MOL Joined The Human Capital Management Consortium
September 1, 2022 GENERAL
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, today announced that it has joined the “Human Capital Management Consortium,” which was established by seven founders including Kunio Ito, Director of CFO Education and Research Center, Hitotsubashi University.
In recent years, the concept of “human capital management,” which views human resources as “capital” and enhances corporate value in the mid to long term by maximizing their value, has gained greater attention both in Japan and overseas, accompanied by disclosure details and methods of human capital information.
In Japan, for example, the ideal of one-step further disclosure of information on human capital-reporting “human resources development policies” and “policies on the development of internal environments” based on the significance of human resources strategy in the mid-to-long-term improvement of corporate value, including the ratio of female managers, wage disparity between male and female employees, and so on, as specific disclosure items in annual securities reports-has been discussed.

MOL Group sets “Human & Community -Contributing to the growth and development of people and communities-” as “Sustainability Issues (Materiality)”, aiming to achieve successful coexistence among everyone in MOL Group and in the sustainable growth and development of communities through its activities as a corporate group that respects diverse personalities and that can maximize the capabilities of every employee.
By participating in the consortium, MOL aims to achieve higher quality “human capital management” through information sharing and discussion with other participating companies, and at the same time, strives to continuously enhance its corporate value by creating new value by combining the diverse individuality and capabilities of all group employees all over the world.
MOL Group 5 Sustainability Issues
MOL Group will contribute to realizing a sustainable society by promoting responses to sustainability issues, which are identified as social issues that must be addressed as priorities through its business. We anticipate this initiative to contribute especially to the realization of “Human & Community- Contributing to the growth and development of people and communities-“.