s energy: hydropower provides the baseload function necessary to integrate intermittent solar and wind into regional transmission and distribution systems. If lost, there’s no system, no grid.

Peter Schrappen, CAE, is VP for The American Waterways Operators Pacific Region, based in Seattle. AWO is zeroed-in on these various proposals. In response to the Murray/Inslee report Schrappen wrote the following:

The loss of the Snake River dams would “devastate regional and national food security, the supply chain, and clean energy generation.”

Schrappen challenged the report’s claim that dams’ significant benefits could be replaced or mitigated.

Northwest rail and truck capacity are challenged to meet current demands. “It is unrealistic to believe that these two modes can absorb the additional 4 million tons of cargo moved through the Snake River locks each year.”

Regional and day-to-day challenges
In addition to these looming mega-issues, Columbia-Snake River operators face the “regular” array of day-to-day challenges.

“The labor shortage is an ongoing concern and top priority for our members,” Peter Schrappen commented, citing both recruitment and retention. Demand for river transport is increasing. New people are needed – not just replacements.

Supply chain issues continue. Schrappen said engine components and maritime paints are hard to get, as are buoys and navigational aids. These west coast challenges could drive traffic to east coast ports.

Regarding infrastructure, Schrappen highlighted the following:

Planned dredging for the Columbia and Snake main and side channels and turning basins. “This is welcome news,” Schrappen commented.

The Columbia River bridge project is key and deck height for vessel clearance is a critical decision. Schrappen is pleased that the CG seeks a height of 178 feet.

Also positive is $146 million in system maintenance funding from the recent Infrastructure act.

PNWA’s Heather Stebbings cited regulatory challenges, particularly with timely permitting, as a top issue. She said that despite statutory, 135-day deadlines for inter-agency consultations, Northwest port projects “routinely wait one to three years for permits and some even longer.”

Stebbings said that recent NOAA programmatic changes with maintenance projects has led to a backlog – over 100 projects – in the Puget Sound region. NOAA expects it will take two years to work through that backlog, Stebbings said, calling it a very problematic delay for ports whose permits have been “on hold for up to four years.”

Stebbings predicts these Puget Sound tie-ups present national implications because, she explains, the Army Corps has adopted NOAA’s mitigation cost and maintenance policies which the Corps will apply nationwide. Right now, she says it is “unclear how the agencies will develop tools to apply this policy and if they will implement moratoriums in other regions during the development process.”

In an interview separate from his Board comments, Rob Rich, with Shaver, said high fuel prices are impacting northwest operators. He said fuel prices have nearly tripled since 2020. And the focus on decarbonizing transportation is particularly challenging, Tugs are an investment that can have a 50-year lifespan; running out of fuel is not an option. There are parallel concerns. Rich cited a Portland City Council policy to limit, and eventually shutter, petroleum storage facilities (Council will vote in August, but prior to deadline for this report).

Importantly, Rich noted that business “is good on our system right now.” The grain crop is big, and so is demand, particularly from Pacific Rim countries while world-wide supply has been constricted by the Ukraine-Russian war. Shippers are moving a lot of wood and wood products, concrete and petroleum.

(Photo: Tidewater Transportation and Terminals)

Looking ahead
Schrappen expects new opportunities from offshore wind. He said AWO members “are investing and preparing to play an important role in this new market.” He added, though, that safe fairways for vessel traffic have to remain a top priority. And, on the west coast, new aquaculture areas are under development, presenting additional territorial constrictions for commercial traffic and operations.

Alt-energy business possibilities go beyond wind. Tidewater Transportation and Terminals, based in Vancouver, Wash., for example, has its eye on a new low carbon fuel standard adopted in Washington, effective in 2023.

Jennifer Riddle is Tidewater’s corporate communications and marketing manager. She said this will establish a green corridor from California through British Columbia. “We see this as an opportunity to increase movements of various alternative and renewable fuels as the program gains traction,” Riddle said. She explained further that Tidewater owns and operates a biodiesel blending facility at its Umatilla Terminal in Oregon. Now, the company is contemplating additional investments at terminals in Pasco and Vancouver, Washington, sites which already provide transportation, storage, pipeline, and multi-modal transfer services.

For Tidewater, though, and all other operators, the mega-decisions hanging over the whole northwest system weigh heavily. Riddle cited the “reliability” of the C-SR locks and dams, a critical aspect allowing Tidewater to work 24/7, 365. “This robust and vital river highway,” Riddle emphasized, “is one of the most efficient networks for moving commodities in the nation.”

If the four Snake River dams are breached, the world may not end, but it will be a far different world – for everybody.

Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) District: Walla Walla, Wash.

Established: 1948. Boundaries generally match the watershed boundary of the Snake River drainage and include approximately 107,000 square miles in six states: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming and small parts of Nevada and Utah.
Dams: Dworshak – North Fork Clearwater River, Ahsahka, Idaho
Mill Creek – part of a flood management project, Walla Walla, Wash.
McNary – Columbia River, Plymouth, Wash.
Ice Harbor – Snake River, Franklin and Walla Walla Counties, Wash.
Lower Monumental – Snake River, Franklin and Walla Walla Counties, Wash.
Little Goose – Snake River, Columbia and Whitman Counties, Wash.
Lower Granite – Snake River, Garfield and Whitman Counties, Wash.
Lucky Peak – Boise River, Boise, Idaho
Energy: The District is the second largest hydropower producer among ACE districts (Portland District is first), providing a total generating capacity of 4,413 megawatts to the Federal Columbia River Power System. McNary Lock and Dam can produce 980 megawatts from 14-hydropower turbines. One hydropower turbine at McNary produces as much electricity as 211 Walla Walla FPL 660 KW wind turbines.
Salmon: A juvenile fish transportation program, begun in 1968, uses specially equipped barges and tank trucks to carry migrating salmon and steelhead fingerlings around Snake and Columbia River dams. Construction on fish hatcheries started in 1976.
Navigation: The Columbia-Snake Rivers system allows commercial maritime transport from Portland, Ore. to Lewiston, Idaho – four-hundred miles inland. US agriculture (particularly wheat) is the critical export at international scale. Petroleum products are the most important upstream cargo.



CREWEXPRESS STCW REST HOURS SOFTWARE - Paris and Tokyo MoU have announced that they will jointly launch a new Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) from 1st September 2022 to 30th November 2022

vessel with turnkey dredge package

The multipurpose vessel ENDAM combines oil spill recovery activities with maintenance dredging tasks

Built for the Korean Marine Environment Management Corporation (KOEM), the multipurpose vessel Endam combines emergency oil spill recovery activities with maintenance dredging tasks and features a turnkey dredge package supplied by Damen.

Designed by KmsEmec, the vessel features a 4,100 cubic meter hopper hold and was built by HJ Shipbuilding & Construction at its Busan shipyard. The mission equipment package provided by the Damen Technical Cooperation (DTC) team included a 15 meter rigid oil sweep arm with a dedicated pump and handling crane for the emergency oil spill recovery functionality, and the complete turnkey dredging system, which was designed specifically for the vessel.


The turnkey dredge package consisted of both loading and discharging equipment, a hydraulic system, dredging control system and various drives. A 900 mm trailing suction pipe, designed to dredge at a maximum depth of 30 meters, is hoisted by three dedicated gantries and their hydraulically operated winches. All the trailing suction pipe components are located starboard aft.

part of turnkey dredge package
The turnkey dredging package included a 900 mm trailing suction pipe designed for the vessel

A Damen dredge pump, type BP9075HD, completed the dredge pipe arrangements. The highly efficient slurry pump is designed for both suction dredging, as well as discharging over the bow using the bow coupling unit or rainbow nozzle. This hopper discharging equipment, including 12 bottom dump valves which Damen designed, was all part of the dredge package. Addtionally, dredge valves in various pressure stages were delivered for the suction and discharge piping. Dedicated dredging instrumentation completed the dredge package and is crucial to monitoring and visualizing the dredging process and optimizing dredging operations.

Turnkey dredge package components
The dredging components were effortlessly integrated in the locally designed and built multipurpose vessel

Thanks to the DTC team’s extensive experience in component integration at non-Damen yards, the large system parts were delivered from the Netherlands and integrated effortlessly. As well as the mission equipment, the delivery scope included a hydraulic system. This was a logical choice as the dredging equipment is its main user. Additionally, a 3,500-kW electric dredge pump drive and a 1,000-kW electric jet water pump drive were shipped to Korea. The delivery was completed with a full set of spares and Damen also carried out the commissioning and training on board.

The vessel’s name, Endam, means “the fence that protects you” in the Korean Jeju dialect. A festive handover ceremony took place in the summer and Endam has now successfully started operating along the Korean coast.



CREWEXPRESS STCW REST HOURS SOFTWARE - Paris and Tokyo MoU have announced that they will jointly launch a new Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) from 1st September 2022 to 30th November 2022


Previously Chief Operating Officer for APMT Tangier, Morocco Jackson will assume the new role effective September 2022.

With this appointment, Rex Jackson takes on the role previously held by Henrik Kristensen, who has since then assumed the position of Managing Director of APMT Port Elizabeth.

“With his first-hand experience in operations, Rex will build on our need and plan to standardise core operational processes and systems”, said Jack Craig, APMT Chief Operations Officer (ad interim).

“In his new role, Rex will focus on building a global team that will help implement APMT’s operational approach across our portfolio of terminals.

“This will allow us to further develop the operations performance management system and create value through our global footprint – all with a strong focus on serving our customers’ needs.”

Rex Jackson will continue to be based in Tangier, where APMT said it plans to accelerate research and development activities by establishing a centre of excellence for its global operations. The centre will, among other things, focus on continuous improvement, labour excellence, standardising IT processes and applications.

“I am very excited about this new opportunity and I look forward to building a strong and passionate team, focused on delivering a great customer experience rooted in safe, innovative and reliable operations”, said Rex Jackson.

In June, Kalmar received a repeat order for shuttle carriers to APMT Tangier.

APMT selected Kalmar to deliver 23 additional units – manually-driven, semi-automated hybrid shuttle carriers.



CREWEXPRESS STCW REST HOURS SOFTWARE - Paris and Tokyo MoU have announced that they will jointly launch a new Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) from 1st September 2022 to 30th November 2022


Some asylum seekers allegedly hijacked a vessel. Its automatic identification system, or the AIS, was off as it changed its course and headed at full speed for Libya.

The information emerged on Thursday when a court specialist, a shipmaster, read out the conclusions of the criminal proceedings against these three men, who have been facing severe terrorist charges. One hundred eight people had to be rescued by El Hiblu 1 in 2019, acting on the instructions provided by an aircraft that belonged to the European military operation dubbed EUNAVFOR MED. The vessel’s crew members sought to return the rescued people to Libya. However, the members who were on board protested for their return. The crew members finally steered north toward Malta.

Image for representation purpose only.

Three teenagers were arrested immediately when they arrived in Malta and were detained for about seven months.

The trio is encountering charges of terrorism. If they are found guilty,y they will have to be imprisoned for seven to 30 years.

The ages of the three teenagers were 15, 16, and 19 when they reached the safe port based in Malta. Here they were immediately detained.

The witness further explained that as a shipmaster, he was asked to gather information from the vessel and its equipment. He was required to understand what the ship did.

On Thursday, the court explained that from 22 to 26 March 2019, the ship sailed at about 9.5 knots. From 1418 UTC to 1800 UTC on 26 March, the vessel sailed to the east or the northeast at about 0.97 knots. The specialist added that between 1800 UTC on 26 March and 0514 UTC on 27 March, the vessel sailed toward the north for almost two hours at speed before altering the course and heading for Tripoli. The witness also mentioned that the AIS was non-operational when the vessel headed to Libya’s Tripoli.



CREWEXPRESS STCW REST HOURS SOFTWARE - Paris and Tokyo MoU have announced that they will jointly launch a new Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) from 1st September 2022 to 30th November 2022

A 24-year-old crew member reportedly went overboard from the cruise vessel MSC Splendida on Wednesday while the ship was sailing off the Calabria coast located in Italy. The MSC Splendida halted immediately, and a Man Overboard signal was reportedly sounded at almost 4 am.

Per eyewitnesses, crew members lowered a lifeboat kick-starting a thorough search and rescue mission, as the individual in the water could be heard seeking help. The crew members of the MSC

Splendida was able to locate and rescue the young man.

After about an hour, the rescue mission, which the ship’s captain had accompanied with the announcements, was successful.

MSC Cruises
Image for representation purpose only

Italian news outlets report that the 24-year-old crew member is a Brazilian national working as a dancer onboard. They said the crew member intentionally went overboard after arguing with his partner.

The incident was examined at the vessel’s next port of call named Taranto, where the authorities questioned the witnesses and reviewed CCTV footage. After recovery, the member will be sent back to their nation.

Several guests on MSC Splendida were able to record some videos of the rescue and search operation.

Melanie Schwarz mentioned on her Facebook profile that she woke up with three long blasts from the vessel and went to my balcony, observing that the Splendida had stopped immediately. Busy bustle on the bridge was followed since she was on deck 12 at the same height. Searchlights were switched on for almost 30 minutes, and there was silence.

Suddenly, cries for help were heard from the distance, getting louder slowly. Immediately a rescue boat is lowered and sets off. She was an immediate witness of salvation. After 30 minutes, the captain’s life-saving declaration mentioned that the individual could be secured and that there was no danger to his life.



CREWEXPRESS STCW REST HOURS SOFTWARE - Paris and Tokyo MoU have announced that they will jointly launch a new Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) from 1st September 2022 to 30th November 2022


On the morning of 16 September for Anchorage residents, it was a sight for sore eyes when a cruise vessel reached the Port of Alaska. This was the first time in the last two years.

On Thursday morning at about 10 a.m., a ship named Nieuw Amsterdam belonging to the Holland America Cruise cruise line docked a the port.

This is the first cruise vessel to stop in Anchorage since the COVID-19 pandemic and will be the only ship seen this season per the Director of the Visit Anchorage Community Engagement named Jack Bonney.

He said this is the one time a cruise vessel calls the directory to the port of Anchorage. Most cruise visitations that Anchorage experiences come via the ports of Seward or Whittier.

Passengers anxiously waited on board for their opportunity to depart from the vessel and were all set to hit vacation mode.

They make all they need, like their food and bed, Regisann Myton mentioned.

Bellwood and Myton were quite excited to explore the sights of downtown Anchorage.

Myton said it is chillier than what he was thinking. Bellwood noted that it is more significant than he expected it to be.

After a dry spell that lasted for two years, the ship’s stop in Anchorage provided the city with an almost last-minute economic tourism boost toward the end of the tourist season. This is a long one going by Alaska standards and most of the world for a port of call.

There’s an opportunity to do more in Anchorage. Bonney said even during a port of call, that will only last for a day. So similar to restaurants, gift stores, and day tours, this is a big deal for them as it is something one can do in a day.

Bonney said that the tourist activities Anchorage witnessed this summer reflect a bounce from the earlier pandemic lows. Bonney added that 2021 turned out slightly better than they had expected, and 2022 is on the right track to be a big year and might equal some benchmarks.



CREWEXPRESS STCW REST HOURS SOFTWARE - Paris and Tokyo MoU have announced that they will jointly launch a new Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) from 1st September 2022 to 30th November 2022


UnCruise Adventures has unveiled an extended sailing onboard the Safari Voyager in time for the annular eclipse in 2023, according to a press release.

The nine-day cruise will depart on October 13, 2023, and will allow guests to experience landscapes, natural surroundings, and ocean views while sailing with experienced guides and witnessing the eclipse off the coast of Belize, according to UnCruise Adventures.

“Our first season has shown the interest is high for Belize. It will offer a bonus with our exclusive Eclipse, Rivers & Reefs sailing in 2023,” he states. “What a special time to be onboard. Some people go their whole lives without seeing an eclipse. Now we have the perfect vantage point for viewing onboard in the Caribbean surrounded by natural beauty,” said Dan Blanchard, chief executive officer, UnCruise Adventures.

The Safari Voyager will provide viewing for the eclipse as well as a celebratory toast with the crew before sailing to Ranguana Caye and departing the following day for Las Escobas Rainforest and Tapon Creek Nature Reserve. The vessel will then call in Guatemala to visit the Kekchi Mayan community, before continuing to Punta Gorda and Payne’s Creek National Park.

The Belize Eclipse cruise is suitable for both children and adults aged 8 to 98, with rates beginning at $6,900 per person.



CREWEXPRESS STCW REST HOURS SOFTWARE - Paris and Tokyo MoU have announced that they will jointly launch a new Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) from 1st September 2022 to 30th November 2022


“The reason for USS Jackson’s visit here is our bilateral relationship and partnership with Fiji that goes back many decades to World War II. For all of us, we are finally coming out of this terrible pandemic and it gives an opportunity for dear friends and equal partners to join together to ensure a free and open Indo Pacific,” said Paparo.

Fiji Minister for Fisheries Semi Koroilavesau welcomed Jackson’s visit, saying it helps towards strengthening maritime security and bilateral relations between Fiji and the United States.

Cmdr. Michael Winslow, Jackson Gold Commanding Officer, welcomed aboard the distinguished guests, including the President of the Republic of Fiji Ratu Wiliame Katonivere.

“We are extremely happy to be here in Fiji, and I thank everyone in the city of Suva for the warm welcome. I am reminded of the importance of relationships that we maintain and the teamwork it takes to accomplish missions at all levels,” said Winslow.

In addition to hosting a reception, the Jackson Gold crew participated in local community engagement activities while in port. Sailors volunteered at a local retirement home, where they conducted beautification and gardening projects, and played a soccer game with Republic of Fiji Navy Sailors.

Jackson is underway supporting Oceania Maritime Security Initiative (OMSI), a Secretary of Defense initiative that improves maritime security and maritime domain awareness by enabling U.S. Coast Guard law enforcement personnel to conduct maritime law enforcement operations from U.S. Navy assets to enforce the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Convention and suppress illicit activities.

Adm. Samuel Paparo, commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, visits and speaks with recruits and staff assigned to Republic of Fiji's Force Training Group during a visit to Suva, Fiji.

SUVA, Fiji (Sept. 15, 2022) Adm. Samuel Paparo, commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, visits and speaks with recruits and staff assigned to Republic of Fiji’s Force Training Group during a visit to Suva, Fiji. The visit to Fiji emphasized the U.S. commitment to strengthening partnerships for an enduring free and open Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Nick Bauer)

LCS are fast, agile, mission-focused platforms designed to operate in near-shore environments, winning against 21st-century coastal threats. LCS are capable of supporting forward presence, maritime security, sea control, and deterrence missions around the globe.

Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) 3 comprises four amphibious squadrons, 11 amphibious warships, and eight naval support elements including approximately 18,000 active-duty and reserve Sailors and Marines. As Deputy Commander for Amphibious and Littoral Warfare, U.S. 3rd Fleet, Commander, ESG 3 also oversees the 14 littoral combat ships under Littoral Combat Ship Squadron 1 and Mine Countermeasures Group 3. ESG 3 is postured in support of U.S. 3rd Fleet as a globally responsive and scalable naval command element, capable of generating, deploying, and employing naval forces and formations for crisis and contingency response, forward presence, and major combat operations focusing on amphibious operations, humanitarian and disaster relief (HADR) and support to defense civil authorities (DSCA), and expeditionary logistics.



CREWEXPRESS STCW REST HOURS SOFTWARE - Paris and Tokyo MoU have announced that they will jointly launch a new Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) from 1st September 2022 to 30th November 2022


Satellite communications specialist, IEC Telecom today announced its participation at the upcoming Saudi Maritime Congress (SMC) to be held on September 28th to 29th at the Dhahran Expo in Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With 30+ countries participating, the two-day event offers a platform for regional and international decision-makers to discuss the latest trends in maritime investments, offshore developments, smart technologies, sustainability regulations, and more. As part of its speaking engagements at SMC, IEC Telecom will focus on the soaring demand for digital solutions across the maritime sector in the region and the importance of elevating operational efficiency via network management systems and IoT-based solutions.

Saudi Arabia’s maritime sector has doubled in the past decade with 53,000 ships operating in it, registered in 150 countries and carrying 11 billion tonnes of cargo annually. Ranked 20th globally in the maritime transport industry and scoring the highest regional progress in the Maritime Connectivity Index in 2021, the country forms the perfect backdrop for the leading B2B event for maritime and logistics sectors in the Middle East.

Nabil Ben Soussia, Group CCO, IEC Telecom Group commented, “We have seen a major shift in demand for satcom solutions and digitalisation in the region’s maritime industry. A decade ago, our business was geared towards the provision of voice services. Today, it is about data. From 2012 to now, the average service package has increased six-fold from 350 MB to 2+ GB. “Earlier there was a significant technological divide between onshore and offshore operations, whereas today specialised applications that are powered by satcom bring a wide range of services, such as remote maintenance, telemedicine, and live video-based training, to where the crew spends most of their time – onboard vessels at sea. These remote services optimise operational efficiency by 30%, a cumulative result of enhanced logistics, decreased fuel consumption, and improved crew welfare.”

Between January 2020 and March 2021, the average daily data consumption per vessel in the global commercial shipping sector has nearly tripled. Moreover, the global maritime digital products and services market is reportedly worth $159 billion, which is 18% ahead of pre-pandemic estimates. In 2022, this market turnover is predicted to be three years ahead of pre-pandemic forecasts. Reflecting this positive outlook, Saudi Vision 2030 has set a target to make the country a global logistics hub. Saudi Arabia is investing heavily, in the range of $8 billion, in its seaports to modernise infrastructure.

“With this rapidly evolving digital landscape, connectivity isn’t only about doing more. It is about utilising digital products for smarter workflow, seamless communications, and sustainable environment-friendly processes. IoT-based solutions enable real-time decision-making to optimise routes, vessel functions, and maintenance schedules, and reduce operating costs,” Ben Soussia added.

A recent analysis by Accenture showed that a digitally reinvented shipbuilder can reduce operating costs by up to 20% in five years while increasing revenue by up to 15%. To reap the benefits of digitalisation, vessels need to stay connected at all times, despite all challenges including harsh weather conditions at sea. Smart network management systems like OneGate by IEC Telecom offer a solution with state-of-the-art technology that operates in a multi-network mode, securing automated VSAT/MSS/GSM failover. Management can be performed from onshore via a cloud-based control panel, and the captain can also keep an eye on vessel operations via an easy-to-use local dashboard.

In addition, OneGate assures continuity of service by enabling advanced cyber security. The terminal segregates crew and corporate networks, eliminating the risk of cross-contamination. The vessel’s critical applications hosted on the corporate network also remain fully operational even if the seafarer’s link is down.

“Smart glasses are the new big thing in the techno-world. Hands-free solutions are being quickly adopted across many industries, and the maritime sector is no exception. For instance, our latest wearable solution, OneAssist empowers crew members to stay connected with the onshore team via video streaming, enabling troubleshooting, consulting, and e-learning in real time. This means that a wide range of functions, previously delivered exclusively onshore, can now be accessed from the vessel at any time of the journey,” Ben Soussia commented.

While video solutions are designed to offer situational awareness for a fast response, IoT technology, an important component of digitalisation, focuses on empowering decision-makers with data-driven suggestions. From performance tracking to asset safety, IoT sensors scan all types of data relevant to ship management, enabling the crew to optimise routes and decrease fuel consumption. This eventually leads to lower emissions, paving the way for a green future. “Today, connectivity has a direct impact on decarbonisation in the industry. At IEC Telecom, we are proud that our solutions contribute to this major agenda,” Ben Soussia added.

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has set targets for the shipping industry to reduce its carbon emissions by 40% by 2030. As part of a partnership with Saudi Arabia, three agreements with funding of $509,000 have been allocated to reduce emissions and manage biofouling by ships. With paradigm-shifting projects such as OXAGON, the world’s largest floating sustainable industrial district, and the recent blockchain-backed structured shipping documentation technology, where Saudi Customs teamed up with TradeLens to monitor a shipment between Dammam and Rotterdam, Saudi Arabia is gearing up to be the world’s premier maritime hub.

The prospects for the growth of the Saudi maritime and logistics industry are promising over the next five years, with economic diversification, policy reforms, and foreign direct investments (FDI) that are opening up the economy to an era of digitalisation. IEC Telecom aims to be a partner in Saudi Arabia’s commitment to developing its maritime trade, expanding into new economic cities, and digitalisation of vessel operations with its reliable connectivity solutions.

The prospects for growth of the Saudi logistics industry look promising over the next five years as economic diversification, policy reforms, tax regimes, and foreign direct investment (FDI) policies are shifting in favor of an open economy and encouraging private investment.



CREWEXPRESS STCW REST HOURS SOFTWARE - Paris and Tokyo MoU have announced that they will jointly launch a new Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) from 1st September 2022 to 30th November 2022



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