Mercy Ships Sends Out Clear Signal of Hope With Intellian Technology
October 27, 2021 Maritime Safety News

Two years ago, Intellian struck up a close working relationship with the international surgical care charity Mercy Ships. With its International Support Center (ISC) located in Garden Valley, Texas, Mercy Ships has branches in the UK, West Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Korea, France, Switzerland, Spain, the Netherlands and Belgium. Through its floating hospitals, the organization’s work encompasses a range of procedures, including orthopedic, maxillofacial, ocular and reconstructive surgeries; mental health services; healthcare training projects; and palliative care.
Since its inception in 1978, Mercy Ships has provided free medical aid plus physical and moral support for people in countries ranked in the lower third of the World Health Organization’s Human Development Index. The organization has shown unwavering determination in its quest to eradicate diseases of poverty.
For the most part, such diseases should be relatively straightforward to prevent or treat, but the World Health Organization has estimated that over 50 percent of the population in the poorest parts of Africa and Asia lack regular access to essential medicines and healthcare. With only around half of sub-Saharan African children vaccinated against childhood diseases, many die from preventable diseases such as diarrhea, measles, malaria and malnutrition-related causes. The work carried out by Mercy Ships could not be more vital.
The pandemic has been a devastating setback – a global catastrophe that has only served to make extreme situations even more disastrous. However, last year’s challenges have only strengthened Mercy Ships’ resolve, and Intellian Technologies is with them every step of the way.