Commercial Port of Vladivostok in Russia has been announced as the latest supply chain stakeholder to join the TradeLens blockchain platform.

TradeLens was created by Maersk and IBM and launched in late 2018, using blockchain technologies to allow data and digitised documents to be securely exchanged between cargo owners, shipping companies, customs authorities, ports and terminal operators.

The platform can be used to speed up the process of exchanging documents such as bills of lading for cargo, sanitary certificates, or invoices for payment, while still maintaining security and certainty in the chain of ownership across the supply chain in the absence of paper copies by using the blockchain.

“We are now testing the system and transferring information about loading and discharge of cargo, and berthing of vessels to the blockchain platform,” said Anton Popov, director of the IT department at Commercial Port of Vladivostok.

“After complete integration of the system, we will be able to optimise work with regulatory authorities, reduce the time required for processing documents and receive updates from the sea carrier online.”

Source: smartmaritimenetwork

UK-based but globally-minded CyberOwl, a cyber curity startup whose platform helps to safeguard transport and infrastructure systems, has raised a further €2 million to help expand its business in the maritime sector.

CyberOwl, founded in 2016, provides early warning of cyber security breaches in assets such as ships, ports, industrial plants and infrastructure and sets out clear priorities on how to tackle them. Maritime security is a hot topic right now, with the International Maritime Organisation having ordered fleet operators to address their cyber security by 1 January 2021, due to increasing targets by cyber criminals and facing pressure from regulators. The startup, which is Coventry University spinout, has already been working with maritime operators in Greece, Singapore and Asia.

The recent funding round was led by 24 Haymarket, Mercia’s EIS funds, and the MEIF Proof of Concept & Early Stage Fund, which is managed by Mercia as part of the Midlands Engine Investment Fund. The latest investment will allow the company to expand its global client base and establish itself as a leader in cyber security for shipping lines and port operators.

The Midlands Engine Investment Fund project is supported financially by the European Union using funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 and the European Investment Bank.

CEO of CyberOwl, Dan Ng, said: “The world may be adjusting to a new reality but cyber attackers have had years of experience in remote working and thrive in chaotic environments like this. The Covid-19 crisis will put even greater pressure on maritime operators to manage their cyber risks. This round of investment puts us in a strong position to help them continue to secure their systems and comply with security standards.”

David Baker, Investment Manager with Mercia, added: “Mercia has supported CyberOwl from the early days and we are pleased to do so once again in this latest funding round. CyberOwl has made real progress in generating interest from businesses in the past year and is emerging as a leader in cybersecurity for the maritime industry. This further investment will allow it to capitalise on the opportunities created to date.”

Pat Hanlon, Board Director for Access to Finance at GBSLEP, said: “CyberOwl is a hugely ambitious business which has developed at an impressively quick rate and it’s fantastic to be able to provide them with this sort of support. At a time when organisations have had to rely on digital technology more than ever, CyberOwl is providing important support across the globe, and we’re excited to see the business go from strength to strength.” 

Source: eu-startups.

Source: Riviera – News Content Hub – Why cyber security should start in the shipyard


According to Naval Dome, the maritime industry has seen a 900% increase in cyber-attacks since 2017

Better late than never seems to be the motto being followed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), which issued a deadline of January 2021 to shipowners and operators to address cyber risks in existing safety management systems (SMS). In 2013, Trend Micro, a cybersecurity firm in Japan, demonstrated how the automatic identification system (AIS) used by ships to broadcast their identity and position, could be manipulated and compromised. Besides AIS, which continues to be unencrypted and loaded with security flaws, even the rest of the OT infrastructure used in the maritime industry hasn’t kept up with evolving cyber risks. Let’s take a closer look at some of the systems that can potentially come under attack.

Cyber Risks in the Maritime Industry

The shipping giant, Maersk, fell victim to the NotPetya malware in June 2017, which resulted in financial losses of up to USD300m. It brought 76 port terminals across the world, and its container ships at sea to a halt. COSCO shipping lines, and Austal (an Australia-based ferry and defense shipbuilder), were also hit by a cyber-attack in 2018.
When we’re talking about cyber risks in the maritime industry, we need to consider not only information security risks that compromise the confidentiality of data, its integrity, and availability but also risks to operation technology (ICS/SCADA) systems. Some of the systems that might get impacted are as follows:
  • Navigation systems (ECDIS, Radar, GPS, etc.) can be manipulated using jamming and spoofing techniques.
  • Communication systems (sat link, AIS, GSM, etc.) can be targeted by attacking the wireless link.
  • Loading and stability of the ship can be modified by manipulating the EDIFACT messages to destabilize ships, cause delays at ports, change price details, etc.
  • Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) sends or receives distress alerts from ship-to-shore, shore-to-ship, and ship-to-ship. According to IOActive, terminals running on the insecure ThraneLink protocol are prone to attacks.
  • Ship and crew networks are often not properly segregated and can be compromised via email, social engineering attacks, malware downloads, etc.
  • Sensors (temperature, pressure, level, current, anemometer, etc.) connected to the shipboard LAN, if compromised, can lead to misrepresented data on the ship’s Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS).
  • Third-party updates and remote access to service providers on the shoreside can also be one of the attack vectors.
AIS, used for collision avoidance and traffic monitoring, receives the location data from GPS (or any location-sensing technology) and then broadcasts this information to nearby ships and onshore receivers. GPS manipulation and spoofed AIS data can make ships appear or disappear and create ‘ghost’ ships that could ultimately lead to collisions or unplanned changes to a ship’s route to avoid one. They can also cause a distorted view of commodity flows, supply and demand at ports, impact trading models due to false data, etc.
Figure 1: Working principle of AIS; Image Source:
The shipping industry has been known to be vulnerable to GPS jamming and spoofing attacks. South Korea reported the return of 280 vessels to port due to problems in their navigation system in 2016, while, more recently, in 2019, spoofing attacks on hundreds of vessels were carried out in China.
Even without manipulating signals, sending phishing emails, or hacking into these systems using various channels, an attacker can collect a lot of information about their target merely by searching the internet.  This information can be put to good use in the later stages of an attack.

Leveraging OSINT to Gather Ship Data

OSINT refers to Open Source Intelligence that relies on publicly disclosed resources to gather information about an entity of interest. The information collection process is carried out passively without any direct contact with the target. Public resources such as blog posts, social media sites, discussion boards, etc. are typically used though more specialized tools such as Shodan, Maltego, etc. can also be deployed.
Shodan is a powerful search engine for IoT devices. It can not only find VSATs, comm boxes, etc. but also list open ports on these devices and
vulnerabilities based on their technology stack. The screenshots below are from a Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) device that discloses information such as the exact location of the ship, the vessel’s name, etc. Entering the latitude and longitude information on Google Maps pulls up the image of the ship on sea, nearby ports, etc.
Figure 2: VSAT Dashboard of a Ship
The user login and administration screens can also be accessed. A simple google search can be used to find the default credentials (admin/1234, in this case). Considering that most of these devices do not use SSL certificates, do not update their software versions or run on outdated hardware components, there is a fair chance that many of them would not have changed the default login credentials.
Figure 3: Login Screen
Figure 4: A CommBox with network config information revealed by hovering over the VSAT tab.
Figure 5: Vulnerability list and open ports from a VSAT on Shodan
Other details such as the flag under which the ship is sailing, call sign, IMO number, other vessels close to it, etc. can also be found using websites like MarineTrafficVesselFinder, etc. They also feature a live tracking map that plots all the ships out on the sea and whose details can be obtained by clicking on an arrowhead.
Figure 6: Ship Details
Any malicious actor can launch an attack by sending phishing messages or emails to the crew currently working on these ships. Most of them have access to emails, messaging apps, or can be found via social media. The crew network is not always properly isolated from the ship network, and a foothold can potentially be gained via this channel. At the very least, there is a decent chance to phish the credentials used by the target crew member, especially if additional OSINT is done. MyShip is one such networking platform for seafarers running over an unsecured HTTP connection.
Figure 8: MyShip Portal
Figure 7: Crew member listing

Wrapping Up

According to a study done by Futurenautics in 2018, just under half of the active mariner respondents claimed to have sailed on a vessel compromised by a cyber-attack, and only 15% of seafarers received any form of cybersecurity training. These numbers are indicative of a general lack of awareness on safe security practices that can be improved through training and workshops. What will prove challenging is discontinuing obsolete components and upgrading systems to patch vulnerabilities, given that a ship’s operation technology can have dire physical impacts from accidental or malicious modifications.

Source: hackernoon

CYBER-attacks on the maritime industry’s operational technology (OT) systems have increased by 900% over the last three years with the number of reported incidents set to reach record volumes by year end. ADVERTISING Addressing port and terminal operators during an online forum last week, Robert Rizika, Naval Dome’s Boston-based Head of North American Operations, explained that in 2017 there were 50 significant OT hacks reported, increasing to 120 in 2018 and more than 310 last year. He said this year is looking like it will end with more than 500 major cyber security breaches, with substantially more going unreported. Speaking during the 2020 Port Security Seminar & Expo, a week-long virtual conference organised by the American Association of Port Authorities, Rizika said that since NotPetya – the virus that resulted in a US$300 million loss for Maersk – “attacks are increasing at an alarming rate”. READ ALSO:Westerhof sues Bonfrere over allegations of match-fixing Recalling recent attacks, he told delegates that in 2018 the first ports were affected, with Barcelona, then San Diego falling under attack. Australian shipbuilder Austal was hit and the attack on COSCO took down half of the shipowner’s US network. He said this year a US-based gas pipeline operator and shipping company MSC have been hit by malware, of which the latter incident shut down the shipowner’s Geneva HQ for five days. A US-based cargo facility’s operating systems were infected with the Ryuk ransomware, and last month the OT systems at Iran’s Shahid Rajee port were hacked, restricting all infrastructure movements, creating a massive back log. Reports of this attack have gone some way in raising public awareness of the potential wider impact of cyber threats on ports around the world. Intelligence from Iran, along with digital satellite imagery, showed the Iranian port in a state of flux for several days. Dozens of cargo ships and oil tankers waiting to offload, while long queues of trucks formed at the entrance to the port stretching for miles, according to Naval Dome. Emphasising the economic impact and ripple effect of a cyber-attack on port infrastructures, Rizika revealed that a report published by Lloyd’s of London indicated that if 15 Asian ports were hacked financial losses would be more than US$110 billion, a significant amount of which would not be recovered through insurance policies, as OT system hacks are not covered. Going on to explain which parts of the OT system – the network connecting RTGs, STS cranes, traffic control and vessel berthing systems, cargo handling and safety and security systems, etc., – are under threat, Rizika said all of them. “Unlike the IT infrastructure, there is no “dashboard” for the OT network allowing operators to see the health of all connected systems. Operators rarely know if an attack has taken place, invariably writing up any anomaly as a system error, system failure, or requiring restart. “They don’t know how to describe something unfamiliar to them. Systems are being attacked but they are not logged as such and, subsequently, the IT network gets infected,” Rizika explained. “What is interesting is that many operators believe they have this protected with traditional cyber security, but the fire walls and software protecting the IT side, do not protect individual systems on the OT network,” he said. An example would be the installation of an antivirus system on a vessel bridge navigation system (ECDIS) or, alternatively, a positioning system in a floating rig DP (Dynamic Positioning), or on one of the dock cranes on the pier side of the port. “The antivirus system would very quickly turn out to be non-essential, impairing and inhibiting system performance. Antivirus systems are simply irrelevant in places where the attacker is anonymous and discreet,” he said. “Operational networks, in contrast to information networks, are measured by their performance level. Their operation cannot be disconnected and stopped. An emergency state in these systems can usually only be identified following a strike and they will be irreparable and irreversible.” Where OT networks are thought to be protected, Rizika said they are often inadequate and based on industrial computerised system, operating in a permanent state of disconnection from the network or, alternatively, connected to port systems and the equipment manufacturer’s offices overseas via RF radio communication (wi-fi) or a cellular network (via SIM). “Hackers can access the cranes, they can access the storage systems, they can penetrate the core operational systems either through cellular connections, wi-fi, and USB sticks. They can penetrate these systems directly.” Rizika said that as the maritime industry moves towards greater digitalisation and increases the use of networked, autonomous systems, moving more equipment and technologies online, more vulnerabilities, more loopholes, will be created. “There will be a whole series of new cyber security openings through which people can attack if systems are not properly protected. “If just one piece of this meticulously-managed operation goes down it will create unprecedented backlog and impact global trade, disrupting operations and infrastructure for weeks if not months, costing tens of millions of dollars in lost revenues.” Naval Dome also predicts that cyber criminals, terrorists and rogue states will at some point begin holding the environment to ransom. “One area we see becoming a major issue is cyber-induced environmental pollution. Think about it: you have all these ships in ports, hackers can easily over-ride systems and valves to initiate leaks and dump hazardous materials, ballast water, fuel oil, etc.,” Rizika warned. Offering advice on the first steps port operators need to take to protect their OT systems, he said a deep understanding of the differences between the two spaces is vital. “There is a disconnect between IT and OT security. There is no real segregation between the networks. People can come in on the OT side and penetrate the IT side. We are actually seeing this now. Successful IT network hacks have their origins in initial penetration of the OT system.” In a pre-recorded message broadcast during Naval Dome’s presentation, Rear Admiral (Retd) Shiko Zana, the CEO of Ashdod Port, said: “We have become more aware of the growing cyber threat to OT systems. Naval Dome has a unique cyber defence solution capable of protecting against both internal and external cyber attack vectors. The solution provides protection for OT systems.” Vanguard

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To cope with operational issues such as denied physical access, quarantined vessels and travel restrictions, shipowners are now actively opening for remote access and implementing remote digital survey tools towards vessels and encouraging shore staff to work remotely from home.

There is also increased use of mobile devices to access operational systems onboard vessels and core business systems in the company. Unprotected devices could lead to the loss of data, privacy breaches, and systems being held at ransom. Data is an asset and protecting it requires a good balance between confidentiality, integrity and availability.

In an era of cyber everywhere, with more technological transformation, use of cloud, and broader networking capabilities towards vessels, the threat landscape continues to increase. Cyber-criminals will look to attack operational systems and backup capabilities simultaneously in highly sophisticated ways leading to destructive cyber attacks. Cyber security depends not only on how company and shipboard systems and processes are designed but also on how they are used – the human factor.

Cyber risks may not be easy to identify

Criminals trying to exploit the maritime industry, the vessels and their crew are well organised and continuously evolve in the way they operate. This reflects the constantly evolving nature of cyber risk in general. Approaches to cyber risk management need to be company- and vessel specific but must also be guided by requirements contained in relevant national, international and flag state regulations.

Shipowners and operators who have not already done so, should undertake risk assessments and incorporate measures to deal with cyber risks in their ship’s safety management systems (SMS) and crew awareness training. Shipowners and operators should also embed a culture of cyber risk awareness into all levels and departments in the office and on board the vessels. The result should be a flexible cyber risk management regime that is in continuous operation and constantly evaluated through effective feedback mechanisms.

Most Classification societies (Class) and several marine consulting companies have issued guidelines and recommendations on cyber security onboard vessels. Class, as a Recognized Organization on behalf of Flag State authorities, may now also deliver ISM audits which include cyber risk.

Class is also offering a voluntary cyber secure class notation for verifying secure vessel design and operation and cyber secure type approval to support manufacturers with cyber-secure systems and components. As an advisor, Class may also offer cyber security risk assessment, improvement, penetration testing and training support both on board and in the office.

At Gard we strive to protect the interests of our Members and clients in the best possible way. Our recommendation is to take a holistic approach to the cyber risks to protect the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of both IT and OT systems through measures covering processes, technology and most importantly people. The easiest and most common way for cyber criminals to gain access, is through negligent or poorly trained individuals.

Recommendation No.1: Focus on policies, procedures and risk assessments

The latest Guidelines on Cyber Security Onboard Ships anticipates that cyber incidents will result in physical effects and potential safety and/or pollution incidents. Therefore, companies need to assess the risks arising not only from the use of IT equipment but also from OT equipment onboard ships and establish appropriate safeguards against cyber incidents involving either of these.

Company plans and procedures for cyber risk management must be aligned with existing security and safety risk management requirements contained in the ISPS and ISM Codes as included in company policies. Requirements related to training, operations and maintenance of critical cyber systems should also be included in relevant documentation on-board.

The IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) adopted Resolution MSC.428(98) on Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems in June 2017. The resolution states that an approved safety management system should include cyber risk management in accordance with the objectives and requirements of the ISM Code, no later than the first annual verification of a company’s Document of Compliance after 1 January 2021.

Based on the recommendations in MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3Guidelines on maritime cyber risk management, the resolution confirms that existing risk management practices should be used to address the operational risks arising from the increased dependence on cyber enabled systems. The guidelines set out the following actions that can be taken to support effective cyber risk management:

  1. Identify: Define the roles responsible for cyber risk management and identify the systems, assets, data and capabilities that, if disrupted, pose a risk to ship operations.
  2. Protect: Implement risk control processes and measures, together with contingency planning to protect against a cyber incident and to ensure continuity of shipping operations.
  3. Detect: Develop and implement processes and defenses necessary to detect a cyber incident in a timely manner.
  4. Respond: Develop and implement activities and plans to provide resilience and to restore the systems necessary for shipping operations or services which have been halted due to a cyber incident.
  5. Recover: Identify how to back-up and restore the cyber systems necessary for shipping operations which have been affected by a cyber incident.

The Document of Compliance holder is ultimately responsible for ensuring the management of cyber risks on board. Where the ship is under third party management, the ship manager is advised to reach an agreement with the shipowner as to who is responsible for this matter. Emphasis should be placed by both parties on the split of responsibilities, alignment of pragmatic expectations, agreement on specific instructions to the manager and possible participation in purchasing decisions as well as budgetary requirements.

Apart from the ISM requirements, such an agreement should take into consideration additional applicable legislation such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or specific cyber regulations in other coastal states. Managers and owners should consider using these guidelines as a base for an open discussion on how best to implement an efficient cyber risk management regime onboard. Any agreements on responsibility for cyber risk management should be formal and in writing.

Companies should also evaluate and cover service providers’ physical security and cyber risk management processes in supplier agreements and contracts. Similarly, coordination of the ship’s port calls is a highly complex task being both global and local in nature. It includes updates from agents, coordinating information with all port vendors, port state control, handling ship and crew requirements, and electronic communication between the ship, port and authorities ashore.

Agents’ quality standards are important because like all other businesses, agents are also targeted by cyber criminals. Cyber enabled crime, such as electronic wire fraud and false ship appointments, and cyber threats such as ransomware and hacking, call for mutual cyber strategies and cyber enhanced relationships between owners and agents to mitigate these risks.

Recommendation No.2: Ensure that system design and configuration are safe and fully understood and followed

The problem with procedures is that good intentions can become paper pushing exercises. It is therefore important to ensure that those performing tasks involving cyber security understand that the purpose of the procedures is to prevent unauthorised access and not simply to satisfy the regulators or their immediate superiors.

Unlike other areas of safety and security, where historic evidence is available, cyber risk management is made more challenging due to the lack of facts about incidents and their impact. Until we have such evidence, the scale and frequency of attacks will continue to be unknown.

Experience from the shipping industry and other business sectors such as financial institutions, public administrations and air transport have shown that successful cyber attacks can result in a significant loss of services.

Modern technologies may add vulnerabilities to ships especially if there are placed on unsecured networks and given free access to the internet onboard. Additionally, shoreside and onboard personnel may be unaware that some equipment manufacturers maintain remote access to shipboard equipment and its network system. Unknown, and uncoordinated remote access to an operating ship should be an important part of the risk assessment.

Gard recommends that companies fully understand the ship’s IT and OT systems and how these systems connect and integrate with the shore side, including public authorities, marine terminals and stevedores. This requires an understanding of all computer-based systems onboard and how safety, operations, and business can be compromised by a cyber incident.

Some IT and OT systems can be accessed remotely and may have a continuous internet connection for remote monitoring, data collection, maintenance, safety and security. These can be “third-party systems”, whereby the contractor monitors and maintains the systems from a remote location and can be both two-way data flow or upload-only.

Systems and workstations with remote control, access or configuration functions could, for example, be:

  • bridge and engine room computers and workstations on the ship’s administrative network,
  • cargo such as containers with reefer temperature control systems or specialised cargo that is tracked remotely,
  • stability decision support systems,
  • hull stress monitoring systems,
  • navigational systems including Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) Voyage Data Recorder (VDR),
  • dynamic positioning systems (DP),
  • cargo handling and stowage, engine, and cargo management and load planning systems,
  • safety and security networks, such as CCTV (closed circuit television),
  • specialised systems such as drilling operations, blow out preventers, subsea installation systems,
  • Emergency Shut Down (ESD) for gas tankers, submarine cable installation and repair.

Below are some common cyber vulnerabilities, which may be found onboard existing ships, and on some newbuild ships:

  • obsolete and unsupported operating systems,
  • outdated or missing antivirus software and protection from malware,
  • inadequate security configurations and best practices, including ineffective network management and the use of default administrator accounts and passwords,
  • shipboard computer networks lacking boundary protection measures and segmentation of networks,
  • safety critical equipment or systems always connected to the shore side,
  • inadequate access controls for third parties including contractors and service providers.

Recommendation No.3: Provide proper onboard awareness and training

Today, the weakest link when it comes to cyber security is still the human factor. It is therefore important that seafarers are given proper training to help them identify and report cyber incidents.

The latest cyber security surveys show that the industry is more aware of the issue and has increased cyber risk management training, but there is still room for improvement. This has also been confirmed by the 2018 Crew Connectivity Survey by Futurenautics Maritime group with partners, where only 15% of seafarers acknowledge having received cyber security training, and only 33% said the company they last worked for had a policy of regularly changing passwords on board.

When assessing cyber risks, both external and internal cyber threats should be considered. Onboard personnel have a key role in protecting IT and OT systems but can also be careless, for example by using removable media to transfer data between systems without taking precautions against the transfer of malware. Training and awareness should be tailored to the appropriate seniority of onboard personnel including the master, officers and crew.

Gard have previously, together with DNV-GL, published a free to download and share cyber security awareness campaign to build competence towards crew and others – focusing on daily tasks and routines, with the aim to de-mystify the cyber issues for “normal people”. The material is not intended to suggest any industry changes or rule changes, but rather changes in the way people behave and act.

Lastly, we recommend everyone to stay cyber alert and avoid all “COVID-19 phishing” expeditions by:

  • Exercise caution in handling any email with a COVID-19 related subject line, attachment, or hyperlink, and be wary of social media pleas, texts, or calls related to COVID-19.
  • Use trusted sources—such as legitimate, government websites for up-to-date, fact-based information about cyber security and COVID-19.
  • Do not reveal personal or financial information in email, and do not respond to email solicitations for this information.
  • Remember to disconnect or close temporary remote access given to any external party after finishing the job.


Ships are increasingly using systems that rely on digitalization, integration, and automation, which call for cyber risk management on board. As technology continues to develop, the convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) onboard ships and their connection to the Internet creates an increased attack surface that needs to be addressed.

Challenges in Maritime Cybersecurity

While the IT world includes systems in offices, ports, and oil rigs, OT is used for a multitude of purposes such as controlling engines and associated systems, cargo management, navigational systems, administration, etc. Until recent years, these systems were commonly isolated from each other and from any external shore-based systems. However, the evolution of digital and communications technology has allowed the integration of these two worlds, IT and OT.

The maritime OT world includes systems like:

  • Vessel Integrated Navigation System (VINS)
  • Global Positioning System (GPS)
  • Satellite Communications
  • Automatic Identification System (AIS)
  • Radar systems and electronic charts
Ship Bridge
Ship Bridge. Images courtesy of Isidoros Monogioudis and Hellenic American University

While these technologies and systems provide significant efficiency gains for the maritime industry, they also present risks to critical systems and processes linked to the operation of systems integral to shipping. These risks may result from vulnerabilities arising from inadequate operation, integration, maintenance, and design of cyber-related systems as well as from intentional and unintentional cyberthreats.

When addressing these cyberthreats, it is important to consider the uniqueness of OT systems, as these assets control the physical world. As such, there are certain challenges to consider, such as:

  • OT systems are responsible for real-time performance, and response to any incidents is time-critical to ensure the high reliability and availability of the systems.
  • Access to OT systems should be strictly controlled without disrupting the required human-machine interaction.
  • Safety of these systems is paramount, and fault tolerance is essential. Even the slightest downtime may not be acceptable.
  • OT systems present extended diversity with proprietary protocols and operating systems, often without embedded security capabilities.
  • They have long lifecycles, and any updates or patches to these systems must be carefully designed and implemented (usually by the vendor) to avoid disrupting reliability and availability.
  • The OT systems are designed to support the intended operational process and may not have enough memory and computing resources to support the addition of security capabilities.

Disruption of the operation of OT systems may impose significant risk to the safety of onboard personnel and cargo, cause damage to the marine environment, and impede the ship’s operation.

In addition to the ongoing integration of IT and OT, the future will bring MAS – Maritime Autonomous Systems. Based on artificial intelligence and Internet of Ships and Sea Services, the new generation of ships will be remotely controlled from the shore. MAS has a “disruptive” potential with implications in terms of technical, economic, environmental, legislative and social impacts in the years to come. This development may also provide opportunities and new concepts which could improve logistics and, therefore, also improve the overall environmental impact of transport.

Maritime Cyber Threat Landscape

Completely digitalized shipping means greater reliance on digital, interconnected control and communication systems, says Isidoros Monogioudis, Adjunct Professor at the Hellenic American University.

Maritime digitalization is planned to increase performance, efficacy, and better collaboration within the industry. However, at the same time it means a significant increase of the digital/cyber “attack” surface. Maritime industry, especially through vessels digitalization and with the numerous different Operational Technology devices deployed, creates a digital landscape previously unknown to a big extent due to the specific hardware and software being used. New security risks will be evolved with the impact being very significant mainly due to the direct connection with the physical world and the consequent operational damage.

In fact, it was only last July that the U.S. Coast Guard issued a safety alert warning all shipping companies of maritime cyber-attacks. The incident that led to this warning happened in February 2019 when a large ship on an international voyage bound for the Port of New York and New Jersey reported “a significant cyber incident impacting their shipboard network.”

The Coast Guard led an incident-response team to investigate the issue and found that “although the malware significantly degraded the functionality of the onboard computer system, essential vessel control systems had not been impacted.”

This was not the first time the U.S. Coast Guard had released a cyber safety warning. In May 2019, they published a bulletin to raise the awareness of maritime stakeholders of “email phishing and malware intrusion attempts that targeted commercial vessels.”

A cyber incident in ships might have severe consequences for the crew, the passengers, and the cargo on board. Considering that many ships carry harmful substances, a cyber incident might have severe environmental consequences or might lead to hijacking the ship to steal the cargo.

The Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) has defined a cyber safety incident any incident that leads to “the loss of availability or integrity of safety critical data and OT.”

Cyber safety incidents can be the result of:

  • a cyber security incident, which affects the availability and integrity of OT (for example, corruption of chart data held in an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS))
  • a failure occurring during software maintenance and patching
  • loss or manipulation of external sensor data that’s critical to the operation of a ship including but  not limited to Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)

With more than 90% of the world’s trade being carried by shipping, according to the United Nations’ International Maritime Organization, the maritime industry is an attractive target for cyber attackers. The European Union has recognized the importance of the maritime sector to the European and global economy and has included shipping in the Network and Information Systems (NIS) Directive, which deals with the protection from cyber threats of national critical infrastructure.

Best Practices for Mitigating Maritime Cyber Threats

In 2017, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted resolution MSC.428(98) on Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management System (SMS). The Resolution stated that an approved SMS should consider cyber risk management and encourages administrations to ensure that cyber risks are appropriately addressed in safety management systems.

The same year, IMO developed guidelines that provide high-level recommendations on maritime cyber risk management to safeguard shipping from current and emerging cyber threats and vulnerabilities. As also highlighted in the IMO guidelines, effective cyber risk management should start at the senior management level. Senior management should embed a culture of cyber risk awareness into all levels and departments of an organization and ensure a holistic and flexible cyber risk management regime that is in continuous operation and constantly evaluated through effective feedback mechanisms.

In addition, BIMCO has developed the Guidelines on Cyber Security Onboard Ships, which are aligned with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. The overall goal of these guidelines is the building of a strong operational resilience to cyber-attacks. To achieve this goal, maritime companies should follow these best practices:

  • Identify the threat environment to understand external and internal cyber threats to the ship
  • Identify vulnerabilities by developing complete and full inventories of onboard systems and understanding the consequences of cyber threats to these systems
  • Assess risk exposure by determining the likelihood and impact of a vulnerability exploitation by any external or internal actor
  • Develop protection and detection measures to reduce the likelihood and the impact of a potential exploitation of a vulnerability
  • Establish prioritized contingency plans to mitigate any potential identified cyber risk
  • Respond and recover from cyber incidents using the contingency plan to ensure operational continuity

“Maritime industry and its digital exposure have many similarities with industrial systems and the broader OT,” says Isidoros Monogioudis. “In this context, these companies must move very fast to the direction of protecting their systems, providing a reliable operating environment not only from performance perspective but also from security perspective. Both proactive and reactive measures must be developed and applied with the real-time security awareness and visibility being possibly the most critical solution, since OT environment remains extremely sensitive in providing timely and accurate services.”

“Maintaining effective cybersecurity is not just an IT issue but is rather a fundamental operational imperative in the 21st century maritime environment,” said the U.S. Coast Guard in their July 2019 security warning.

Source: tripwire

Violent attacks against ships and their crews have risen in 2020, with 77 seafarers taken hostage or kidnapped for ransom since January, reveals the ICC International Maritime Bureau’s (IMB) latest piracy report.

The Gulf of Guinea off West Africa is increasingly dangerous for commercial shipping, accounting for just over 90% of maritime kidnappings worldwide. Meanwhile ship hijackings are at their lowest since 1993. In total, IMB’s Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) recorded 98 incidents of piracy and armed robbery in the first half of 2020, up from 78 in Q2 2019.

The increasing threat of piracy adds to hardships already faced by hundreds of thousands of seafarers working beyond their contractual periods due to COVID-19 restrictions on crew rotations and international travel.

“Violence against crews is a growing risk in a workforce already under immense pressure,” says IMB Director Michael Howlett. “In the Gulf of Guinea, attackers armed with knives and guns now target crews on every type of vessel. Everyone’s vulnerable.”

So far this year, 49 crew have been kidnapped for ransom in the Gulf of Guinea and held captive on land for up to six weeks. Rates are accelerating, with 32 crew kidnapped in the past three months alone. And incidents are happening further out to sea: two-thirds of the vessels were attacked on the high seas from around 20 to 130 nautical miles off the Gulf of Guinea coastline.

IMB PRC urges vessels to report any attacks promptly. It can then liaise with coastal agencies, international navies and vessel operators, encouraging a quick response to deter piracy and armed robbery and improve the security of seafarers. IMB PRC also broadcasts to shipping via GMDSS Safety Net Services and email alerts to Company Security Officers.

“We need to change the risk-to-reward ratio for pirates operating within the Gulf of Guinea. Without an appropriate and proportionate deterrent, pirates and robbers will get more ruthless and more ambitious, increasing the risk to seafarers,” says Howlett.

In one recent case commended by IMB, the Nigerian Navy responded promptly to a distress call from a fishing vessel boarded and hijacked by armed assailants in Ivory Coast waters. As a result the crew were saved and the ship was prevented from being used as a possible mother vessel to carry out further attacks.

In another incident, a product tanker was attacked while underway around 127 nm off Bayelsa, Nigeria. Eight armed pirates kidnapped ten crew as well as stealing cash, personal valuables, and ship’s property. IMB PRC contacted regional and international authorities, and a Nigerian Navy Security Vessel was dispatched. A nearby sister vessel helped the four remaining crewmembers to sail the tanker to a safe port. The kidnapped crew were released three weeks later.

Singapore Straits

The Singapore Straits saw 11 incidents in the first half of 2020, raising the risk of collisions in this busy shipping channel, especially at night. Although most are opportunistic – low-level attacks that are aborted once the alarm is sounded –­­­­­­­ two reports in May 2020 indicated crew were threatened with knives, taken hostage and injured.

There were ten attacks in Indonesian anchorages and waterways in Q2 2020, up from five in Q1 2020.

Americas – Call for more reporting

IMB is recording more incidents in new areas of Latin America, but says many attacks go unreported, making the problem more difficult to tackle.

The four attacks that were reported in Mexico all targeted offshore vessels and happened within a span of 11 days in April. One anchored accommodation barge was boarded by six people wearing face masks and armed with automatic weapons and pistols. They attempted to enter and opened fire, leading to an injured crewmember and three damaged windows. The Master raised the alarm, sent a distress message, informed the Chief Security Officer, and the crew mustered in the citadel. The incident was reported to the Marine Control and a naval boat was dispatched, but the attackers escaped with the barge’s high value project equipment.

Incidents continue to be reported off Callao Anchorage, Peru, while vessels off the coast of neighbouring Ecuador have recorded incidents each year since 2017, with at least three container ships attacked while underway in Q2 2020. In one case, two crew were taken hostage for the duration of the robbery and in another the perpetrators fired on the ship when they were unable to gain access.


No incidents were reported off Somalia. Vessels are urged to continue implementing Best Management Principles (BMP5) recommended practices while transiting these waters. The Somali pirates still maintain the capability for carrying out attacks.

IMB Piracy Reporting Centre

Since 1991, the IMB PRC’s 24-hour manned center remains a single point of contact to report the crimes of piracy and armed robbery. The Centre not only assists ships in a timely manner, it also provides the maritime industry, response agencies and governments with transparent data received directly from the Master of the vessel under attack, or its owners.

Source: iccwbo

The Marine Corps Systems Command has announced that service is updating its tactical satellite system that provides increased communication on the battlefield.

Based on field user evaluations, the upgraded technology is performing beyond expectations.

The Mobile User Objective System is a next-generation, narrowband satellite communication capability that enables Marines to connect to SATCOM networks. It encompasses updated firmware to the AN/PRC-117G radio system and one of three antenna kits that help users simultaneously access these networks.

Initially fielded in March 2019, the system enables mobile or stationary Marines to leverage cellular technology to increase access to voice and data communication. It also improves overall reliability in urban environments.

“MUOS gives us a 3G capability using satellite constellations,” said Lt. Col. Jeff Decker, MCSC’s Ground Radios product manager. “It is similar to a cell phone capability in the sky that covers the entire globe.”

“We try to figure out anything that could be a possible issue for the warfighter. This helps to validate the concept of operations, and it allows us to provide lessons learned to other MEFs,” Lt. Col. Jeff Decker, MCSC’s Ground Radios product manager said.

The 3G networks used with MUOS remain far superior to the Marine Corps’ legacy SATCOM channels, said Decker. He noted that the Ground Radios program office continues to monitor the latest technologies and looks toward working with other services for future incremental improvements to the capability.

“We’re looking to support the warfighter with a lethal and sustainable capability, which is the command’s focus,” said Decker. “The more robust and resilient the capability, the more we can start adding on back-end systems to help Marines. MUOS is changing the way we look at a tactical satellite architecture.”

The importance of evaluations

From March to May 2020, MCSC conducted various field user evaluations with I Marine Expeditionary Force at Twentynine Palms, California, to assess an updated version of MUOS that increases network stability while executing missions.

During the testing, Marines participated in fire support simulation exercises where they employed MUOS for coordinated air strikes and mortar support. They also used the technology during scenario-based exercises that involved rehearsing command and control operations.

“We tested the system through user evaluation exercises to understand not only what the capability can do on paper, but how we can use it to increase lethality and provide redundancy across the [Fleet Marine Forces],” said Decker.

The testing enabled users to grow familiar with the system, ask questions and provide feedback. It allowed MCSC to learn more about MUOS, including the system’s strengths and limitations. Leveraging Marine feedback, the program office can make additional updates to MUOS as needed.

“We try to figure out anything that could be a possible issue for the warfighter,” said Decker. “This helps to validate the concept of operations, and it allows us to provide lessons learned to other MEFs.”

Eddie Young, project officer of Multiband Radio II Family of Systems at MCSC, said the testing helped the Ground Radios Team assess MUOS in combat-operational environments, which will better prepare them to employ the system during real missions.

“We wanted to bring in these units and make sure the system is working as it should,” said Young. “We want to ensure the warfighter’s needs are met.”

‘Exciting’ assessment results

Both Decker and Young said the feedback on the updated MUOS from Marines has been overwhelmingly positive, and that the system has exceeded performance expectations. Decker noted how Marines commended the new waveform for its lack of performance gaps, its adaptability and the absence of any technical difficulties while testing.

“Marines showed no frustration while trying to execute point-to-point calls while employing MUOS in an operational environment,” said Decker. “The system is doing what we expect it to do, and that is exciting.”

Sgt. Mason J. Roy, video chief for Communication Strategy and Operations at I MEF, participated in the communication exercises. He raved about the benefits of the exercises in training Marines for future missions that involve MUOS employment.

“I believe the exercises went really well,” said Roy. “The idea that we can send a video or photo from the field to a command post [using MUOS] shows we can rapidly inform commanders with visual information so that commands could potentially adjust battlespaces to promote mission accomplishment and protect our troops.”

The program office will begin fielding the updated version of MUOS this summer.

Source: defence-blog

Latent cyber risk. That’s what we in the cyber business call a cyber threat that is undetected, unplanned and unanticipated. These are the cyber risks that lurk in the dark places of your networks and the exposures that you didn’t think about that come out when you least expect.

Maritime has a lot of examples of these, such as when companies start connecting systems, devices and networks that were never designed to be connected. As fleets become more automated and digitized, we are connecting all sorts of systems—ones where cyber security was never even a consideration. The legacy networks don’t have the protection, updates or design to make them cyber resilient, because no one thought they would be connected when they were built. Hook up an old system to the internet, and you run the risk of unintentionally exposing it to a whole host of new cyber risks that you never considered.

Snap-back cyber risk

COVID-19 has its own latent cyber risk. With the sudden and unexpected onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies had precious little time to convert to an almost fully remote working environment. They scramble to adapt expanded and stretched networks way beyond their normal limits. As entire workforces switched to working from home, work networks mingled with home networks, people emailed documents to personal accounts and USB drives were used to help move and share files like never before.

Most IT departments have done a great job reworking their systems and networks to accommodate an immediate and severe shift in how they operate. However, they exchanged a lot of control for operational flexibility. Work offices became home offices, that also became home schools, entertainment centers, online shopping and part of family daily life. For months, work computers have been sitting on home networks and are used to help people cope with the realities of safer-at-home restrictions.
As a result, the attack surface – the exposure points that attackers can exploit – exploded. Add to that the COVID-19 related cyber scams that have employees unintentionally clicking on bad links, and you have a perfect environment for cyber malware and other exploitation to grow.

Now, many organizations are bringing everyone back to the workplace. Most are thoughtfully planning how to bring people back together. Temperatures will be taken, masks will be worn and social distances will be respected. However, few are considering how to reintegrate computers, devices and systems.

As networks snap back from their over-extension, they will bring back the cyber malware and exploits that could be infiltrating their over-extended networks. This is the latent cyber risk of COVID-19 and needs to be addressed.

It’s about safety

The snap-back risk of COVID-19 can have real-world consequences. Attackers are no longer only just interested in stealing data from corporate IT systems. They now are actively trying to understand how to take control of operational networks on-board vessels. This means they now want to take control of navigation systems, engines, valves, and anything else they can get their hands on. The operational networks that control these systems, called operational technology (OT), are uniquely exposed to these kinds of attacks. This is because, as you might guess, they were never designed to have the kind of connectivity we now have.

As attackers target OT systems, cyber security becomes a real-world cyber safety concern. Cyber risk impacts vessel, public, and environmental safety.
You cannot socially distance a network

Once your systems and networks are interconnected, and connected to the Internet, malware and intruders can spread almost instantaneously. The most you can do is segment, protect and monitor those networks. Unfortunately, too many OT networks do none of these.

Contact tracing a cyber attack is very difficult. Once in, it can be extremely hard to see where malware or an attacker has spread. It can spread in nanoseconds and attackers can be very skilled at covering their tracks. This is much harder in the OT environment, where it takes very specialized expertise to even understand how attack could spread.

No system is stand-alone. There is a perception that some systems are not connected to anything, thus they have an “air gap” and are not vulnerable. That is incorrect. From updates to operations, systems will have some form of connectivity, even if it is someone running an update from a disk. The general rule in cyber is, if someone can get to it, they will.

Cyber hyper-mutates

We are hoping the COVID-19 does not significantly mutate. Unfortunately, the nature of cyber is to hyper mutate. Every malware, every attack type and every mutation is being continuously adapted. Attackers are relentless at refining their attacks. Malware strains last months, weeks or days before new iterations come out. As we become more digital, we reshape the environment for cyber attacks. They respond by being in a constant state of change. You can’t only consider the last attack, you need to anticipate the next one.
We change. They change. We change. Constant vigilance, flexibility and adaptation is the nature of cyber.

You need good cyber hygiene

What can you do? First, you need to account and plan for cyber security. It is now a business imperative. It needs to be a daily part of operational and safety risk management. You then need to proactively manage it. This means that you need to create a cyber program that accounts for the assessment, planning, protection, defense, detection and response needed to minimize your cyber risks.

There are a number of cyber technologies, services and solutions that can help you protect your networks. Find the right partners who have the deep expertise in IT and OT environments, and work with them to build the program that fits your specific situation. Strong cyber hygiene can prevent most cyber infections. It can also help you handle a critical exploitation, if you are unfortunate enough to have to face one.

As for the COVID-19 snap back. You need to make it an integral part of your restart program. This could mean everything from new policies and education, to enhanced scanning, monitoring and management of IT and OT networks.

Remember that COVID-19 is not the only virus that your employees can bring back into your work place.
Source: ABS Group


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