1. IMO


The below circulars were issued in our COVID-19 report of 21 May and are published here again presenting the latest information to-date from the IMO.

  • Addendum no.41  to IMO circular no. 4204 “Coronavirus (COVID-19)” issued on 18 May 2021 relating to the roadmap for vaccination of international seafarers.
    • Addendum no. 35/rev. 7  issued 20 May 2021  provides a consolidated list of the IMO members that have so far notified IMO on their designation of seafarers as key workers. The list is shown below:

2. IMO Crew Change – National Focal Point for Crew Change and Repatriation of Seafarers


As per our BIMCO news of 12th April, the IMO has discontinued the issue of the IMO circular in series: MSC.7/circ. 1 relating to government states informing the IMO of their national focal point for crew change and repatriation of seafarers. Instead, the IMO’s online Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) will be used to contain such information.

According to GISIS today, the list of countries  (43) informing the IMO of their national focal point of contact for crew change and repatriation of seafarers are: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belgium Brazil, Canada, the Cook Islands, Cyprus, Dominica, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Ghana (new)I, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, the Marshall Islands, Mexico, Montenegro, Myanmar, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand , Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and Vanuatu.

Earlier reference of the MSC.7/circ.1 : our implementation page.


3. Government States



The state government in Rio Grande do Sul has imposed restrictions to mitigate the continued spread of COVID-19, where – amongst the restrictions – port activities are limited to cargo operations only.


Huatai Marine and Oasis P&I have advised on the latest COVID-19 port measures – HuaTai Marine circular dated 28 May and Oasis P&I circular dated 20 May 2021  due to the recent outbreak in India. Members are advised to read these circulars carefully and also check with their local agent at the Chinese port that they are calling to get the latest measures applicable at the time of calling.


The French authorities informed IMO ( via an IMO circular letter no. 4234/Add.10) that they have assigned seafarers as priority profession to be included in their vaccination programme.


According to information provided by the Norwegian Maritime Authority, on-signing seafarers are exempted from hotel quarantine requirements as on 21 May.


The Maritime Port Authority of Singapore ( MPA) issued Port maritime circular (PMC) circular no. 21/2021 dated 28 May 2021, advising of the latest requirements for ships arriving in Singapore which will take effect today and supersedes PMC circular no.19/2021. This circular updates the Rostered Routine Testing (RRT) and Antigen Rapid Test ( ART) requirements for shore-based personnel boarding ships at Singapore port.

In addition, the MPA has advised the shipping community on 30 May 2021 ( via email), that in view of the current Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) situation in Singapore, all stakeholders involved in the crew change have to strictly comply at all times, with the Singapore’s safe crew change protocol and requirements. The MPA has the following temporary enhanced requirements/measures for crew change as follows:

  1. Sign on crew who has served 21 days SHN

    i) at the CrewSafe Facility (https://www.ssa.org.sg/mediaimg/publications/sg-star-fund-crewsafe-facilities.html) will be allowed to stay at the designated holding facility in Singapore for not more than 48 hours; and

    ii) all other crew will only be allowed to stay at the designated holding facility for not more than 24 hours.

  2. Sign off crew may stay at the designated holding facility for up to 48 hours.
  3. Agent and owner shall endeavour for direct transfer from airport to vessel for sign-on crew.
  4. Agents and appointed drivers are responsible for ensuring that the crew remain in the holding area or private vehicle at all times. At no time should the crew be loitering outside the holding area and interacting with the general public.


4. Others


There is no news issued under this section.



BIMCO General COVID-19 Links

BIMCO is continuously monitoring COVID-19 restrictions and its impact on the shipping industry in particular on crew changes. Below are some of the type of information  currently being provided by BIMCO :

You can also view all information on our COVID-19 landing page.




As the world battles the coronavirus pandemic, the global maritime transport industry is playing a critical role in the response to the virus, according to United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) sent a letter-call to all governments on 19 March to keep maritime trade moving and UNCTAD marks the high importance of that in the fight against Covid-19.

Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General of UNCTAD, says “it is more important than ever to keep supply chains open and to allow maritime trade and cross-border transport to continue,” as around 80% of global trade is transported by commercial shipping.

“This means keeping the world’s ports open for ship calls and the movement of ships’ crews with as few obstacles as possible,” adds Dr. Kituyi.

He highlights that transit needs to be facilitated, too and landlocked countries need access to food and medical supplies through neighbouring countries’ seaports.

Facing the current pandemic, cross-border movements of relief goods such as food and medical supplies will increase dramatically. Restrictions on trade and cross-border transport may interrupt needed aid and technical support, could disrupt businesses and have negative social and economic effects on the affected countries, according to a statement.

UNCTAD believes that governments should therefore continue to facilitate movement of, not only relief goods, but also goods in general, to minimise the negative impact of the coronavirus outbreak.


Source: container-news

These are challenging times, for the maritime industry and the society at large. Seafarers in international trade are constantly facing the risk of being infected by COVID-19 and measures implemented by some countries to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 bring serious operational consequences for ships and crews. Travel restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic has made it difficult to effect crew-change on ships. Ports around the world are denying entry to certain ships and accessing healthcare ashore when needed is challenging. Supply chain disruptions, shortage of workforce and implementation of social distancing measures in ports and shipyards are causing delays.

Ona positive note, several effective COVID-19 vaccines have now been approved and bring renewed hope for the pandemic to finally come to an end. However, it has also become clear that the production and distribution of vaccines are complex processes that will take time. The roll-out of vaccination programs varies enormously from country to country and it may take years before most of the global population has been vaccinated. In the meantime, basic public health measures remain the foundation of the world’s response. For public health authorities this means testing, contact tracing, isolation, supported quarantine and quality care. For individuals it means avoiding crowds, physical distancing, hand hygiene, and masks. For the shipping industry, it means continuing restrictions on travel and port operations resulting in sustained challenges relating to crew changes, repatriation of sick crew and concerns for the wellbeing of seafarers.

Below we have provided links to some relevant websites and guidelines that may assist ship operators, masters, and crews to stay alert and prepare and respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. An overview of Gard’s relevant loss prevention material is also included.

We would, however, like to emphasise that Gard is guided by the views and recommendations issued by the WHO, IMO, flag states, and other expert agencies in respect of this pandemic. As the situation evolves, so will recommendations and measures to prevent and reduce spread of the infection and we advise Members and clients to remain vigilant.

General information and advice

For the latest official information and advice related to the COVID-19 outbreak, we recommend consulting the following organizations’ websites dedicated to COVID-19:

Geographical information and advice

We strongly recommend that ship operators and masters, well in advance of arriving at any port, seek guidance from local port authorities and ships’ agents on restrictions and other preventive measures currently in effect. However, the following sources of information may be useful when assessing the situation:

  • The WHO’s situation reports describe the evolution of the outbreak and the areas affected by COVID-19 at a given time. The organization has also established a dashboard displaying the cases reported each day. Its latest travel advice should also be consulted.
  • The International Group of P&I Clubs has launched an online COVID-19 tracker to assist shipowners, charterers, operators and other parties in the maritime sector to track country and port specific advice around the world.
  • Some industry organizations and companies, such as our correspondent Gulf Agency Company Ltd., the shipping company Wilhelmsen, and BIMCO, provide regular and useful updates on control measures implemented by countries and ports around the world.

Recommendations supported by the IMO

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has established a website dedicated to COVID-19 with advice for IMO Member States, seafarers and shipping: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

Travel restrictions imposed by governments around the world have created significant hurdles to crew changes and repatriation of seafarers. This has led to a growing humanitarian crisis as well as significant concerns for the safety of seafarers and shipping in general. IMO has intervened promptly by urging its Member States to designate seafarers as key workers, so they can travel between the ships that constitute their workplace, and their countries of residence. More recently, the IMO and other UN Organizations have also issued a joint statement to call on governments to prioritize seafarers in their national COVID-19 vaccination programs. Ship operators are advised to pay particular attention to the following IMO recommendations:


The IMO has also established a Frequently Asked Questions about crew changes and repatriation of seafarers as well as a Seafarer Crisis Action Team (SCAT) to help resolve individual cases.

As Governments around worldwide are implementing policies and measures to protect public health and address COVID-19, it is important that these are developed without the introduction of obstacles to ship and port operations, including the movement of seafarers and marine personnel. On 27 March 2020, the IMO circulated a Preliminary list of recommendations for Governments and relevant national authorities on the facilitation of maritime trade during the COVID-19 pandemic (Circular Letter No.4204/Add.6) addressing:

  • Ships’ access to berth in port
  • Measures to facilitate crew changes in ports
  • Measures to facilitate port (and related) operations
  • Measures to ensure health protection in ports

It is hoped that these recommendations, as fully supported by the International Group of P&I Clubs, assist Governments and their relevant national authorities to take a pragmatic and practical approach to the facilitation of shipping and port operations at this difficult time.

One of the many challenges facing international shipping during the COVID-19 pandemic has been arranging access for seafarers to medical care ashore. Prompt and efficient disembarkation of seafarers to receive medical care is essential for the protection of seafarers and public health, and vital for the maintenance of global supply chains. Circular Letter No. 4204/Add.23of 1 July 2020 summarises previous guidance published by the IMO on this issue and endorses a new set of the recommendations issued by a cross section of organisations representing the maritime transport sector and providing guidance to the relevant authorities in port and coastal States so they can ensure seafarers’ access to medical care.


Source: gard

Bunkering operations could also come in the ambit of this catastrophic wave that has engulfed India, although no major disruptions have been noted yet as demand has been lackluster, bunker industry sources said.

The impact on global shipping logistics from India’s isolation could become a very significant market disruptor by causing delay in supply of ships, said Ole-Rikard Hammer, oil and shipping analyst with Oslo-based Arctic Securities. This will obviously tighten the tankers’ supply, Hammer told S&P Global Platts.

There are serious concerns over several ports refusing to allow crew changes in those ships which have called on Indian ports over the previous 14 days.

Singapore has already banned ship crew changes for those with recent India-related travel history while Fujairah — another major bunkering hub — has also prohibited such crew changes from vessels arriving from India.

Voyage from India to several ports in Asia is less than two weeks, and this implies that the ship will have to idle away for a few days before being eligible to enter its next port of call for bunkering, loading, unloading, crew change, dry docking or even routine maintenance.

Bunkering schedules will go awry, daily earnings will be hit and ships will seek to offset it by seeking higher freight for India-bound voyages, several shipping sources in Asia and Europe said.

If things play out similar to what was seen last year during the first lockdown in India, there will be a sharp drop in local demand and most of this difference will be diverted for exports, said Ralph Leszczynski, who heads research at Genoa-based shipping broker and consultancy, Banchero Costa.

Due to ongoing refinery maintenance season in North Asia, Indian refiners may capitalize on this by giving a boost to product exports, particularly to Southeast Asia and Australia, Leszczynski said. This will help revive freight of Long Range I and II tankers, as until now refinery utilization levels in India has remained high, he said.

According to the latest government data, India’s average run for all categories of refineries in India rose to 99% in March compared with 97% in the previous month. An Indian refinery source said in the week ended May 8 that run rates were still around 90%-95% and there was no immediate plan to cut them.


Source: spglobal

The foundations for the future development of a regulatory framework for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) will be laid at the 103rd session of IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), held in remote sessionfrom 05 to14 May 2021.  The Committee will consider the outcome of a regulatory scoping exercise onMASS carried outover the last couple of years and identify priorities for further work. In addition to discussing the most appropriate ways of addressing MASS operations from the regulatory perspective, meeting attendees will also consider submissions relating to MASS trials.

MSC 103 will also explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on shipping and seafarers. The Committee is expected to discussa number ofsubmissions, including a proposal for adoption of a resolution on prioritising seafarers for COVID-19 vaccination.

Another important item on the agenda is maritime security, including cybersecurity, piracy and armed robbery.  The Committee is expected to discuss in particular theongoing piracy problems in the Gulf of Guinea.

Fuel safety is also high on the agenda, with the Committee expected to establish a working group to examine issues including fuel flashpoint, blended fuels and fuel sampling and testing.

In response to the growing need for safer operation of domestic ferries, the Committee will be considering a set of draft model regulations on domestic ferry safety that can be incorporatedinto national law.


Source: miragenews

Twenty members of the Port Authorities Roundtable from Asia, Europe, Middle East and North America met on April 24 to declare their commitment to ensuring their ports remain open amidst the current pandemic.

The declaration, initiated by Singapore, calls for port authorities to collaborate and share best practices in ensuring that port operations are not disrupted.

Through this joint declaration, the signatories are committed to work together and ensure that:

•  Merchant ships can continue to berth at port terminals to carry out cargo operations and keep the global supply chain going;
•  Best practices are adopted, according to national circumstances, including precautionary measures for the shipping community, advisories and assistance for shore personnel and ship crew, and safe handling of cargoes during this period; and
•  Port authorities continue to share experiences in combating COVID-19 while safeguarding unimpeded maritime trade.

The Roundtable has shared the declaration with the IMO and the International Association of Ports and Harbours to rally other port authorities to join the declaration.

List of 20 members who signed the declaration

Abu Dhabi Ports
Antwerp Port Authority
Bureau of Port and Harbor, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Busan Port Authority
Guangzhou Port Authority
Hamburg Port Authority
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
Montreal Port Authority
Ningbo Municipal Port Administration Bureau
Port Authority of Thailand (Bangkok Port)
Port of Barcelona
Port and Harbor Bureau, City of Yokohama
Port and Harbor Bureau, Kobe City Government
Port Klang Authority
Port of Long Beach
Port of Los Angeles
Port of Rotterdam
Port of Seattle
Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission
Port of Le Havre


Source: maritime-executive

  • Albania has confirmed more than 131,000 cases of COVID-19 within its borders.
  • Commercial flights returned to Albania on June 15, 2020.  Lufthansa and Austrian Air continue with reduced weekly flights to/from Tirana until further notice. We recommend that you contact your airline regarding any boarding restrictions that may be in place, especially for any travelers transiting the Schengen area, as circumstances can change rapidly, and air carriers have the final decision as to who they will and will not board.
  • The Albanian government announced (newest on top):
    • As of May 5, 2021, the 14-day quarantine for all travelers who enter Albania from Greece and North Macedonia, has been lifted.
    • As of April 12, 2021, there will be a daily curfew from 10:00pm to 6:00am, until further notice.  Bars, restaurants, fast food, and other similar activities are prohibited from operating between 10:00pm and 6:00am, except for delivery services.  Public movement is restricted during these hours except for work reasons, health care emergencies, or urgent needs. The e-Albania portal must be used for special permission to move during this time.
    • As of April 12, 2021, direct civilian air traffic to and from Great Britain has resumed.
    • As of November 17, 2020, indoor and outdoor gatherings of more than 10 people until are restricted until further notice. The measure includes a wide range of activities, such as: conferences/meetings, political gatherings, holiday parties, wedding ceremonies, or funerals.
    • As of October 15, 2020, wearing a mask in public areas, indoors and outdoors, for any individual 11 years old and above is mandatory.  Non-compliance with this rule may result in a fine up to 3,000 ALL.
    • As of June 1, 2020:
      — Preschools and kindergartens reopened.
      — All cultural events and other large public gatherings in Albania are cancelled indefinitely.
      — Professional sporting events have resumed, with no spectators allowed to attend.
      — Malls and shops are open with strict social distancing guidelines in place.
      — Hairdressers and dentists are open with strict social distancing guidelines in place.
      — Restaurants and cafes are open.
      — All indoor activity centers reopened.
      — Beaches are open.
      — Outdoor exercise is permitted.
      — Libraries and museums are open.
      — Public transportation has resumed.
      — All maritime and air borders have reopened.


Source: al.usembassy

All available oxygen supplies in India, including those used by ship recycling yards, have been diverted to hospitals as a significant number of the 218,000 deaths so far are reported to be a result of oxygen shortages. Almost 20 million people have now been infected in India but only about 2% of the population has been vaccinated so far, according to reports. Meanwhile, observers claim that the official death count falls far short of the real number.

Sharp increases in infection rates in neighbouring Bangladesh and Pakistan are hampering recycling activity in those countries too. In this week’s recycling market report, the world’s largest cash buyer of end-of-life ships, GMS, noted that ships’ crews from these countries used in ‘as is’ sales are now barred from many ports around the world, making ‘as is’ deliveries increasingly difficult.

Meanwhile, GMS noted that rising infections in Turkey have prompted the government to introduce a lockdown that will extend until 17 May, the end of the Eid al-Fitr celebrations following the month of Ramadan, which ends on 12 May.

Indicative recycling prices, meanwhile, are holding up, according to GMS, with Bangladeshi breakers leading the market. Prices there are typically around $500 per light displacement ton for bulk carriers, $510 for tankers, and $520 for container ships.


Source: seatrade-maritime

The Human Rights Due Diligence Tool, provides a wide-ranging checklist co-developed by the UN Global Compact, the UN Human Rights Office, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), for all businesses involved in the maritime industry.

The agencies are warning about a possible surge in the number of crewmembers stranded at sea due to new COVID-19 variants and government-imposed travel restrictions.

Unchecked, they fear the situation could return to the heights of the September 2020 crew change crisis, when 400,000 seafarers were stranded at sea around the world.

“Seafarers are at the heart of the global supply chain. They are also at the mercy of COVID-19 restrictions on travel and transit. This has led to hundreds of thousands of seafarers being denied repatriation, crew changes, shore leave and ultimately being forced to stay working on ships long beyond their contracts”, explained IMO Secretary General, Kitack Lim.

He added that the new tool represents an important step forward for the maritime industry. It provides a practical approach for cargo owners, charterers, and logistics providers to “ensure [seafarers] are put first and foremost as they work to deliver the goods that people need and want”.


Source: news.un

Since December 2019, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread throughout the world. The outbreak and the public health response have had a serious impact on every sector of the maritime industry: global cruise lines have halted operations, container carriers have had to blank dozens of sailings, and offshore operators are looking at a severe downturn in the oil market.

For this episode, Maritime Executive publisher and editor-in-chief Tony Munoz brought together three top experts – maritime medicine leader Dr. Arthur Diskin, admiralty lawyer Erik Kravets and Port of Tampa President and CEO Paul Anderson – in a conference call on the global coronavirus challenge. To hear their conversation, listen in below.


Source: maritime-executive


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