North Korea says it participated in UN maritime meeting in July

September 3, 2022 IMO

North Korea participated in an International Maritime Organization (IMO) meeting in July, according to a belated announcement by its maritime agency Thursday.

In a piece posted on its website, the North’s Maritime Administration (MA) said the country’s deputy permanent representative to the IMO and officials from its maritime agency participated in the meeting to discuss measures to harmonize port control and procedures globally with the member states.

The 8th session of the Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments, held virtually from July 25-29, also addressed the “alleged inadequacy of port reception facilities” and other safety related issues, according to the MA.

The IMO is the leading global authority on safety, security and environmental issues in the international shipping industry.

North Korea joined the organization in 1986 and is obliged to give advance notification of information that might affect the safety of vessels prior to a missile test, though the reclusive country has not fared well in reporting to the U.N. maritime body. (Yonhap)

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