Knowing that not all shipping companies have the means, resources, time and/or know-how to keep the standards of completion of Oil Record Books under close scrutiny, SHIP IP is available to offer a new service that can assist your company in the early detection and correction of deficiencies and, as well, in the harmonization of ORB completion standards throughout your fleet.
For a mutually agreeable fee we can remotely conduct periodic or sampling screening of scanned copies of Oil Records Book entries, looking for warning signs of unusual or suspicious operations, errors, incorrect practices, aspects with room for improvement in your SMS or EMS, etc. Feedback will always include the identification of noted deficiencies and guidance on how to correct and/or avoid its recurrence.
Screening of Oil Record Book entries will be made against:
- ORB Flag State Instructions;
- IMO Guidelines (MEPC.1/Circ.736/Rev.2 – Guidance for the Recording of Operations in the Oil Record Book Part I – Machinery Space Operations (All Ships))
- INTERTANKO – A Guide for Correct Entries in the Oil Record Book (Part I – Machinery Space Operations), 3rd Ed. March 2014;
- INTERTANKO – A Guide for Correct Entries in the Oil Record Book (Part II – Cargo/Ballast Operations), 1st Edition, March 2014;
- Owners or Managers own / additional requirements (if provided)
Please download our SERVICE presentation from link below for more details:
We remain to your disposal for any additional info you may require !
IMPORTANT NOTE : A quick scroll through the section “Justice News”of the U.S. Department of Justice website (https://www.justice.gov/justice-news) or a simple google search for keywords like “oil record book violations” will reveal a long trail of criminal prosecutions, indictments and court convictions held in recent times, which regrettably do not seem to be falling in number or severity.
Records, documentation and information needed for screening of Oil Record Books:
From Vessels:
1. Scanned copies of pages of the Oil Record Books Part I and Part II (if applicable) showing all entries made during the period subject to screening – Scanned copies should be sent in PDF format without gaps and in the correct chronological order;
Note for screening of ORB Part II: In case such operations were not carried out in the period subject to screening, vessels should additionally include scanned copies of pages of the ORB II containing entries about the most common operations on tankers such as the last cargo loading, cargo discharge, Crude oil washing, tank washing, slop decanting and de-slopping to shore operations.
2. To facilitate the review job and for cross-checking purposes, the following information should be also provided by each vessel:
· List of ports called during the period concerned (port and dates of arrival/departure)
· List (with date and place) of operations carried out in ports during the period subject to screening such as cargo loading, cargo discharge, fuel oil bunkering, lube oil bunkering (in bulk), de-slopping, disposal ashore of slops, bilge water or sludge, etc.
From Owners/Managers:
1. Scanned copy of the IOPPC Supplement Form B for each vessel (needed for cross-checking of records with tank names, locations and capacities).
2. Extracts from the SMS or EMS documentation showing the Company’s own particular/additional requirements for environmental-related activities/operations required to be recorded in the ORB. Examples: Signature of ORB entries and their endorsement by the Master and Chief Engineer, pre-use testing of OWS alarms and 3-way valve, sealing/tagging of valves in the OWS overboard disposal system, periodic cleaning / inspection of bilge holding tanks, etc.
3. Information about reported failures of MARPOL equipment (Oily Water Separator, Sludge Incinerator) occurred in the period subject to review. The information should indicate:
· Date of failure(s);
· Type of failure(s)
· Date(s) when rectified
· Whether a Flag State dispensation or a class intervention (survey for issuance of short term IOPPC) was involved.