Queen Elizabeth II inaugurated St. Lawrence Seaway
September 16, 2022 GENERAL
Larger at the time than either the Suez or Panama canals, the St. Lawrence Seaway was officially inaugurated on June 26, 1959 by young Queen Elizabeth II and U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower. The latter had overcome initial strong opposition in Congress to the colossal project.
Widely regarded as one of the engineering marvels of the 20th century, the marine highway’s 13 Canadian and two American locks have so far facilitated the movement of 3 billion tons of cargo.
The Seaway notably allows ocean vessels to deliver general and bulk cargo into the industrial heartland of North America. The Great Lakes-Seaway waterway connects more than 110 commercial ports in Canada and the United States. Photos Seaway archives

Source: https://maritimemag.com/en/queen-elizabeth-ii-inaugurated-st-lawrence-seaway/