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The Commission has adopted a proposal for the fishing opportunities for 2021 in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas. With the proposed fishing quota for certain fish stock, the Commission is thus delivering on the political commitments made in the ‘MedFish4ever’ and the Sofia Declarations to promote sustainable management of fish stocks in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas.

The proposal implements the multiannual management plan for demersal stocks in the Western Mediterranean, by continuing the political commitment to further reduce the fishing effort in the area of up to 40% in five years (2020-2024). It also includes notably measures for eel, red coral, dolphinfish, small pelagic species and demersal stocks in the Adriatic, deep water red shrimps stocks in the Ionian Sea, Levant Sea and the Strait of Sicily, in line with the decisions of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM).

In the Black Sea, catch limits and quotas are proposed for turbot and sprat. For turbot, the proposal will transpose the EU quota decided in the context of the revision of the GFCM turbot multiannual management plan. For sprat, the Commission proposes to maintain the same catch limit as in 2020. The member states are expected to decide on the proposal at the November Agriculture and Fisheries Council and the quota are to be applied as of 1 January 2021.

More information is available here

A recent article published by NATO on July 29, 2020 highlights the growing focus of attention within NATO on maritime remote systems.

Michael Brasseur is a naval warfare expert at the US Mission to NATO. This former captain of two warships who has sailed and served all over the world, now works at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Together with experts from other NATO Allies, he is working to help enhance the Alliance’s technological edge on critical maritime capabilities. 

“It’s my job to leverage NATO’s vast innovation ecosystem to ensure Allied sailors have the very best technology to accomplish their mission of keeping the seas free,” says Michael.

Michael and his counterparts in NATO member countries are looking for cutting-edge capabilities that can give Allied sailors a tactical advantage at sea.  They have recently focused on the rapid advancements underway in maritime unmanned systems. “We are only just beginning to realise the game-changing capabilities these systems offer and I am focused on accelerating their development and integration into Allied navies,” explains Michael.

In October 2018, Michael helped launch a Maritime Unmanned Systems (MUS) initiative. Today, 14 Allies1 are working together to develop and procure maritime technology that will increase operational effectiveness, limit risk to human life and reduce operational costs, and Michael is at the heart of this initiative. Several other Allies have recognised the value of this fast-paced initiative and have expressed intent to join.

Ensuring free access to the seas

Maritime unmanned systems are drones above, on and below the water.  Allied navies use them on many different occasions to enhance the capabilities of manned platforms. Working alongside traditional naval assets, these unmanned systems can also improve situational awareness, which is critical in ensuring free access to the seas.

“Seventy per cent of the planet is covered by water,” explains Michael. “Maritime unmanned systems are important because these systems, if harnessed correctly, can greatly improve our ability to understand the maritime environment, and thus ensure the seas remain open for commerce.”

At sea, mines, terrorist activities, smuggling and piracy are threats to NATO Allies’ ability to operate freely in maritime commons. The use of unmanned systems will enable Allies to be more effective in crucial capability areas, such as finding and tracking suspicious submarines or detecting mines.

“MUS, when teamed with manned systems, offer a means to detect, localise and neutralise a mine, without putting the operator in danger,” comments Michael. 

Cherishing work and life

Michael loves his job for many reasons. “First, the opportunity to work with friends and Allies every day is a true joy,” says Michael.  “On this project, I have developed strong professional and personal relationships that I will cherish for my entire life.  I also really enjoy discovering new technologies and I get a lot of energy when I engage with academia and industry.” 

Michael, a father of four, with two teenage sons who love physics, computers and artificial intelligence, think their dad is pretty cool working on all this high-tech. “My boys also think NATO is very cool!”

Many of Michael’s colleagues don’t know that he is also a survivor. “In 2016, following my tour as captain of USS Forth Worth, I was diagnosed with stage 2, classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma.  It has certainly given me a completely different outlook on life.  I cherish every single second, like these wonderful experiences at NATO, living in Brussels and working with friends and Allies across Europe.” 

Testing drones in real-life scenarios

Each year in Portugal, Michael participates in testing Allied innovative maritime unmanned systems in scenarios such as search and rescue operations, harbour protection, and anti-submarine and naval mine warfare during exercise Recognized Environmental Picture, Maritime Unmanned Systems (REP (MUS)).

“REP (MUS) is the largest maritime unmanned systems exercise of its kind in Europe and achieved last year many critical firsts for NATO in terms of interoperability,” explains Michael.

Over 800 personnel from the Portuguese Navy, as well as from Belgium, Italy, Poland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation contributed to the exercise.

Michael feels that we are at a key inflection point in history.  “The pace of innovation has become exponential and our institutions need to move faster. We have made significant progress, but we have much more work to do, to improve, accelerate and scale this important initiative.”

Source: sldinfo

Information on the processing of personal data under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 (OP I&E 2014-2020)

Several entities serving as controllers within the meaning of the GDPR [Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of by 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) dated 27 April 2016 (OJ EU L No. 119, p. 1)] participate in the processing of personal data within the OP I&E 2014-2020. These entities make decisions related to the personal data being processed, i.e. what personal data are processed, for what purpose and in what way. Each controller is individually responsible for the protection of personal data and for informing the public about the way in which it processes such data.

Due to the fact that it is the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy – as the Managing Authority of the OP I&E 2014-2020 – who determines: what personal data, how and for what purpose will be processed in connection with the implementation of the Programme, the Minister acts as the controller of personal data processed in connection with the implementation of the OP I&E 2014-2020.

The Minister is the controller of both the data the Minister obtained independently as well as of the personal data obtained by other entities involved in the implementation of the Programme (i.e. by other controllers, who in this case also perform the function of processors [Processors are institutions (Intermediate Bodies and Implementing Authorities), beneficiaries and other entities involved in the implementation of the OP I&E 2014-2020, to which the Minister (or another authorised entity) entrusted the processing of personal data within the OP I&E 2014-2020]).

The Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy is also the controller of personal data that the Minister processes as a beneficiary of projects co-financed from the funds of OP I&E 2014-2020.

The Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy is also the controller of data collected in the Central IT System managed by the Minister, which supports the implementation of OP I&E 2014-2020.

I. Purpose of personal data processing

The Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy processes personal data in order to implement the tasks assigned to the Managing Authority to the extent that it is necessary such an objective. Similarly, processors process personal data in order to implement the tasks assigned to them within the scope of OP I&E 2014-2020’s implementation to the extent it is necessary to achieve this objective.

The Minister and processors process such data, in particular, for the following purposes:

  1. to grant support to the beneficiaries applying for co-financing and implementing projects;
  2. to confirm the eligibility of expenditure;
  3. to request payments from the European Commission;
  4. to report irregularities;
  5. to evaluate;
  6. to monitor;
  7. to control;
  8. to audit;
  9. to run reporting activities;
  10. to run information-promotion activities.

II. Legal grounds for data processing

Processing of personal data in connection with the implementation of OP I&E 2014-2020 is carried out in accordance with the GDPR.

1. The legal basis for data processing is primarily the need to fulfil the obligations incumbent on the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy – as the Managing Authority of the Programme – pursuant to the provisions of Union law and national laws (Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR). These obligations arise from the following legal provisions:

  1. Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council No. 1303/2013 of 17 December 2013 laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries fund, and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006;
  2. Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 480/2014 of 3 March 2014 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund;
  3. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1011/2014 of 22 September 2014 laying down detailed rules for implementing Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the models for submission of certain information to the Commission and the detailed rules concerning the exchanges of information between beneficiaries and managing authorities, certifying authorities, audit authorities and intermediate bodies;
  4. Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012;
  5. Act of 11 July 2014 on the rules of implementing cohesion policy programmes financed under the 2014-2020 financial perspective;
  6. Act of 14 June 1960 – Polish Code of Administrative Procedure;
  7. Act of 27 August 2009 on Public Finance;
  8. Act of 29 January 2004 – Public Procurement Law.

2. Processing is also lawful if one of the following applies:

  1. processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR) – this ground applies, inter alia,  to personal data of persons running a business as a sole trader, with whom the Minister concluded contracts in order to implement OP I&E 2014-2020;
  2. processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested   in the Minister (Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR) – this ground applies, inter alia, to competitions and promotional campaigns organised by the Minister concerning the Programme.

III. Categories of personal data processed

The Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy, in order to implement OP I&E 2014-2020, processes personal data, of, among others:

  1. employees representing or performing tasks for entities involved in the service and implementation of the programme and projects, i.e. Intermediate Bodies and Implementing Authorities;
  2. contact persons, persons authorised to make binding decisions and other persons performing tasks for applicants, beneficiaries and partners;
  3. participants in trainings, competitions, conferences, monitoring committees, working groups, steering groups and information or promotional meetings organised under the Programme;
  4. candidates for experts and experts involved in the process of selecting projects to be co-financed or performing tasks related to the implementation of rights and duties of competent institutions, resulting from the concluded grant agreements;
  5. persons whose data will be processed in connection with the examination of eligibility of funds in the project, including in particular: project personnel, participants of tender commissions, bidders and contractors of public procurements, persons providing services under civil law contracts.

The types of personal data processed by the Minister include:

  1. identification data, in particular: name, surname, series and number of identity card, date and place of birth, place of residence, place of employment / form of conducting business activity, official position, PESEL (Personal Identification Number) / NIP (Tax Identification Number) / REGON (Statistical ID), user identifier / user login;
  2. data concerning the employment relationship, in particular: remuneration received and working time, occupation or education, length of service;
  3. contact details, which include in particular: e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, correspondence address;
  4. financial data, in particular: bank account number, amount of remuneration;
  5. other data, for example: information about the real property (plot number, land and mortgage register number, gas connection number).

Data are obtained directly from data subjects or institutions and entities involved in the implementation of operational programmes, in particular applicants, beneficiaries and partners.

Where data are collected directly from data subjects, the provision of data is voluntary. However, the refusal to provide the data is tantamount to the lack of possibility to take appropriate actions, e.g. applying for funds under OP I&E 2014-2020.

IV. Data retention period

Personal data will be stored for the period specified in Article 140(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 and at the same time for a period not shorter than 10 years from the date of awarding the last aid under OP I&E 2014-2020 – also taking into account the provisions of the Act of 14 July 1983 on National Archival Resources and Archives.

In some cases, e.g. when the EU authorities control the Minister, this period may be extended.

V. Data recipients

The recipients of personal data may be:

  • the entities to which the OP I&E 2014-2020 entrusted the performance of tasks related to the implementation of the Programme, including in particular entities acting as Intermediate Bodies and Implementing Authorities, as well as experts, entities conducting audits, controls, trainings and evaluations;
  • institutions, bodies and agencies of the European Union (EU), as well as other entities to which the EU has entrusted the performance of tasks related to the implementation of OP I&E 2014-2020;
  • entities providing the Minister with services related to the operation and development of IT systems and ensuring communication, in particular IT solutions providers and telecommunication operators.

VI. Rights of data subjects

Persons whose data are processed in connection with the implementation of OP I&E 2014-2020 have the following rights:

  1. to access their personal data and to receive a copy of the data (Article 15 of the GDPR) and the right to rectify the data (Article 16 of the GDPR) – Upon exercising this right, the data subject may ask the Minister, among others, whether the Minister processes his or her personal data, what personal data are processed by the Minister, and where the Minister has obtained them from, what is the purpose of the processing and its legal ground, and for how long the data will be processed. If the processed data prove to be outdated, the data subject may apply to the Minister with a request to update them,
  2. the right to have their data erased (Article 17 of the GDPR) – if the circumstances referred to in Article 17(3) of the GDPR did not occur,
  3. the right to demand that the controller restrict the processing of the data subject’s data (Article 18 of the GDPR) – Restriction of personal data processing causes that the Minister may only store personal data. The Minister may not transfer such data to other entities, modify or delete them. Restricting the processing of personal data is temporary and lasts until the Minister performs the assessment whether the personal data are accurate, processed in accordance with the law and necessary to achieve the purpose of processing.
  4. the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office (Article 77 of the GDPR),
  5. the right to data portability, includingthe right to receive their personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided (Article 21 of the GDPR), where the processing both is based on a contract (is necessary to sign or to carry out a contract to which the data subject is party, according to Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR) and is carried out by automated means (an outline is enough to save the data on the storage device),
  6. the right to object to processing of personal data (Article 21 of the GDPR) – if the ground for the processing is the performance of public tasks of the controller (Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR).

Filing an objection causes that the Minister will no longer process the personal data unless the controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

The data are not subject to the process of automated individual decision-making, including profiling.

The United Kingdom has become just the second country, following the United States, to issue guidance for companies in the maritime shipping industry alerting them about common illicit and suspicious practices used to evade sanctions. The guidance further describes best practices for reducing sanctions risk exposure.

The Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI), part of HM Treasury and the authority for the implementation of financial sanctions in the United Kingdom, issued the guidance July 27. It follows issuance of a similar advisory by the U.S. Departments of State and Treasury and the U.S. Coast Guard in May.

In its guidance, the OFSI warned, “illicit activity could occur across multiple sectors involved in the maritime industry.” Maritime insurance companies, charterers, unions, classification societies, oil companies and refineries, customs and port state controls, flag registries, and shipping industry associations are all exposed to financial sanctions risk.

The maritime guidance includes a discussion about high-profile sanctions regimes, include those in place for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran, and Syria. It further advises companies refer to the relevant sanctions regulations to determine what restrictions apply in relation to any given regime.

Illicit shipping practices

“Individuals and entities with exposure to the maritime shipping sector should be aware of the non-exhaustive list of illicit practices below and ensure compliance and due diligence procedures take account of them,” the OFSI stated in the advisory.

Like the U.S. maritime sanctions guidance, the U.K. sanctions guidance goes into significant detail about common deceptive shipping practices, including:

  • Ship-to-ship transfers used to facilitate the illicit transfer of coal, crude oil, and petroleum products to evade sanctions;
  • Disabling or manipulating the automatic identification system (AIS) on vessels;
  • Cyber-attacks from cyber-focused military units tasked with generating income for the regime it reports to;
  • Bank accounts used as fronts to conduct transactions in violation of sanctions and facilitating illicit shipping practices;
  • Falsifying documentation accompanying maritime transactions; and
  • Physically concealing illicit cargo aboard a vessel.

Due diligence

The OFSI does not recommend any specific measures to mitigate deceptive shipping practices, only advising that each company “assess its own risks and put due diligence measures in place to manage these risks.” However, it does recommend a few general due diligence considerations, including the following:

Do your homework. “Companies conducting activity in or around high-risk jurisdictions should seek to have a robust understanding of the sanctions regulations in place, including the relevant obligations,” the OFSI said.

Consider AIS screening. Ship owners, charterers, insurers, flag registries, and port-state control entities may wish to consider “AIS switch off” clauses in contracts. “While AIS switch off does not necessarily confirm illicit shipping practices, it may be one of several indicators for consideration,” the OFSI said. “Due diligence could be enhanced, for example, through contacting vessels that have ‘gone dark’ by switching off their AIS. This is to better understand the cause of disconnection, noting such instances, and reviewing for trends.”

Consider subscription-based resources. Subscription-based resources may allow for checks on ownership structures, vessel flag information, details of home ports, and recently visited ports. “However, this information is also readily available online and can be accessed freely, which helps companies with limited resources to carry out a variety of checks to provide initial indicators of behavior,” the OFSI said.

Check validity of financial transactions. Suspected fraudulent letters of credit, bills of lading, loans, and other types of financial instruments should always be checked with the relevant institution for validity. Any person dealing with funds or economic resources owned, held, or controlled by a designated person (DP) or those operating on a DP’s behalf should immediately freeze the assets or funds and alert the OFSI.


Companies and sanctions compliance officers in the maritime industry should review both the OFSI maritime guidance in conjunction with the U.S. Global Maritime Advisory when determining what due diligence measures to put in place. Even companies with well-embedded enhanced due diligence measures in place should still consider conducting a review to ensure they’re accounting for all the deceptive practices highlighted in the maritime guidance documents.

Conversely, other companies whose due diligence practices are not as mature may find they’ll have to conduct a significant risk assessment to identify the red flags highlighted by the OFSI and get their due diligence processes up to par.

client alert from law firm Eversheds Sutherland further recommends considering revisions to contractual clauses to ensure they address risks posed by, and offer protection against, deceptive shipping practices. Such provisions may include, for example, AIS-disablement provisions; corresponding termination rights to regulate vessel behavior in active transactions; and representations and/or warranties concerning the vessel’s past transactions, the law firm advised.

Breaches of financial sanctions come at hefty cost. Under the Policing and Crime Act of 2017, the OFSI has authority to impose monetary penalties of up to 50 percent of the value of the breach or up to £1 million (U.S. $1.3 million), whichever is higher.

The OFSI can also refer cases to law enforcement agencies for investigation and potential prosecution. Breaches of financial sanctions are considered a serious criminal offense and are punishable by up to seven years in prison on indictment or up to six months for a summary offense in England, Wales, or Northern Ireland, or 12 months for a summary offense in Scotland.

As law firm Clyde & Co. stated, “It is no coincidence that two of the world’s leading sanctions enforcement bodies have both issued guidance notes to the maritime industry within months of each other. Industry participants have been warned: There are now very clear expectations of what good sanctions compliance looks like.”

Source: complianceweek

CHICAGOJuly 31, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — According to the new market research report Maritime Satellite Communication Market by Component (Solutions and Services), Solution (VSAT and MSS), Service (Tracking and Monitoring, Voice, Video, Data), End User (Merchant Shipping, Offshore, Government), and Region – Global Forecast to 2025″, published by MarketsandMarkets™, the global Maritime Satellite Communication Market size is expected to grow from USD 2.3 billion in 2020 to USD 3.2 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.1% during the forecast period. Escalating the need for enriched data communication to improve operation efficiency, onboard security & surveillance, and employee/passenger welfare in maritime is driving the market.

Furthermore, the major factor driving the Maritime Satellite Communication Market is the need to attain improved connectivity between the land and sea operations and realizing benefits in faster repair times, preventative maintenance, fuel-saving, and real-time navigation.

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Ka-band segment to account for the largest market size during the forecast period

This section studies the maritime satellite communication VSAT portfolio. Ka-band operates under frequency 26.5-40 GHz. It is an extremely high frequency, commonly used in HD satellite TV. It is used by the maritime industry to support marine VSAT services. Ka-band incurs significant implementation cost but relatively low maintenance. It is susceptible to rain fade. Inmarsat was the first company to provide Ka-band VSAT services. As more Ka-band bandwidth becomes available, other players also started using Ka-band to deliver their communication services.

The video service segment to account for the largest market size during the forecast period

The video service segment of the maritime satellite communication service includes streaming of high definition photos & videos and online TV channel broadcast services. Video services enable the crew to get in touch with family through videoconferencing, get information & update on news, sports, and favorite TV programs, and many other services. Live video service can help onboard technicians to get live assistance from experts to resolve problems. High-quality live video transfer needs reliability and sufficient bandwidth.

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APAC to account for the highest market share during the forecast period

The Maritime Satellite Communication Market in APAC is the largest in terms of market size. APAC is the fastest-growing region in the Maritime Satellite Communication Market. Many countries in the APAC region are likely to adopt maritime satellite communication solutions owing to high demands, specifically in the oil and gas, merchant shipping, mining, and passenger shipping verticals. The APAC region is implementing maritime satellite communication solutions significantly. The maritime satellite technology has been adopted in this region to incorporate advanced communication networks to communicate with employees, such as crew working at remote offshore locations.

The major Maritime Satellite Communication Market vendors include Inmarsat (UK), Iridium Communications (US), Thuraya (UAE), Hughes Network Systems (US), KVH Industries (US), Viasat (US), Speedcast (Australia), ST Engineering (Singapore), NSSLGlobal (England), Marlink (France), ORBOCOMM (US), Navarino (Greece), Network Innovations (Canada), GTMaritime (England), AST Group (UK), Isotropic Networks (Wisconsin), Norsat International (Ontario), Satcom Global (Canada), Intelsat (US), and Orbit Communication Systems (Israel).

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With large potential fines (the greater of up to 4% of global turnover or 20 million Euros), risk of claims from individuals and reputational damage, businesses need to make the necessary changes to their systems and policies now in order to be prepared when the GDPR “goes live” on 25 May 2018.

Organisations in the shipping industry may collect a lot of personal data, from email addresses of business contacts and counterparties to vessel crew and passenger information, as well as information about their own employees. Crew and contractors are vetted and managed. Immigration law obligations in numerous jurisdictions require certain personal information to be shared. Every business transaction involves interaction with individuals working for corporate counterparties. Much of this information is likely to cross national borders and be exposed from time to time to physical and cyber security risk. Once the GDPR applies, and the risk of large fines and reputational damage increases, breach of the data protection rules could potentially sink the business (or at least cause it to take on water).

Does the GDPR apply to my business if it is not based in the EEA?

The GDPR applies to all organisations “established” within the EEA, i.e. any organisation which has a “real and effective activity, even a minimal one, exercised through stable arrangements”. If you have an office or regular operations in the EEA, and process personal data in the context of that office or those operations, then the GDPR is likely to apply to your business. The fact that the processing itself actually takes place outside of the EEA would not be material.

The GDPR will also apply to organisations established outside of the EEA if certain conditions apply, including where they monitor the behaviour of individuals within the EEA (for example, via cookies), offer goods or services to individuals within the EEA (note that if you offer goods or services to a business that business has individuals within it) or where EEA Member State law applies in accordance with international law, e.g. where a vessel is flagged with an EEA Member State registry.

Particular factors to consider when determining whether the GDPR will apply are:

  • Are any of your vessels flagged within the EEA?
  • Is your website directed towards customers based in the EEA, for example by giving an option to choose a “UK” setting, an EEA currency, or a particular language?.
  • Can your services be bought from within the EEA?
  • Do you have a registered establishment or an office in the EEA?
  • Is your business currently registered with an EEA data protection authority, such as the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (the “ICO”)?
  • Do you use servers located in the EEA?
  • Do you monitor the behaviour of any individuals within the EEA (irrespective of their nationality or habitual residence)? For example, if your website uses tracking cookies, then you are “monitoring individuals” for the purposes of the GDPR.

If the answer to any of these questions is yes then it is likely that the GDPR applies to you.

So the GDPR applies to my business – what next?

The GDPR introduces a host of new obligations and requirements with which businesses must comply.

First, some essential terminology: “data controllers” make the decisions on how and why personal data are processed. “Data processors” only process data on the instructions of the data controller. “Processing” means any action involving personal data, including merely storing it. “Personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural (living) person (a “data subject”). Under the new definition of personal data, online “identifiers” such as cookies and IP addresses can make an individual “identifiable”. “Sensitive” or “special category” reveal information such as an individual’s health, race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

A full list on how to comply with the GDPR requires more space than is available here, but five key action points are as follows:

  1. Conduct a data audit. Data controllers and processors alike are required to keep records of their personal data processing. Analyse your systems and practices to check what personal data you process, why, how you use them, where they are stored and whether you still need them. Check whether you process them in accordance with one of the permitted legal grounds (e.g. has the individual given their consent, or is the processing necessary for the performance of a contract with the individual, or necessary for a legitimate business interest). “Sensitive” personal data are subject to stricter rules and processing usually requires the individual’s consent. Note that “consent” is more difficult to obtain under the GDPR regime than under the UK Data Protection Act 1998 which implements the current EU data protection regime. Criminal records of employees or service providers can only be processed in accordance with specific EEA Member State laws. Document your findings and decisions.
  2. Draft or amend policies and procedures. The GDPR strengthens and adds to individuals’ rights, for example it strengthens the rights to have personal data deleted or frozen, adds a new right of “data portability” where an individual can request that personal data stored electronically be transferred to a different data controller, and shortens timelines for compliance with individuals’ requests. It also imposes new obligations on all data controllers to report personal data breaches to relevant data protection authorities within 72 hours, and to report breaches to individuals concerned (if the breach is high risk) “without undue delay”. It introduces a new concept of “privacy by design”, which requires businesses to think about protecting individuals’ privacy at the very beginning of any new project and to conduct “privacy impact assessments” calculating the potential risks to individuals’ privacy rights. Businesses will need to update (or draft) policies and procedures to ensure compliance with these obligations.
  3. Inform individuals about your processing through fair processing notices. Individuals must be kept informed about the processing of their personal data. The GDPR increases the amount of information which must be included in these notices. Privacy policies will need to be updated and businesses will need to amend (or draft) notification forms.
  4. Amend or put contracts in place with data processors. The GDPR requires data controllers to have contracts in place with all of their data processors, containing certain elements specified in the GDPR.
  5. Appoint a data protection officer. Many businesses will be required to appoint data protection officers, or may choose to do so voluntarily, given the increased risks associated with data protection.

These are just some of the actions that organisations need to take now. For more information on how you can prepare, and what systems you must have in place, see our special GDPR update at or contact either:

The UK Chamber of Shipping has launched its latest publication, ‘The General Data Protection Regulation: Guidance to Shipping Companies’.
The guidance summarises the key requirements of the GDPR, which entered into force in May 2018, and the actions companies should take to implement data protection policies in compliance. It focuses specifically on the maritime sector and covers key areas such as crewing issues and seafarer payments.

The publication provides guidance to shipping companies on implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which entered into force in May 2018. It summarises the key requirements of the GDPR and the actions companies should take to implement data protection policies in compliance. It focuses specifically on the maritime sector and covers key areas such as crewing issues and seafarer payments.

The purposes of this guidance document, produced by the UK Chamber of Shipping with Hill Dickinson LLP, are:

  • To summarise the key points of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);
  • To identify the main areas where shipping companies will be affected by it; and
  • To advise companies on the most effective and efficient ways to familiarise themselves with the new rules and then to determine how to best implement them.

The document defines GDPR terminology and lists the types and sources of personal data and how it should be processed. It also describes the role and responsibilities of the Data Controller and the Company Data Protection Officer.

Guidance is also provided on the strict provisions relating to transfer of personal data to ‘third countries’ and those outside the EU. This is particularly relevant in the offshore industry where crew are transferred from one site to another and to and from a multitude of jurisdictions where their personal data will follow.

Finally, the publication sets out an ‘Action Plan for Companies’, describing suggested stages for a company to implement GDPR and verify compliance.

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Source: UK Chamber of Shipping

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entered into force on 25 May this year. While many of its provisions already applied under existing national and European data protection laws, the advent of the GDPR raised the profile of the issue and concentrated the minds of those in organisations that are now faced with the possibility of huge fines for any failure to protect adequately the personal data of their customers and employees and, most importantly, to report when a breach has occurred.

Under GDPR, companies are obligated to do three basic things: to ensure that data is held only for specific reasons and purposes; to ensure data subjects’ consent is not only freely given but as easy to withdraw as to provide, and to ensure systems for the storage and processing of data are secure.

This has led to the emergence of a whole industry of instant experts in data protection, who flooded many people’s inboxes with apocalyptic warnings of impending catastrophe and quick-fix solutions of high cost and limited results.  Quite how they compiled their distribution lists without breaching pre-existing data protection laws is not entirely clear.

One of the key issues for those in the shipping industry concerned cross-border transfers of personal data, particularly between EEA and non-EEA states. To what extent would GDPR apply to seafarers recruited from non-EEA countries?  Would it be lawful for personal data to be passed to organisations in countries outside the EEA?  These would include crewing and manning agencies, but also Port State Control and other statutory authorities and overseas ports.

The Chamber sought answers to these important questions from legal experts at law firm Hill Dickinson, who led a workshop for members at the UK Chamber last September.  Following on from this, the Chamber prepared a publication, ‘The GDPR: Guidance to Shipping Companies’, which was published by Witherby Publishing in June this year.

Following requests from members, the Chamber will host a follow-up workshop entitled ‘The GDPR – Implementation and Next Steps’ on the afternoon of Thursday 18 October. The key purposes of the workshop will be to introduce the guidelines and hear members’ experiences of bringing their data protection procedures into line with GDPR.

Hill Dickinson’s Javed Ali will take centre stage and will provide answers to some of the most important questions that members have raised concerning the GDPR. These include how transfers of personal data between data controllers and processors inside and outside the EEA should be conducted in order to be GDPR-compliant; the use of data protection clauses in contracts and charterparties, and the link between shipboard and shore-based data protection policies.

Mr Ali will also report on Hill Dickinson’s own experiences of the application of GDPR, the role that the Information Commissioner’s Office has played since 25th May and details of prosecutions for breaches of GDPR that have been brought.

Following Mr Ali’s presentation, members will have the opportunity to put their own questions to him and raise any further matters that might have come to light since the regulation’s entry into force. Suggestions for further actions by the UK Chamber will also be welcomed.

  • For more information about the ‘The GDPR – Implementation and Next Steps’ event and to register, click here. As usual, the event is free to attend for members of the UK Chamber; a fee applies for non-members.

LONDONJuly 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Since rolling out in May 2018, there have been 340 GDPR fines issued by European data protection authorities. Every one of the 28 EU nations, plus the United Kingdom, has issued at least one GDPR fine.

GDPR tracking dashboard from PrivacyAffairs displays official data from national data protection bodies to monitor the status of GDPR fines.

Whilst GDPR sets out the regulatory framework that all EU countries must follow, each member state legislates independently and is permitted to interpret the regulations differently and impose their own penalties to organisations that break the law.

Nations with the highest fines:

  • France: €51,100,000
  • Italy: €39,452,000
  • Germany: €26,492,925
  • Austria: €18,070,100
  • Sweden: €7,085,430
  • Spain: €3,306,771
  • Bulgaria: €3,238,850
  • Netherlands: €3,490,000
  • Poland: €1,162,648
  • Norway: €985,400

Nations with the most fines:

  • Spain: 99
  • Hungary: 32
  • Romania: 29
  • Germany: 28
  • Bulgaria: 21
  • Czech Republic: 13
  • Belgium: 12
  • Italy: 11
  • Norway: 9
  • Cyprus: 8

The second-highest number of fines comes from Hungary. The National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information has issued 32 fines to date. The largest being €288,000 issued to an ISP for improper and non-secure storage of customers’ personal data.

UK organisations have been issued just seven fines, totalling over €640,000, by the Information Commissioner. The average penalty within the UK is €160,000. This does not include the potentially massive fines for Marriott International and British Airways that are still under review.

British Airways could face a fine of €204,600,000 for a data breach in 2019 that resulted in the loss of personal data of 500,000 customers.

Similarly, Marriott International suffered a breach that exposed 339 million people’s data. The hotel group faces a fine of €110,390,200.

The largest GDPR fine to date was issued by French authorities to Google in January 2019. The €50 million was issued on the basis of “lack of transparency, inadequate information and lack of valid consent regarding ads personalisation.”

Highest fines issued to Private individuals:

  • €20,000 issued to an individual in Spain for unlawful video surveillance of employees.
  • €11,000 issued to a soccer coach in Austria who was found to be secretly filming female players while they were taking showers.
  • €9,000 issued to another individual in Spain for unlawful video surveillance of employees.
  • €2,500 issued to a person in Germany who sent emails to several recipients, where each could see the other recipients’ email addresses. Over 130 email addresses were visible.
  • €2,200 issued to a person in Austria for having unlawfully filmed public areas using a private CCTV system. The system filmed parking lots, sidewalks, a garden area of a nearby property, and it also filmed the neighbours going in and out of their homes

For questions regarding the research or more information about the team behind the report, contact Joe Robinson at or visit PrivacyAffairs.

Maritime Cyber Security experts, Epsco Ra are proud to announce RaEDR (RA Endpoint Detection and Remediation) a comprehensive cybersecurity monitoring and defense solution.

Inspired by the necessity for remote working brought about by the COVID 19 pandemic and the resulting huge worldwide increase in cyber-attacks, Epsco Ra have developed a new next-generation solution in the form of a cloud-hosted application which functions as an agent on each computer in a network (or on a UTM when possible).

Epsco Ra’s solution is easily installed on any vessel or office network, without any requirement for hardware and with no disruption to existing network or system installations.

The agents provide in-depth visibility of the system’s security posture, offering security monitoring, intrusion & threat detection, file integrity monitoring, vulnerability assessment, and incident response.

The system includes Compliance alignment with controls allowing full configuration with Governance frameworks inclusive of but not limited to NIST and GDPR.

This is all managed via an extensive user-customizable dashboard with reporting and alerting tools.

RaEDR gives our clients peace of mind in the knowledge that they have their own professional cybersecurity team without the cost of employing an in-house team.

Epsco Ra’s RaEDR service offers our clients 3rd party assurance from as little as US$25.00 per month per vessel.
Source: maritimecyprus


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