Maritime Safety News Archives - Page 23 of 258 - SHIP IP LTD

Fire erupted in the fore part of general cargo ship HAPPY ROVER early in the morning Aug 21, dry docked at Schiedam, Rotterdam, and undergoing repairs, including fire works. The ship arrived at Rotterdam on Aug 8, from Canada. Fire engines responded, at one time ship’s horn self-switched and woke up local residents, until it was switched off. As of 0600 UTC Aug 21, fire most probably, is still raging, officials said fire fighting might stretch on into the day.

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The Port of Dakar in Senegal has said it is too busy to rescue a cargo ship at its anchorage which has been without electricity and sidelights for months, putting its seafarers and those on passing ships in grave danger – especially at night.

The MV Onda (IMO 8912467) was declared abandoned in December 2021 and has now been at Dakar for more than five months. Its engine has broken down meaning that it has no power and so cannot be lit to warn passing vessels of its presence.

The risk of a collision with the unlit vessel is high due of the anchorage’s proximity to a crowded seaway, warns the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).

“Dakar’s anchorage has ships coming and going all the time. It sits a few kilometres from West Africa’s main shipping lanes,” said Steve Trowsdale, Inspectorate Coordinator at the ITF. “An unlit vessel positioned there at night puts the lives of the Onda’s seafarers in immediate danger as well as those on any ship passing by. There has already been one near miss. If an oil tanker crashes through the Onda, there will be an environmental as well as human disaster.”

The MV Onda is at anchorage just kilometres from one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, making the risk of collision ‘high’ says the ITF. I (Credit:, with ITF labels)

The ITF has contacted authorities at Dakar asking that the Onda is towed into port so that repairs can be made to the engine to make it safe. Their response was that the port is already too busy.

“That’s unacceptable,” said Trowsdale. “Effectively, they are prioritising the business of the port over the safety of seafarers. I hope the people who have made this decision can be persuaded to change their minds before there is a catastrophe and they have the lives of seafarers on their consciences.”

Without a working engine, crew aboard the abandoned MV Onda have no electricity for cookers, refrigeration of food, or to power the warning lights needed at night to avoid collision with passing vessels. | (Credit: ITF)

Owners are nowhere to be seen

The four seafarers from Cameroon, Lebanon, Nigeria and Syria have been left without pay or sufficient provisions by the Onda’s owners and operators for months. The ship is operated by AMJ Marine Services of Honduras. It is owned by the Amin Ship Company SA, also of Honduras. They have been providing the crew with some provisions but not nearly enough to survive.

The ITF has stepped in to ensure they receive full provisions and drinking water for as long as they remain at anchor.

The crew are owed each between five- and nine-month’s pay, estimated at over USD $59,000. All four seafarers have requested repatriation, at the cost of the owner, as is their right under the Maritime Labour Convention. This is unlikely to happen until the ship is allowed into the main port at Dakar.

The four seafarers are doing the best they can without electricity aboard the Onda. The ITF warns that their lives are in danger the longer the Port of Dakar authorities deny them help. | (Credit: ITF)

This is the second time a crew on the Onda has been abandoned by its owners Amin Ship Company. In 2020, the company claimed that the ship was laid up in Douala, Cameroon with only watch keepers on board, even though four crew members had paperwork showing they were fully fledged seafarers. Crew were owed several months’ wages. They were tricked into taking some wages as cash with a promise that they would receive the rest after a month. But once they left the vessel they never received anything.

This time around, the Onda’s owners and operators did not respond to the ITF when the federation asked them to explain why the ship has been left in the dangerous situation or when the crew will be paid.

Vessels typically rely on their engines to power the sidelights that make them and their crew visible to other traffic. The Onda has been without an engine for months, and the crew are in life and death danger. | (Credit:

‘Chaotic’ Flag of Convenience system failing seafarers

The situation is made more complex by the Onda’s uncertain flag status. It was previously registered in Togo, but that country says that registration was transferred to Guyana in July 2021. Indeed, the ship was picked up broadcasting a Guyanese call sign on its automated identification system as recently as April this year. However, the Guyana register has no record of the ship and suspects it is operating illegally under a ‘false flag’.

“The Flag of Convenience system is chaotic,” said Trowsdale, “and leaves ample room for unscrupulous shipowners to dodge and weave their way out of their obligations. Governments have allowed a morally bankrupt system to develop where it’s commonplace to see a ship change register on paper four or five times over its service life, switching between flags to avoid tax, evade environmental regulations, and duck their responsibilities to crew.”

ITF Inspectorate Coordinator Steve Trowsdale | (Credit: ITF)

While owners like Amin can so easily avoid their obligations, often it falls to port authorities like those in Dakar to step in and save the lives of seafarers.

“There is no doubt the owners and operators have shown neglect in their treatment of their crew over a number of years,” said Trowsdale.

“However, I have little confidence that they can be persuaded to sort this situation out. In the meantime, the crew remains in great danger and our only hope is that the authorities at Dakar or higher up in the Senegalese government take the action needed,” he concluded.



Last year, union ship inspectors recovered more than USD $37 million in unpaid wages owed to seafarers, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has revealed in figures published today.

The ITF’s 125 inspectors and coordinators completed 7,265 inspections in 2021 to support thousands of seafarers with wage claims and repatriation cases, despite Covid-19 restrictions preventing inspectors’ ability to board ships for much of the year.

ITF Inspectors get their name because they board and ‘inspect’ ships. They educate seafarers about their rights and support crew to enforce these rights. The officials cover more than 100 ports across 50 countries.

Los Angeles-based ITF Inspector Stefan Mueller-Dombois boards a vessel and speaks with crew. On this visit, Stefan is joined by new recruit Ryan Brazeau. Covid restrictions in ports and harbours made it impossible for many inspectors to board ships for much of last year. | (Credit: Ryan Brazeau)​​​​​​

Inspectors are trained to look for exploitation, overwork – even for signs of forced labour and modern slavery. On many vessels, Inspectors have the right to examine wage accounts, employment contracts, and to review recorded hours of work and rest.

“It’s not uncommon for crew to be paid the at the wrong rate by a shipowner, or less than the rate set out in the employment agreement covering the ship,” said Steve Trowsdale, the ITF’s Inspectorate Coordinator.

“Crew can generally work out when they’re being underpaid. And that’s when they contact us. ITF inspectors help seafarers recover what’s owed to them.”

Altogether, the ITF clawed back USD $37,591,331 in unpaid wages and entitlements from shipowners in 2021.

Trowsdale said the makeup of seafarers’ wage claims was changing: “Concerningly, we’re seeing a rise in the number of seafarers reporting non-payment of wages for periods of two months or longer, which actually meets the ILO’s definition of abandonment.”

“Seafarers might think it’s normal to go unpaid for a couple of months, waiting for a shipowner to sort out financing, but they need to be aware that non-payment can also be a sign that a shipowner is about to cut them loose and leave them abandoned.”

 An ITF inspector watches carefully as a ship’s master counts out wages owed but yet unpaid to crew. Most seafarers working internationally are paid in US dollars. | (Credit: ITF)

The ITF reported 85 cases of abandonment to the International Labour Organization (ILO) last year, an historic high. In many of those cases, abandoned crew had already been waiting on several weeks’ or months’ of unpaid wages – including those aboard the storm-hit MV Lidia.

ITF inspector based in Hong Kong, Jason Lam, helped eight Burmese seafarers who were crewing the MV Lidia recover almost USD $30,000 in unpaid wages after they ran aground in October 2021, thanks to a typhoon that left them close to shipwrecked. The shipowner refused to pay the two months’ wages he owed them, abandoning them and ruling out any assistance to get them home.

Weeks of campaigning by Lam on behalf of the seafarers had an impact, and on 2 November 2021, the crew flew home – full wages in hand.

Burmese seafarers who were left near shipwrecked after a typhoon are pictured on their way home from Hong Kong, after ITF Inspector Jason Lam helped them recover almost $300 in unpaid wages. | (Credit: ITF)   

Amidst crew change crisis, ITF inspectors got thousands of seafarers home

Trowsdale said Inspectors did not let Covid-19 barriers stop them from supporting seafarers in need, instead adapting and finding new ways of working.

“I’m extremely proud of the work of our inspectors have done to support seafarers in the last year, often working in the face of incredibly difficult circumstances,” he said. “It’s always been incredibly important for our team to be able to physically get to seafarers – to board ships and educate crew on their rights. So, when Covid-19 restrictions presented a challenge to inspectors to board vessels, there was a real question: ‘What will happen to the seafarers who need us?’”

As the crew change crisis worsened in early 2021, a flood of requests filled the ITF’s inboxes from crew desperate to sign off and get home. Covid-related border restrictions were the underlying reason for the crew change crisis, which impacted an estimated 400,000 seafarers at the worst point of the crisis. But on some ships, other more sinister factors were at play in keeping crew from their families.

“There is evidence that some shipowners were using Covid-19 as an excuse to keep seafarers working beyond their initial contracts and in complete violation of those seafarers’ human and labour rights,” said Trowsdale. “Thankfully, our team was wise to what was going on and despite everything we got thousands of seafarers home.”

“Keeping crew onboard while pretending their hands were tied may have saved those employers a few dollars in flight fares, but in today’s society that kind of conduct gets noticed. There are no shadows to hide in anymore when it comes to global supply chain accountability,” he said.



The Misdemeanors and Violations Court in Dubai reportedly imprisoned an Asian ship captain and four other individuals who owned a vessel and shipping firms. This was due to them mistakenly contributing to the burning of properties of others and incurring a massive loss of about Dhs24 million, as containers with several materials were burnt and part of Jebel Ali Port was impaired, besides the damage of unloading and loading machines at the port.

The court sentenced them to jail for one month with a three-year suspension.

During the same session, the court further convicted four shipping firms, one of whom owned the vessel, fined Dhs100, 000 to each firm, and referred the case to a more competent civil court.

The details of the incident date back to 2021 (July), when a massive fire broke out in one of the ships in Jebel Ali based in Dubai.

The civil defence teams immediately rushed to the scene and were able to put out the fire in approximately 40 minutes without death but with minor injuries to the Asian sailors.

The Dubai Government Media Office had declared at that time that the fire caused the burning of a part of the vessel besides causing extensive material damage to the port’s berth. The site of the accident was referred to competent authorities for conducting inspections.

Per the case file and the forensic lab report at Dubai Police, the fire resulted from sheer negligence and incompetence in adhering to the safety protocols, as the cargo shipper did not check the validity and quality of used containers and the validity of transporting dangerous material. They also kept the containers of dangerous materials under the sun for 21 days in Jebel Ali Port at a temperature of about 44°C.

The report suggested that containers were loaded with about 640 barrels of harmful materials, and the vessel owners and cargo shippers failed to coordinate with one another regarding the appropriate time for the container delivery.

Per the report, the ship’s captain, operators, and owners did not register the dangerous materials or separate the containers. They also kept them adjacent to each other; this resulted in the first container exploding.

References: Gulf Today, Khaleej Times


LONDON, Aug 21 (Reuters) – More than 1,900 workers at Britain’s biggest container port are due on Sunday to start eight days of strike action which their union and shipping companies warn could seriously affect trade and supply chains.

The staff at Felixstowe, on the east coast of England, are taking industrial action in a dispute over pay, becoming the latest workers to strike in Britain as unions demand higher wages for members facing a cost-of-living crisis.

“Strike action will cause huge disruption and will generate massive shockwaves throughout the UK’s supply chain, but this dispute is entirely of the company’s own making,” said Bobby Morton, the Unite union’s national officer for docks.

“It [the company] has had every opportunity make our members a fair offer but has chosen not to do so.”

On Friday, Felixstowe’s operator Hutchison Ports said it believed its offer of a 7% pay rise and a lump sum of 500 pounds ($604) was fair. It said the port’s workers union, which represents about 500 staff in supervisory, engineering and clerical roles, had accepted the deal.

Unite, which represents mainly dock workers, says the proposal is significantly below the current inflation rate, and followed a below inflation increase last year.

“The port regrets the impact this action will have on UK supply chains,” a Hutchison Ports spokesperson said.

The port said it would have a contingency plan in place, and was working to minimise disruption during the walkouts which will last until Aug. 29.

Shipping group Maersk MAERSKb.CO, one of the world’s biggest container shippers, has warned the action would have a significant impact, causing operational delays and forcing it to make changes to its vessel line-up.

Figures released on Aug. 17 showed Britain’s consumer price inflation hit 10.1% in July, the highest since February 1982, and some economists forecast it will hit 15% in the first three months of next year amid surging energy and food costs.

The squeeze on household incomes has already led to strikes by the likes of rail and bus workers demanding higher pay rises.



Russian tanker PRIMORYE was arrested by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) on Aug 21 24nm off the coast of Tanjung Sedili, Kota Tinggi District, Johor, Malaysia, Singapore and Singapore Strait outer Anchorage, South China sea. It’s so to say, routine arrest and routine accusation – the ship anchored without obtaining official permission, though nobody so far, explained the necessity of coastal State permission to anchor outside its’ territorial waters. Tanker will be released, judging from countless other arrests of this type, after paying a “fine”. Tanker anchored off Singapore on Aug 19, having a status of “Waiting for Orders”.

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Commander, Task Force (CTF) 70 conducted flag talks with their counterparts from Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF), Fleet Escort Force, aboard the U.S. Navy’s only forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) in the Philippine Sea, Aug. 5.

During the talks, the staff discussed maritime strategy and best practices for force operations and bi-lateral integration at sea.

“CTF-70 staff’s close relationship with Vice Admiral Fukuda and his team ensures our ability to demonstrate integrated capabilities across multiple domains, strengthens both maritime forces, and enhances our collective defense,” said Rear Adm. Michael Donnelly, commander, Task Force 70.

“This visit allowed us to continue to focus on confronting shared challenges and solidifying a relationship that underpins our close alliance–an alliance built on shared interests, shared values, and a commitment to freedom.”

Discussions focused towards potential future exercises, operations, and engagements the 7th Fleet task force will conduct with the JMSDF.

“The unprecedented strong relationship between the Maritime Self-Defense Force and the U.S. Navy has contributed to improving the deterrence and coping power of the Japan-U.S. Alliance and strengthening its resilience. It contributes to not only defense of Japan but also to peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region and world,” said Vice Adm. FUKUDA Tatsuya, commander, Fleet Escort Force.

This was the second flag talks conducted by these two staffs this calendar year, and the third held since November.

CTF 70 has also worked with their JMSDF counterparts from within the Information Warfare (IW) community as well. Over the past year, CTF 70 and JMSDF IW teams have made progress in expanding collective warfighting capabilities through routine exercises and exchanges. In April, CTF 70 and JMSDF IW teams conducted a conference aboard Ronald Reagan where they spoke face to face on topics of information warfare.

“These engagements have been fantastic for both teams, not only in building an improved baseline of knowledge, but also building trust in each other,” said Capt. Kurt Mole, Information Warfare Commander, Task Force 70.

“This is my third tour of duty in Japan, and the IW relationship is stronger today than ever before. I’m confident that we’ll continue to achieve even greater heights in the future.”

In May of this year, units from Carrier Strike Group 5 and JMSDF conducted group sail exercises as well as a cross-deck helicopter exercise involving a JMSDF helicopter.

Also in May, a group of JMSDF Sailors embarked aboard Ronald Reagan where they observed U.S. Navy operations including firefighting and damage control during general quarters, flight operations, watch-standing and navigation events.

The U.S. and Japan Maritime Self-Defense have been partnered in the Indo-Pacific for more than 60 years.

U.S. 7th Fleet exercises operational control of its units through designated Task Forces or Task Groups. These groups are organized along domain and functional lines. CTF 70 is theater strike warfare commander and theater air and missile defense commander.

CTF 70 is forward-deployed to the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific. U.S. 7th Fleet is the largest forward-deployed fleet in the world, and with the help of and network of alliances and partners from 35 other maritime nations, the U.S. Navy has operated in the Indo-Pacific region for more than 70 years; providing credible, ready forces to help preserve peace and prevent conflict.


The world’s largest international maritime exercise concluded Aug. 4 following more than a month of realistic, relevant combined operations training conducted in and around the Hawaiian Islands and Southern California.

Twenty-six nations, 38 surface ships, three submarines, nine national land forces, more than 30 unmanned systems, approximately 170 aircraft and over 25,000 personnel participated in the 28th edition of the biennial Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC).

RIMPAC 2022 Combined Task Force Commander, U.S. Navy Vice Adm. Michael Boyle expressed that returning to a full-scale exercise, with multiple exercise firsts, has been a success across all domains.

“By coming together as Capable, Adaptive Partners, and in the scale that we are, we are making a statement about our commitment to work together, to foster and sustain those relationships that are critical to ensuring the safety of the sea lanes and the security of the world’s interconnected oceans,” Vice Adm. Boyle said.

Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Rear Admiral Toshiyuki Hirata filled the role of Vice Commander, and commanded the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) portion of the exercise that operated with local hospital personnel. This year’s RIMPAC included two Maritime Self-Defense Force escort ships and the Ground Self-Defense Force’s Western Army.

Rear Adm. Hirata said that in the current security environment, it is important for the international community to work together. “It is of great significance to deepen and strengthen the relationship of trust.”

For the first time, Republic of Korea Rear Adm. Sangmin An served as the Commander of the exercise’s combined amphibious task force, with the Republic of Singapore Navy Col. Kwan Hon Chuong serving as the amphibious force’s Sea Combat Commander, and Royal Australian Navy Capt. Michael Osborn serving as the Sea Logistics Commander.

RIMPAC’s Deputy Commander, Royal Canadian Navy Rear Adm. Christopher Robinson, said the collaboration and cohesiveness between partner nations enhanced their operations.

“This exercise provides tremendous training value, enabling partners to build skills and refine procedures through working together. Part of this comes from seeing how other partners approach similar scenarios, offering new perspectives”, Robinson said.

“The value of this collaboration goes further, in that it also enables us to build and foster those relationships and networks that are so incredibly valuable as we operate together in future operations throughout the region.”

A few of the first-time achievements included:

  • Two U.S. Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey aircraft embarked in Australian amphibious ship HMAS Canberra for the whole duration of the exercise.
  • While participating in RIMPAC for the first time, HMNZS Aotearoa conducted numerous Replenishment at Sea operations with partner nations including France, Australia, Canada, Malaysia and the U.S.
  • Royal Malaysian Ship KD Leskir (F26) conducted their first live missile firing outside Malaysian waters.
  • First embedded use of the MQ-9A and MQ-9B unmanned aerial vehicles, and the unmanned surface vessels Nomad, Ranger, Sea Hawk and Sea Hunter; with data and knowledge sharing amongst 13 countries, including Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Peru, India, France, Chile, Mexico, Singapore and Indonesia.
  • Nine nations participated in the RIMPAC Amphibious Assault (Australia, Chile, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Tonga and U.S.).

This year’s exercise included units and personnel from Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, the United Kingdom and the United States.



On 22 July 2022, Türkiye, Russia, Ukraine and the United Nations signed the Initiative on the safe export of foodstuffs and fertilizers, including ammonia, from Ukrainian ports. The purpose of this Initiative is to facilitate the safe navigation for the export of foodstuffs and fertilizers, including ammonia from the Ports of Odesa, Chernomorsk (Chornomorsk) and Yuzhny (Pivdennyi) (the Ukrainian ports).

Since the 24 February escalation of the war in Ukraine, the export of foodstuffs and fertilizers from Ukraine has been negatively impacted, something which in turn has threatened supplies to several developing countries desperately reliant on import of food stocks from Ukraine.

However, on 22 Jul 2022, Türkiye, Russia, and Ukraine together with the United Nations signed the Initiative on the safe export of foodstuffs and fertilizers, including ammonia, from Ukrainian ports. The purpose of this Initiative is to facilitate the safe navigation for the export of foodstuffs and fertilizers, including ammonia from the Ports of Odesa, Chernomorsk (Chornomorsk) and Yuzhny (Pivdennyi) (the Ukrainian ports).

International coordination

The operational execution of the initiative will be coordinated by a Joint Coordination Centre (JCC) in Istanbul where representatives of Türkiye, Russia, Ukraine and the United Nations will oversee and coordinate the operation. The warring parties have agreed not to attack any of the merchant ships taking part in this initiative.

A set of procedures for merchant vessels taking part in the initiative have been developed, a copy of which can be found via the link below. The procedures must be followed by all ships taking part in the initiative.

A high-risk operation

The initiation of exports from Ukraine-controlled ports is a welcome development but there is no question that the resumption of shipping operations is a high-risk endeavour. While both Russia and Ukraine have publicly promised not to attack ships involved in the initiative, there have been several sightings of mine-like objects in the area, and the risk of a rogue mine detonating against a ship is still present. Add to this that the perceived mine threat provides for plausible deniability for any malign actor with a motive to disrupt global food supplies, especially by means of underwater weapons such as limpet mines or torpedoes. The resultant security situation amounts to something which by any measure will be a high-risk operation.

Ship protection measures

Ships getting involved in this initiative are encouraged to perform a voyage-specific risk assessment and consider the relevant self-protection measures described in chapter 4 incl. annexes in the NATO publication Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Shipping (NCAGS) – Guide to Owners, Operators, Masters and Officers.

It should be noted that the NATO procedures for passage coordination etc. described in this NATO publication DO NOT apply to this scenario. Instead, the procedures outlined in the specific guidance developed by Türkiye, Russia, and Ukraine together with the United Nations should be applied. However, the section in the NATO publication about how to mitigate against underwater threats (mines, submarines, underwater sabotage) would seem particularly relevant to the scenario ships are faced with when participating in the described initiative.


Brittany Ferries has chosen Wärtsilä Voyage’s Smart Panoramic Edge Camera System (SPECS) to improve the safety and efficiency of its passenger ferry operations.

SPECS will be first installed onboard the Salamanca – the 214.5 metre, 1015 passenger ferry which started operations between Portsmouth and Bilbao in March 2022.

Navigating busy ports and berthing are two of the most challenging aspects of ferry operations. Increased vessel size, introduced in line with ‘safe return to port’ regulations, and challenging weather conditions mean the margin for error during these manoeuvres is tiny. The SPECS super-wide cameras will give the crew a 360° view, from the edge of the hull to the horizon, streamed directly to the bridge in real-time. Live distance indications to objects around the vessel reduce risks of a collision, protecting passengers, crew and the ferry, while improved visibility helps captains navigate rough seas.

With busy schedules to keep, minutes used manoeuvring on each side of a voyage can also quickly increase costs. The efficiencies achieved thanks to the assistance of the SPECS system can maximise trading time and minimise fuel consumption. By saving fuel, Brittany Ferries will also reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

Arnaud Le Poulichet, director of engineering and maintenance, Brittany Ferries said: “When the captain is confident in manoeuvring it improves safety, saves time and fuel. This clear and strong return on investment makes adopting SPECS an obvious decision. But there is more to embracing digitalisation. Using the latest technology also plays an important role in attracting high-quality crew. By having innovative technology onboard, we make seafaring attractive to a new generation of seafarers – who we must engage in the industry.”

Sasha Heriot, head of product, assistance systems, Wärtsilä Voyage commented: “SPECS will help the crew of the Salamanca augment their situational awareness whilst also enabling Brittany Ferries to improve operational safety and efficiency. The company’s proactivity in adopting cutting-edge technology is impressive and will ensure it remains one of the leading cross-channel ferry operators.

It is also encouraging that Brittany Ferries shares our vision of a high-tech future for bridge systems and is excited about, not only the benefits SPECS can bring today, but also how technology will advance and develop into the future. SPECS provides the core situational data that will make this vision a reality and we are delighted to be partners with Brittany Ferries on this digital journey.”

SPECS also enables processed data to be exported for use in simulation and training. Brittany Ferries plans to use the data to show other crew how manoeuvring can be performed in specific conditions and ports. Export to simulation facilities can also allow for close investigation into any vessel incidents and thus reduce the risk of similar occurrences.



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