What does OT cybersecurity look like for maritime operations?


Maersk, MSC, IMO — there is no shortage of maritime security incidents and cyber attacks. As hackers become even more sophisticated in their tactics, it’s inevitable that maritime cyber attacks against OT on ships are becoming the norm rather than the exception. The stats speak for themselves:

Of respondents, 77% view maritime cyber-attacks as a high or medium risk to their organizations, yet only 64% said their organization has a business continuity plan in place to follow in the event of a cyber security incident. Only 24% claimed their security incidents plan was tested every three months, and only 15% said that it was tested every six to 12 months. Only 2 of 5 respondents said that their organization protects vessels from operational technology (OT) cyber threats, and some respondents went so far as to describe their company policy to OT cyber risk as “careless.”

It’s time for the maritime industry to take a look at every aspect of their ship operations to ensure they’re protected and resilient against these growing threats and attacks. Maritime security intelligence begins with a comprehensive understanding of the risks faced. Today’s maritime security incidents and cyber attacks will only grow with continued digitalization and future technological advances.

In this eBook, we will help you navigate the ins and outs of maritime cybersecurity, review security incidents and maritime cyber attacks, address cybersecurity challenges and compliance considerations, and get you geared up to establish your maritime cybersecurity action plan.


Source: missionsecure


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