Maritime External Cyber Security Audit AS PER TMSA 3 REQUIREMENT
Maritime External Cyber Security Audit
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Vulnerability scanning is an inspection of the potential points of exploit on a computer or network to identify security holes. A vulnerability scan detects and classifies system weaknesses in computers, networks and communications equipment and predicts the effectiveness of countermeasures.
SHIP IP LTD via our Network of local engineers can attend your vessels and complete an External Cyber Security Audit that includes and not limited to :
- Policies and Procedures
- Cyber security risk management
- Training and awareness
- Physical security and access control
- Network security
- Vulnerability scan of your onboard network
Why you should ask for an External Cyber Security Audit ?
Answer is straight forward and that because both TMSA and RightShip have already include it as a requirement to their latest revisions which you can read below
Where are our specialist located ?
Singapore and Greece.
We can cover ASIA and EUROPE via our engineers.
How much it costs ?
That it depends the port and country we visit but for example in Singapore can be as low as USD 1500 all included !
Time Required to complete the Audit ?
Under normal circumstances our Singapore Team will complete the Audit same day . Boarding Team consists of our Captain Thum and our Local IT Engineer .
We have post below relevant Requirements :
2.4 The company actively promotes cyber security awareness.
Effective means are used to encourage responsible behaviour by shore-based personnel, vessel personnel and third parties.
Such behaviour may include:
• Locking of unattended work stations.
• Safeguarding of passwords.
• No use of unauthorised software.
• Responsible use of social media.
• Control/prevention of misuse of portable storage and memory sticks.
4.2 Independent specialist support is used to mitigate identified security threats.
Any contracts for specialist support both onboard and ashore, are supported by a comprehensive scope of work.
4.5 The company is involved in the testing and implementation of innovative security technology and systems.
This may include:
• Physical measures to improve security.
• Software enhancements to IT systems.
Inspection and Assessment Report For Dry Cargo Ships
4.7 Cybersecurity
4.7.1 Does the vessel and/or company have documented software/firmware and
hardware maintenance procedures ………………………………………………………….? Are service reports available ………………………………………………………..?
4.7.2 Does the vessel and/or company have any cyber security procedures…………..? Has a Risk Assessment for Cyber attack been completed. ……………….? Is a Cyber attack Response Plan available …………………………………….?
4.7.3 Does the vessel and/or company provide any cyber security training ………..
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SINCE 2013