GEV progresses plans for pilot hydrogen transport vessel and applies for ABS AiP

August 31, 2021 Maritime Safety News

GEV has announced completion of ship specification and general arrangement for the pilot 430-tonne ship.

American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) engaged to undertake Approval in Principle (AIP) during the September Quarter 2021.
Pilot 430-tonne compressed hydrogen ship development leverages the engineering work that resulted in ABS issuing an AIP for the 2,000-tonne ship in March 2021.
Commercial applications for the pilot-ship include a Feasibility Study for the HyEnergy Project.

Australia-based Global Energy Ventures (GEV) which plans to ship green hydrogen produced in Australia has announced that it has completed the ship specification engineering for the pilot 430-tonne ship and a work package has been submitted to ABS for their review. The detailed work package includes the ship engineering analysis and drawings, stability analysis and tank design calculations.

ABS has been formally engaged to provide an AIP for this pilot ship. The AIP process assesses the design in relation to international codes and standards to ensure there are no major engineering, regulatory or safety issues. GEV is leveraging the successful 2,000-tonne AIP program to fast-track AIP for the pilot ship by end of Q3 2021, and to ultimately target Full Class Approvals by late 2022. The application for the pilot vessel leverages the engineering work that resulted in ABS issuing an AIP for the full scale 2,000-tonne ship in March 2021.

C-FER Technologies has recently completed an independent analysis of hydrogen permeability which supported GEV’s design assumptions and the selection of a stainless-steel inner liner. C-FER is now supporting the selection of carbon steel and welding techniques in preparation for prototype construction and testing in 2022.

Martin Carolan, Managing Director and CEO commented, “GEV continues to advance the development of our hydrogen shipping program with the pilot 430-tonne ship specification and supporting analysis now complete, allowing ABS to commence their review for Approval in Principle. Our team of experts led by inventor John Fitzpatrick and COO of GEV Canada, David Stenning, continue to deliver the approvals program on time and budget.

GEV is targeting the pilot 430-tonne compressed hydrogen ship to be the first commercial scale vessel available for the marine transport of hydrogen and support our commercialisation activity which now includes the recently announced Feasibility Study for the HyEnergy Project, located in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia.”


GEV progresses plans for pilot hydrogen transport vessel and applies for ABS AiP


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