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Rather than posing a threat, shipping lines are paying air freight “a wonderful compliment” by moving into their space, says TIACA director general Glyn Hughes.

Maersk and CMA CGM have pursued a fast-paced strategy that has transformed them from being largely box carriers into end-to-end logistics players, some would say integrators.

Today, they are also forces to be reckoned with in air freight – having set up their own airlines, acquired freighters and purchased forwarders.

In a recent podcast by Australia-based consultancy Logistics Executive Group, TIACA director general, Glyn Hughes described their diversification into air freight as “a fascinating evolution”, adding: “Some people say ‘should we feel threatened by this?’ and I’m thinking ‘threatened?’  – surely this is a compliment.

“These major maritime operators, which handle around 70% of global trade by volume and a significant chunk by value as well, saying, ‘we’re exposed, we’re light in air cargo’. Surely that’s them saying the future needs to be much more balanced-based (in terms of transport modes). And certainly air cargo is an integral part of the global economic supply chain scenario.”

Ocean carriers have brought a different approach to the airfreight industry which challenges the existing players, he added.

“They look at the relationship with the shipper differently,” said Mr Hughes, who cautioned that the extent that this could be translated to air could be limited.

“In the maritime sector there’s a smaller number of mega-customers that own a significant chunk of what’s moving. Air cargo tends to be much more proliferated in terms of the customer base, and I’m not sure you can be successful in trying to deal with every single customer in a direct fashion,” he explained.

So Mr Hughes believes intermediaries have a critical role to play.

“I think the role of the freight forwarder is incredibly important and will continue to be so. The notion of consolidation is critical when it comes to things like e-commerce. To move tens of millions of shipments of small individual items a day is going to be hugely complex and costly. So there needs to be much more focus on consolidated e-commerce and breaking down e-commerce at destination.”

As for the call to make supply chains more resilient, Mr Hughes noted that, as Covid highlighted an over-dependence on China – and whether more near- and on-shoring by manufacturers is the answer – there had been little interest in changing the manufacturing base.

He said: “The global economy has located production where it offers the best conditions, in terms of quality, value and the lowest unit (production) cost, as well as the easiest access to markets. I don’t think these particular mantras have been undermined; they will continue to play a significant role in the future.

“We might see some ‘split-shoring’, as shippers kind of diversify their risk in having multiple production sites, which works well for the supply chain and logistics industry. Certainly, there needs to be a lot more interaction between the logistics industry, governments and the manufacturing base.”

Asked how things are likely to play out between now and the end of the year, in terms of the return of passenger flights and the prospect of more belly capacity being available, Mr Hughes was more upbeat.

“Talking with many people from the airline side, and some from the regulatory side, there is the feeling that the summer period is as bad as it’s going to get, because ground staff that are coming back have not yet gone through the full certification and training programmes, etc. And so, by the time autumn comes, they think they will be in a much more balanced situation, and the same for flight crews. And then, obviously, they’ll be in a better position for 2023.”


The Emory S. Land-class submarine tender USS Frank Cable (AS 40) hosted several engagements from the 13th Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) and U.S. Navy Submarine Staff Talks to ship tours while moored pierside at Sepanggar Naval Base in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.

Staff talks also included discussions of Frank Cable’s expeditionary repair, rearm, and re-provision capabilities.

“It was an honor to host the 13th Royal Malaysian Navy and U.S. Navy Submarine Staff Talks onboard our ship,” said Capt. Frye, Frank Cable’s commanding officer. “We enjoyed the opportunity to present our submarine tender’s expeditionary capabilities and reinforce our strong relationship with the Royal Malaysian Navy.”

Frank Cable’s triad, along with several officers, had the opportunity to tour the Malaysian Submarine Command Headquarters to learn more about the Royal Malaysian Navy’s submarine capabilities, July 15, 2022.

“The Royal Malaysian Navy displayed a wide range of impressive capabilities of the RMN Submarine Force,” said Ens. Sean Smith, Frank Cable’s weapons handling officer, of the tour of RMN submarine command headquarters.

“Joint engagements between the Royal Malaysian Navy and U.S. Navy continue to strengthen our partnership. I am honored to have been a part of these joint engagements and hope they lead to future allied operations.”

While in port, Frank Cable Sailors also had the opportunity to participate in a friendly volleyball match with RMN sailors.

“It was a chance to build on our relationship with the Malaysian Navy,” said Chief Religious Program Specialist Christopher Renaud, from Clearfield, Pennsylvania, assigned to the Frank Cable.

“And these types of events are what I will remember when I look back at my time underway and in foreign ports. I was surprised with how much they knew about the game. It was obvious that they had been playing together for a while, and it translated with them taking the two out of three from us.”

Frank Cable hosted several tours for RMN sailors with Frank Cable Sailors presenting the ship’s medical, repair, supply and weapon capabilities, demonstrating the ship’s operational readiness at all times.

Lastly, the triad from the Royal Australian Navy Collins-class submarine HMAS Collins, currently docked at Sepanggar Naval Base, visited the Frank Cable for lunch.

Frank Cable, forward-deployed to the island of Guam, repairs, rearms, and re-provisions submarines and surface vessels in the Indo-Pacific region. Frank Cable is currently on patrol conducting expeditionary maintenance and logistics in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific.


In the Indo-Pacific region, Chinese aggression demonstrates an effort by Beijing to deconstruct core elements of the international rules-based order and assert greater control over the waterways that connect it with its neighbors, the assistant secretary of defense for Indo-Pacific security affairs said.

In June, for instance, a Chinese fighter aircraft cut across the nose of an Australian aircraft which was conducting legal operations over the South China Sea. The Chinese aircraft released chaff that was sucked into the engine of the Australian aircraft, said Ely Ratner, who spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “Chaff” consists of fragments of aluminum, or another material, released from an aircraft as a radar countermeasure.

That incident, Ratner said, came shortly after another series of incidents where Chinese aircraft unsafely intercepted Canadian aircraft who were also conducting legal activities on behalf of the U.N. Security Council over the East China Sea.

Another incident, he said, involved a Chinese naval vessel endangering another Australian aircraft by aiming a laser at it.

“These are not isolated incidents,” Ratner said. “Over the last five years, the number of unsafe PLA [People’s Liberation Army] intercepts, including U.S. allies and partners operating lawfully in international airspace in the South China Sea has increased dramatically with dozens of dangerous events in the first half of this year alone. In my view, this aggressive and irresponsible behavior represents one of the most significant threats to peace and stability in the region today, including in the South China Sea.”

Ratner said if the Chinese military continues that unsafe behavior, in short time, it might cause a major incident or accident in the region. Chinese actions, he said, are part of an effort by Beijing to systematically test the limits of U.S. and partner resolve and to advance a new status quo in the South China Sea that disregards existing commitments to a respect for sovereignty, peaceful resolution of disputes and adherence to international law.

“What this demands of us is that we demonstrate the will and capability to properly deter PRC aggression,” he said.

The Defense Department has a strategy, Ratner said, which is aimed at ensuring the U.S., its partners and allies can continue to enjoy a free and open Indo-Pacific region where both international law and national sovereignty are respected.

The Strategy

  • Building asymmetric advantages for U.S. partners
  • Building a combat-credible forward presence in the Indo-Pacific
  • Enabling the most capable of U.S. partners in the region

~Ely Ratner, assistant secretary of defense for Indo-Pacific security affairs

“Without question, bolstering our partners’ self-defense capabilities in the South China Sea, and across the region, is a task of foremost importance for the Defense Department,” Ratner said. “DOD is taking an increasingly proactive approach in looking at new options to support these efforts.”

Underlying that approach, he said, is an understanding that deterrence doesn’t mean matching competitors’ capabilities directly.

“We’ve seen reminders in Ukraine that smaller nations can outmaneuver larger aggressors through smart investments in self-defense technologies, anti-aircraft weapons and other anti-access/denial capabilities,” he said.

Information can also be as powerful a tool as hardware, he said. And to that end the Defense Department is providing better support to partner intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities and rethinking how it manages and shares information.

“We’re doubling down on our efforts to build a common operating picture with our partners that will allow them to better detect and counter illicit activities in their territorial waters,” he said. “Our new Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness … which we launched at the Quad Leaders Summit in May, is just one way that we’re doing so.”

The Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness, he said, will allow the U.S. to share near-real-time satellite data with partners.

Building a more combat-credible forward presence in the Indo-Pacific, Ratner said, means a focus on day-to-day campaigning, and the harnessing of new capabilities, operational concepts, and combined warfighting development with allies to complicate competitor military preparations.

“We’re building a more dynamic presence in the region,” he said. “In practice, this means we’re operating forward and more flexibly, including through a regular tempo of rotational activities.”

As examples, he said, last fall, two U.S. carrier strike groups were joined by a Japanese helicopter destroyer and a U.K. carrier strike group to conduct multilateral, multicarrier operations in the Philippine Sea.

“When the USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier strike group rotated through the Indian Ocean and ultimately the South China Sea last spring, we conducted multidomain operations with the Indian navy and air force that integrated air, anti-submarine and command and control elements,” he said.

Across the Indo-Pacific, Ratner said, the U.S. military has been increasing the complexity, jointness, duration and scale of combined exercises with allies.

“As we continue to shore up our position in the region, we will not relent in our commitment to fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows to ensure that all nations are able to exercise this right,” he said.

Another of the department’s effort to ensure a free and open Indo-Pacific region, Ratner said, is better enabling the U.S.’s more capable partners and allies in the region.

“The United States’ ability to pursue common security and economic goals with like-minded nations is the cornerstone of our success and at the root of our strategy,” he said. “For the U.S. military specifically, our defense relationships and our ability to bind them more tightly together into more deeply interoperable coalitions can make clear the costs of aggression.”

U.S. alliances with Australia, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and Thailand, for instance, remain at the center DOD’s approach here, he said.

During a recent trip to Thailand, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and his counterparts there discussed opportunities to expand bilateral training and exercises, including the establishment of a working group on reciprocal access, Ratner said.

The U.S. is also working with the Philippines to develop new bilateral defense guidelines to clarify respective roles, missions and capabilities within the framework of the U.S. and Philippines’ alliance, Ratner said. Already, he said, the U.S. and the Philippines participate together in more than 300 exercises and military to military activities annually.

“We do not seek confrontation or conflict,” Ratner said. “We say that publicly, we say that privately. Our primary interest is in upholding the order that has for decades sustained the region’s peace. And while we will always stand ready to prevail in conflict, it is the primary responsibility of the Department of Defense to prevent it and deterrence is the cornerstone of our strategy.”


China will continue to conduct military drills in various areas along its coast after large-scale exercises in the Taiwan Strait, closing part of ​the Bohai Gulf in the northwestern part of the Yellow Sea for one month, the China Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) said on Monday.

“From 00:00 on August 8 [16:00 GMT, August 7] to 24:00 on September 8 [16:00 GMT, September 7], military missions will be carried out in part of the Bohai Sea; entry [to the area] is prohibited,” the MSA office in Dalian in the northeastern province of Liaoning said in a statement.

Naval and air drills near Taiwan will continue as well on Monday and focus on “practicing joint anti-submarine and maritime amphibious operations,” the Chinese army’s Eastern Theater Command said on WeChat.

China-missile boat
PLA Navy’s fast attack missile boats during an exercise in the East China Sea on February 22, 2022.

On Saturday, the MSA office of the Lianyungang city district in the province of Jiangsu said that the  Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) would conduct military exercises with live fire in the southern part of the Yellow Sea from August 6-15.

The PLA organized large-scale military drills deploying missiles, aircraft, and warships in response to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan last week. The exercises started on August 4 in six water areas around the island and were supposed to end on August 7.

Meanwhile, the People’s Liberation Army of China (PLA) will continue drills in the waters and airspace around Taiwan, the PLA’s Eastern Theater Command said in a statement.

“On August 8, the Eastern Theater Command will continue to conduct joint exercises in the waters and airspace around Taiwan,” the statement said.

Anti-submarine drills and offensive ops at sea will be rehearsed. The PLA’s Eastern Theater Command has extended the exercises around Taiwan for the second day consecutively.


THE AUSTRALIAN Maritime Safety Authority detained 159 ships entering Australian waters last year, according to the latest annual data in AMSA’s Port State Control Australia 2021 Report.

Last years’ detention figures were an improvement on those of 2020, having decreased from 179 detentions that year.

Detention and deficiency rates per inspection reportedly remained low in 2021, at 5.6% and 2.2% respectively compared to 2020 rates of 5.9% and 2.1% respectively.

AMSA said the most frequent cause of detention since 2010 relates to relates to ineffective implementation of the safety management system as required by the International Safety Management (ISM) Code.

Trends reported in 2021 suggest maintenance issues are not being addressed by the ship’s safety management system as implemented onboard.

In 2021 the number of ISM detainable deficiencies decreased to 53 (occurring in 1.9% of port state control inspections) compared to 76 in 2020 (occurring in 2.5% of inspections).

According to AMSA, deficiencies were in part influenced by difficulties operators have experienced with conducting shore-based maintenance with pandemic-related restrictions in place.

Operators also reported difficulty in superintendents not being able to visit their ships due to COVID-19 restrictions, which affected their ability to conduct on-board SMS audits.


AMSA said the annual report highlighted the positive effect a consistent, zero-tolerance approach can have on the quality of foreign ships entering Australian waters.

The regulator said it is widely reputed for having one of the most stringent inspection regimes in the world.

AMSA executive director of operations Michael Drake said ships that fail to meet international standards represent an unacceptable risk to the safety of seafarers, marine environments and coastal communities.

“Our mission is to ensure safe ship operations and combat marine pollution from shipping,” Mr Drake said.

“We achieve that by taking a zero-tolerance approach during our inspections and by working collaboratively with our regional partners through intelligence sharing, concentrated inspection campaigns and awareness raising with industry.

“These combined efforts have a positive influence on the quality of ships that enter our waters – it is a deterrent to the owners and operators of sub-standard ships which is why we continue to see low detention and deficiency rates.”

Mr Drake said the 2021 inspection regime findings also helped refine AMSA’s compliance focus areas for the year ahead, outlined in its National Compliance Plan for 2022-23.

“We’ve identified trends in recent years relating to detainable deficiencies for ineffective implementation of safety management systems, fire safety and water/weather tight integrity, and we will be sharpening our compliance focus on these areas for the coming year,” he said.


A group of Japanese entities has announced the creation of the ‘Maritime and Ocean Digital Engineering’ (MODE) cooperation programme at the University of Tokyo.

The entities include NYK Group company MTI, Japan Marine United Corporation, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group company Mitsubishi Shipbuilding, Furuno Electric, Japan Radio, BEMAC, ClassNK and NAPA.

With a focus on research and education, the programme will establish a network between research institutes across the world and the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences and Graduate School of Engineering.

The programme will be launched on 1 October and continue for five years, up to 30 September 2027. It intends to build a simulation platform to promote and improve digital engineering technology and skills for the maritime sector.

Under the cooperation programme, the entities will use model-based development (MBD) and model-based systems engineering (MBSE) to develop and implement new technologies for global decarbonisation.

Both models are expected to help with the challenges faced by Japan’s maritime industry, such as maintaining shipping services, supporting seafarers and enhancing safety by incorporating autonomous ships and maintaining productivity amid increasing complexity in the ship design and manufacturing processes.

By studying the functions of products and components as computer models, MBD and MBSE will focus on problems and assess their behaviours through simulations.

The models will also be used by a range of stakeholders, including shippers and operators, to create a collaborative development process.

MHI stated that ‘the programme is also anticipated to expand into maritime fields such as offshore wind power generation and subsea resource development’.


The agreements are set to facilitate commercial cooperation, effectively utilizing the parties’ established services and fleets

 Bahri, a global leader in logistics and transportation, has signed two Memoranda of Understanding  with Greek maritime firms Dynacom and SeaTraders to further collaborative efforts and assist Bahri during the continuous enhancement of its award-winning fleet. Both agreements were signed during the Saudi Greek Investment Forum in Athens, which was held at the end of July on the sidelines of the visit of H.R.H. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to Greece.

The first MoU was signed between Bahri and Dynacom, while the second was signed between Bahri’s business division, Bahri Dry Bulk, and Sea Traders. Both agreements are effective for a one-year period. The MoUs’ terms will assist the companies’ existing capabilities, establish avenues to seamlessly transfer technology and services, and help develop prosperity within the landscape of both national economies.

Eng. Ahmed Ali Alsubaie, CEO of Bahri, commented on the MoUs stating, “With the signing of these two significant agreements, Bahri has taken yet another major leap towards improving the operational efficiency of our fleet and further establishing our organization both regionally and globally. Dynacom and SeaTraders have developed impressive service portfolios, and we are excited to build a lasting relationship that embodies innovation and strengthens our country’s bilateral relations.”

Eng. Mohammed Bin Battal, President of Bahri Dry Bulk, said, “We are proud to begin the collaborative process with Sea Traders, in ambitious pursuit of expanding our market presence and growing parallel to other dry-bulk shipping leaders. This new agreement gives leeway to a remarkable collaboration between the Saudi Arabian and Greek private sectors. It demonstrates our commitment to providing services of the highest standards to our customers.”

During the Saudi Greek Investment Forum, representatives from both Saudi and Greek governments and the private sector finalized a variety of mutually beneficial investment deals, further bolstering commercial relationships between the two countries. Saudi Arabian and Greek entities signed more than a dozen agreements worth over 15.2 billion SAR.


The US Navy has concluded the 28th iteration of biennial maritime exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2022.

The exercise was held between 29 June and 4 August in and around the Hawaiian Islands and Southern California.

This year, RIMPAC witnessed the participation of around 25,000 personnel, 170 aircraft, three submarines, over 30 uncrewed systems, 38 surface ships and nine national land forces from across 26 countries.

RIMPAC 2022 Combined Task Force (CTF) Commander and US Navy vice-admiral Michael Boyle said: “By coming together as capable, adaptive partners, and in scale that we are, we are making a statement about our commitment to work together, to foster and sustain those relationships that are critical to ensuring safety of sea lanes and security of world’s interconnected oceans.”

During the month-long exercise, the participants performed a wide variety of maritime training drills, including disaster relief, security operations, sea control and complex warfighting.

In a first, the Royal New Zealand Navy’s fleet tanker HMNZS Aotearoa participated in the exercise to conduct replenishment of the multinational ships at the sea.

The exercise also involved the first-ever embedded use of the MQ-9A and MQ-9B uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) along with uncrewed surface vessels (USVs), namely Nomad, Ranger, Sea Hawk and Sea Hunter.

Furthermore, the Royal Malaysian Navy’s vessel KD Leskir (F26) conducted the first ever live missile firing outside the domestic waters.

RIMPAC 2022 Deputy Commander and Royal Canadian Navy rear admiral Christopher Robinson said: “This exercise provides tremendous training value, enabling partners to build skills and refine procedures through working together.

“Part of this comes from seeing how other partners approach similar scenarios, offering new perspectives.”


The old saying goes that ‘practice makes perfect,’ but at Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2022, practice makes capable, adaptive partners of Sailors and service members from around the world.

The largest international maritime exercise in the world, RIMPAC gives participants a unique training opportunity while building cooperative relationships amongst countries. These relationships are crucial to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security throughout the world’s oceans. Through the formation of a combined international force, RIMPAC also enhances interoperability across the full spectrum of military operations in the maritime environment.

Building relationships

As part of the shore-based activities this year, Navy Reserve Sailors assigned to Reserve Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 22 Seabees joined forces with U.S. Marines and Republic of Korea (ROK) Navy Sailors for several projects on bases around Oahu, ranging from pouring concrete to removing and rebuilding a stairway for safe beach access.

“As Seabees, we’re called to build all over the world, and RIMPAC goes a long way in creating trust,” said Equipment Operator 1st Class Richard “Tyler” Rack, from Houston, Texas, assigned to NMCB 22, Detachment 3222. “If we had to go to the Republic of Korea or work with them somewhere, we’ve already established familiarity and a working relationship.”

Such familiarity can be as simple as recognizing uniforms from different countries to understanding some of their cultural norms and expectations. It can also pave the way for lasting connections between Sailors and other nations’ service members.

“The good thing about working with partner nations is that you build a bond and a relationship with them by showing them how to use different tools and techniques, and showing them that you trust them,” said Steel Worker 3rd Class Alan Hopkins, of Houston, Texas, assigned to NMCB 22, Detachment 3222.

By working together and developing mutual trust, American troops and partner nation service members improve their overall knowledge and capabilities.

“I like the experience,” said Hopkins. “[Partner nations] have different ideas and techniques, so the good thing about RIMPAC is that they can come here and show us how they do things.”

The language barrier, however, can prove challenging for some RIMPAC participants.

“A big challenge for us has been having different languages,” Rack said. “Fortunately, America is a diverse nation with many languages, and we have a Sailor in our detachment who speaks Korean. They were able to translate for us, which was so cool.”

Along with having bilingual team members, participants adapted using translation apps, and sometimes even resorted to simple gestures to make their point. Despite the language barrier, U.S. and ROK Sailors were able to come together for their builds.

“Although the language is different, it seems like we can relate to each other and that’s good,” said ROK Navy Sgt. Major Seougju Yun, assigned to ROK Naval Mobile Construction Squadron 59. “It is very rewarding to see coworkers accomplishing projects. I think that training together can help us be good partners, even in an emergency.”

Warfighting readiness

RIMPAC provides Navy Reserve Sailors—who must be ready to mobilize within 72 hours—the opportunity to train to their billet in line with the Chief of Navy Reserve’s Navy Reserve Fighting Instructions.

The Fighting Instructions outline four lines of effort to modernize the force: design, train, mobilize, and develop. The “Train the Force” line of effort, also called, “Mob-to-Billet,” advocates for Sailors to focus on completing the warfighting requirements of their mobilization billet, in addition to readiness requirements.

“The RIMPAC experience would absolutely help me be able to mobilize within three days,” said Hopkins. “I can show up and already have some experience working with other nations in a joint [forces] situation, and that’ll be helpful in case I have to go to another country.”

RIMPAC is also opportunity for Reserve Sailors to be part of a working unit.

“As a Reserve Sailor, my favorite aspect of RIMPAC is to be back in a team environment with a common mission to accomplish,” said Rack. “In my experience, in the civilian sector, you cannot find such a deep level of camaraderie.”

Coupled with the fact that many Navy Reserve Sailors have civilian careers different than their Navy specialty, their ability to quickly integrate and adapt to any working environment is impressive.

“It amazes me when I show up to a construction project and witness so many of my [Navy Reserve] shipmates, who are very good at their respective rates—for example, as carpenters or equipment operators—and then you ask them what they do on the civilian side, it’s something totally different and yet, they know construction,” said Rack. “They’re teachers, bankers, fitness coaches, and business owners. You might never expect that.”

Warfighting readiness and interoperability may be the overall mission of RIMPAC, but the most memorable for most participants is the continued international camaraderie.

“The friendships that we have built during harbor phase will lead to lifelong partnerships,” said Vice. Adm. Michael Boyle, U.S. 3rd Fleet commander, who serves as the RIMPAC Combined Task Force commander. “Having a friend that you can call when you need help, that you already know their name, you already know their capability, you already have a rapport—is what RIMPAC is all about.”

Twenty-six nations, 38 ships, four submarines, more than 170 aircraft and 25,000 personnel participated in RIMPAC in and around the Hawaiian Islands and Southern California from June 29 to Aug. 4. For health safety reasons, this is the first full-scale RIMPAC exercise since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. RIMPAC 2022 is the 28th exercise in the series that began in 1971.


Colloquially called drone ships, multiple unmanned platforms participated in Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2022, in concert with manned platforms. Unmanned and remotely operated vessels extend the capability of interconnected manned platform sensors to enhance capacity across the multinational forces.

Unmanned Surface Vessel Division One (USVDIV-1) Commanding Officer U.S. Navy Cmdr. Jeremiah Daley said RIMPAC 2022 was an excellent opportunity to train his team on common naval cultures between partner nations.

“It was rewarding to host discussions with senior leaders from participating countries on unmanned operations for RIMPAC 2022 and future concepts, as we move our partnerships forward with manned and unmanned teaming,” said Daley. “The opportunity to sail in such a large formation of ships was not lost on me as an operationally and tactically minded surface warfare officer.

“I appreciate the presence of such a large, interconnected, capable coalition of like-minded partner nations here and what it represents for our shared values moving forward.”

Known as the ghost fleet, the unmanned surface vessels Seahawk, Sea Hunter, Ranger and Nomad participated in RIMPAC 2022.

Seahawk and Sea Hunter are each 130 feet long with a central hull and two outriggers. Ranger and Nomad are 200 feet long, 35 feet wide and have a huge cargo deck on the back.

Twenty-six nations, 38 ships, three submarines, more than 170 aircraft and 25,000 personnel are participating in RIMPAC from June 29 to Aug. 4 in and around the Hawaiian Islands and Southern California.

The world’s largest international maritime exercise, RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity while fostering and sustaining cooperative relationships among participants critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world’s oceans. RIMPAC 2022 is the 28th exercise in the series that began in 1971.


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