Port State Control.

October 29, 2020 POST STATE CONTROL

Port state control is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment complies with the requirements of international conventions and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules. If your ship is detained or appears to be in the process of being detained or if you would like general advice on port state control issues, please contact your local Lloyd’s Register Group office.

Port state detention performance

We are committed to transparency of information where it may help improve fleet quality. For this reason, we publish information on the port state detention performance of the Lloyd’s Register classed fleet. This helps the industry to recognise recurring risks and improve safety by highlighting those items that are hazardous to operations, yet continually produce detentions.The detention performance information is real-time and is updated on a continuous basis and can be accessed via Class Direct. It not only details specific deficiencies and data on the number of detentions per ship (by month, quarter, year) but, importantly, includes statistical analysis on the entire Lloyd’s Register fleet. This helps to identify trends across the fleet, highlighting specific aspects which can be measured against prior performance, including:

  • detentions by ship type (oil tankers, bulk carriers, container, passenger, LNG, general cargo, etc)
  • detentions related to ship flag state
  • detentions by ship age and by detaining country
  • league tables of most prominent and recurring deficiency items

Source: lr.org


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