Inventory of Hazardous Material 2021
September 8, 2021 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM)
As people become more concerned about their environment, the shipping community is changing too – to take on a more responsible approach for every single step in the life cycle of a ship. The conventions and regulations adopted by governments across the world are a testament to this change and we, at IRClass, are committed to support your environmental goals.
IMO adopted “The Hong Kong International Convention for the safe of environmentally sound recycling of ships” in the year 2009 followed by the EU Ship Recycling Regulation (EU SRR) in 2013 that requires every ship calling at EU Port to carry an inventory of hazardous material (IHM) verified by the relevant administration or authority and specifying the location and approximate quantities of those materials. (Correct?)
Source: irclass