MLC 2006: hours of work and entitlement to leave MSN 1877

March 14, 2018 CrewExpressMaritime Safety News

Work and rest hours for seafarers

This MSN contains the requirements specified by the Secretary of State under the Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Hours of Work) Regulations 2018. It also gives guidance on the application of the regulations.

Notice to all shipowners, ship operators and ship managers; employers of seafarers; masters, officers and seafarers on sea-going ships ordinarily engaged in commercial operations.

This notice should be read with the Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Hours of Work) Regulations 2018 and replaces MSN 1842(M).

MSN 1842 will remain valid until 6 April 2018 when the Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Hours of Work) Regulations 2018 come into force.

Work and rest hours for seafarers

Key Points
The Regulations:
apply to all seafarers, including masters, employed, engaged or working in any capacity
on board a seagoing ship, and whose normal place of work is on a ship;
do not apply to seafarers on fishing vessels, pleasure vessels , warships or naval auxiliaries, or vessels which are not ordinarily engaged in commercial activities; or seafarers subject to the Merchant Shipping (Working Time: Inland Waterways)
Regulations 2003;
As they apply to UK ships and non UK ships with no maritime labour certificate, the Regulations
provide for a minimum of 77 hours of rest in any 7 day period and 10 hours rest in any 24 hour period ;
require a schedule of hours of rest to be posted up on board the ship (Annex A);
require records of hours of rest to be maintained (Annex B);

Download MSN 1877 – Source Merchant shipping notices (MSNs)


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