More French sailing cargo vessels under construction

September 1, 2022 GENERAL

Following very solid crowd funding and the backing of some big French corporate names, TransOceanic Wind Transport (TOWT) is proceeding with the construction of two sailing cargo vessels, adding to France’s leading position when it comes to the building and operation of these ships that hark back to a bygone era.

The first vessel is scheduled for delivery in late 2023, in Concarneau in northwest France, while the second will be delivered in spring 2024.

The ships are 80 m long, capable of carrying more than 1,100 tonnes of cargo equivalent to nearly 50 semi-trailers or over 100 containers, with 12 passengers onboard, two masts, and nearly 3,000 sq m of sails.

The two vessels will ship cargo on behalf of over 50 committed clients at speeds of about 10 knots.

“With TOWT, we have shipped by sail in a very practical and decarbonized way thousands of tons of goods since 2011. Sail cargo has a huge potential of drastic decarbonisation of maritime shipping,” commented TOWT CEO, Guillaume Le Grand, who said plans were already being drawn up for “dozens” more vessels based on client demand.

France has been providing global shipping with many leading wind-assisted projects in recent years with a host of shippers such as tyre manufacturer Michelinautomaker Renault and cognac maker Hennessy committing to move a portion of their products on new sail cargo ships under construction.



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