GasLog to roll out BASSnet for crew management

August 24, 2022 GENERAL

GasLog has agreed a deal to implement BASSnet’s crew management software in a fully Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) set-up for its office and fleet of 36 vessels, the companies report.

The deal covers BASSnet HR Manager (Crewing), Work & Rest Hours and Training & Drills modules, the BASSnet Crew Portal ‘self-service’ mobile app, and integration with travel companies for travel arrangements.

“BASSnet’s end-to-end process flow is of high value for holistic crew management,” said Konstantinos Karathanos, Chief Operating Officer at GasLog.

“As BASSnet can be used across multiple devices from desktop to tablets to mobile, it provides a seamless workflow for all users, from ship staff to office personnel, seafarers and for travel logistics. BASSnet SaaS, securely hosted in the Microsoft Azure environment, allows users access anytime and anywhere.”

“The self-service BASSnet Crew Portal mobile app also brings great benefits. We can now directly involve crew, even when they’re on the move, for effective management of the crewing processes.”

The Crew Portal app will allow crew to view and maintain data on personal information, training activities, sailing schedules, travel arrangements, costs, claims, licence and certificate expiry, and check compliance information, giving them greater control over their work processes.

“BASSnet HR Manager will certainly bring GasLog higher efficiency and productivity, by streamlining our crew management processes,” said Jose Milhazes, Business Process and Innovation Manager at GasLog.



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