Tanker Management and Self Assessment 3 (TMSA3) A Best Practice Guide

October 20, 2020 TMSA 3

The OCIMF Tanker Management and Self Assessment programme was originally introduced in 2004 as a tool to help companies assess, measure and improve their management systems. It is an essential complement to IMO Conventions, Codes and Circulars and is intended to encourage self-regulation and promote continuous improvement to enhance the safety of merchant shipping and achieve incident free operations.

This fully updated and revised third edition reflects current legislation, expectations and emerging issues, and incorporates feedback from companies and users of previous editions of TMSA. Key new features to the text include:

  • Updated industry legislative requirements, including the Manila Amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, the Polar Code and the Ballast Water Management Convention

  • A new element 13 covering Maritime Security

  • Expanded best practice guidance to complement key performance indicators and remove ambiguity and duplication

  • Streamlining and merging of elements to improve consistency and make conducting the self assessment easier

  • Revised Environmental and Energy Management Element, which now incorporates the OCIMF Energy Efficiency and Fuel Management paper that was a supplement to TMSA2

As well as this printed guide, the TMSA programme includes a useful online tool for recording self assessment as well as a database for sharing reports, providing ship operators with an interactive and constantly evolving platform to monitor and improve their performance and attain high standards of safety.

Source: witherbyseamanship


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