August 27, 2020 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM)

IHM Deadlines

Ships over 500GT flying the flag of a Member State or the flag of a third country calling on European Ports, must carry on board a ship-specific Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) and a valid certification which will be subject to Port State controls. Specifically,

  • Existing ships, by 31st December 2020
  • New ships, by 31st December 2018

In both cases, the IHM shall be properly maintained and updated, reflecting new installations and relevant changes in the structure and equipment of the ship.

  • For EU flagged ships to be recycled, the IHM should be on board from the date when the European list of ship recycling facilities was first published, 19 December 2016.

Green Recycling Services by an Expert

EPE has a record with hundreds of IHM surveys onboard vessels since 2006, and is an active company in marine business worldwide for more than 30 years dedicated to the protection of marine environment and human life.

EPE has established –on a constant basis- cooperation with accredited laboratories according to EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005, and testing methods which are in line with the requirement of Appendix 9 of the MEPC.269(68) Guideline and Annex C of EMSA IHM Guidance for analysis of asbestos and other hazardous materials.

Classification Approvals

EPE has been approved by major classes for services onboard ships as Hazmat Expert Company and for Quality Assurance for identification, sampling, reporting and
preparation of Inventory of Hazardous Materials – namely DNV GL, Lloyd’s Register, ABS and Bureau Veritas. All EPE’s HazMat engineers have been trained and certified as Hazardous Materials Experts from DNV GL.

Approved I.H.M Services Provider by:

Member of:

Why have an IHM?

Identifying hazardous substances onboard vessels is imperative to ensure crew’s health and safety, the vessel’s sustainability throughout the operational life and respect to the environment when it needs to be recycled.

Yet to be adopted, the Hong Kong Convention (HKC) covers the design, construction, survey, certification, operation and recycling of ships to facilitate safe and environmentally sound recycling. In accordance with Regulation 5 of the Annex of the HKC, each ship shall have on board an IHM.

The EU SRR regulation 1257/2013 on ship recycling sets a few more requirements for the Inventory than HKC does, and makes IHM necessary in accordance with Article 5 and Article 12 of the Regulation (EU) 1257/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council on ship recycling.

IHM Preparation

A short description of our methodology for Compilation of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials on an existing ship according to the guidelines of MEPC.269(68), the EU SRR regulation 1257/2013 on ship recycling and EMSA Guidelines in IHM Preparation, has the following steps:

Source: epe


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