The measures are designed to ensure compliance with safety, security, and environmental standards.

A series of actions aim at making the Panamanian fleet part of the US Coast Guard’s QUALSHIP 21 program, where, at the end of July, the Registry has an average compliance rate of 98.97% for the last 3 years.

Those measures include flag inspection mechanism for vessels arriving at U.S. ports, based on risk factor; special inspection for vessels arriving at US ports whose history makes them candidates for a Port State Inspection (PSC) by the USCG; pre-arrival checklist for Panama-flagged vessels arriving at US ports to find weak elements that may be grounds for detention through PSC inspections by the US Coast Guard.  In addition, all Panama-flagged vessels transiting or visiting Panamanian ports prior to arrival in the United States may be subject to a special Security Screening Inspection (SSA), to avoid possible detention in the region.

The Register has also reinforced some mechanisms to improve the fleet performance in the different regions supervised by the Port State control

that will detect and act against vessels detained multiple times and impose sanctions to Recognised Organisations (RO) and / or ships, who have shown serious faults affecting the image of the Panamanian registry.

Vessels arriving in Australian ports will be submitted to pre-arrival checklist, to avoid detention, through Port State Control Inspections by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority; annual flag inspection for vessels operating in the Paris MoU and for those over 20 years of age every six months.



CREWEXPRESS STCW REST HOURS SOFTWARE - Paris and Tokyo MoU have announced that they will jointly launch a new Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) from 1st September 2022 to 30th November 2022

Port state control organization Tokyo MOU has accepted Panama as the 21st member authority.

This was decided at the Tokyo MOU’s 30th meeting in Majuro, the Marshall Islands, held from October 14 to 17, 2019.

Having completed a three-year term as a cooperating member authority, Panama applied for full membership of the Tokyo MOU. The committee considered the application and the report of a fact finding mission, which confirmed full compliance with the qualitative membership criteria by Panama.

In accordance with provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Asia-Pacific Region (Tokyo MOU), the committee unanimously agreed to accept Panama as the member authority.

As explained, the committee considered and adopted amendments to the memorandum relating to full membership of Panama.

Tokyo MOU was signed among eighteen maritime authorities in the region in December 1993 and came into operation in April 1994.

Current full member authorities include Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Fiji, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philipines, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, Vanuatu and Vietnam, with Mexico being a cooperating member.

At a meeting last week, the Paris MoU Committee approved the questionnaire for the concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on MARPOL Annex VI to be carried out jointly with the Tokyo MoU. The CIC will check compliance with requirements for the prevention of air pollution from ships. It will be carried out from September to November 2018, and the questionnaire will be published in August.

Anticipating the new maximum limits for sulfur in ships fuel oil entering into force on January 1, 2020, the Paris MoU has also embarked on an information campaign which will begin with the issuing a “Letter of Warning” starting January 1, 2019 to encourage timely compliance. Secretary General Richard Schiferli stated that this will be a signal to the industry that port State control will take enforcement of the new sulfur limits seriously from “day one.”

The meeting also reviewed the CIC on Safety of Navigation, including ECDIS, which was carried out from September to November 2017. The general conclusion was that the results show a good overall implementation of the requirements on board the ships inspected, although voyage planning remains an area of concern. The campaign resulted in 47 detentions (1.2 percent) directly linked to the related safety of navigation requirements.

Positive results were recorded on the familiarity with the procedure of emergency operation of steering gear (99.4 percent), the transmitting of the correct particulars of AIS (99.3 percent) and the recognition of stages of remote audible alarm of BNWAS (98.6 percent). Least compliant were recordings on appropriate up to date electronic charts and back up arrangements (96.2 percent) and complete passage plan for the voyage berth to berth(96.3 percent).



The Paris MOU on Port State Control is warning that it intends to enforce new international regulations limiting the amount of sulphur in fuel oil used on board ships from “day one”.

The warning comes in anticipation of the International Maritime Organization’s low sulphur fuel rule which is to take effect on January 1, 2020.

During the Paris MOU’s 51st Committee meeting held last week, Paris MoU agreed to an information campaign aimed at encouraging timely compliance the regulation. The campaign will include a “Letter of Warning” starting 1 January 2019.

Paris MOU Secretary General Richard Schiferli said he intends the warning to serve as a signal to the industry that port state control will take enforcement of the new sulphur limits seriously from “day one”, he said.

The Paris MOU, which covers Europe and the North Atlantic, is one of nine Port State Control regimes around the world responsible for carrying out inspections on vessels to monitor and enforce compliance with international regulations.

The IMO’s upcoming low sulphur fuel requirement will lower the sulphur content limit of marine fuels globally from 3.5% currently to just .5% beginning on January 1, 2020. The IMO has warned that it expects immediate compliance with the new regulations and any ships not meeting the low sulphur requirement could be deemed “unseaworthy”.

To comply with the rule, ships will need to either burn higher cost low sulphur bunker fuel, use an exhaust gas “scrubber” system, or be converted or built for alternative fuel such as liquified natural gas.

Maritime News

Maritime News – The detention list includes 45 vessels, from which 50% are general cargo vessels.

The Paris MoU region and the Tokyo MoU performed a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Safety of Navigation, including ECDIS, last year, an the Paris MoU has released its initial findings, saying the results are encouraging.

The campaign was held from September 1 to November 30, 2017. The aim of the CIC was to verify that the minimum standards for navigation equipment, including familiarity with the equipment.

Least compliant were recordings on appropriate up to date electronic charts and back up arrangements (96.2 percent) and complete passage plan for the voyage berth to berth(96.3 percent).

The Paris MOU, an port state control organisation consisting of 27 participating maritime administrations covering the waters of the European coastal States and the North Atlantic basin, has detained three vessels in January 2018 due to non-compliant sulphur content of bunker fuel used.

Marshall Islands-flagged Al Jasrah of United Arab Shipping Management was detained for a day at Rotterdam port on 5 January 2018.

Russian Federation-flagged chemical tanker Araz River of Palmali was detained at Rotterdam port for five days and released on 20 January 2018.

The Malta-flagged boxship Max Winner of OSM Ship Management was detained for two days at Rotterdam port and released on 10 January 2018.

Paris MOU conducts more than 18,000 inspections on international ships in participating ports checking on international safety, security and environmental standards, and that crew members have adequate living and working conditions.

Maritime News.

The current 27 member States of the Paris MoU are: Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Maritime News.

Source Paris MOU 


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