COVID-19’s impact is being felt at sea as well as on land.
The pandemic offers an opportunity to start building a sustainable ocean economy fit for the future.
Here are 8 areas for policy-makers to consider.
Almost no facet of our global economy has been immune to the COVID-19 crisis.
Much has been said about the disruption in more familiar sectors such as airlines, restaurants, and sports – but the long arm of COVID-19 has also reached out to sea, and is affecting our “blue economy”. This collection of formal and informal marine jobs, products, and services has been valued at $2.5 trillion a year. If the ocean were a nation, it would rank as the 7th largest economy in the world.
Some of the COVID-19 stimulus packages that are being designed to recover land-based industries and communities are also exploring ways to leapfrog forwards into greener modes of operation. However, little is being considered for bluer modes of operations. Similar opportunities, however, await us in our ocean and on our coasts.
Here are eight pathways for rebuilding an ocean economy that is both stronger and more sustainable after COVID-19.
1. Bluer blue tourism
Ocean tourism, before COVID-19, was directly valued at $390 billion globally and comprises a significant portion of the GDP of many nations. The millions of people that depend on ocean tourism, and consequently have a stake in ocean health, cannot be abandoned during the pandemic. Recovery funds could prevent furloughs by hiring people to restore coastal ecosystems, such as coral reefs and mangroves, given the massive return on investment that such ecosystems deliver to blue tourism. Similar nature-based job creation programmes were developed during the Great Depression, such as the Civilian Conservation Corps in the US. Stimulus funds could also keep workforces active installing sustainability upgrades in now empty hotels – drinking water stations to reduce plastic pollution and water treatment systems, for example – and training staff to diversify their sustainability skillset.
Millions depend on ocean tourism worldwide
Image: Isha@Seefromthesky on Unsplash
2. Reducing shipping emissions
Maritime shipping carries an estimated 90% of the planet’s cargo. This ocean traffic contributes significantly to global emissions of carbon and other air pollutants. The International Maritime Organization has mandated that shipping emissions be reduced by 50% by 2050. A reduction in shipping activity during COVID-19 provides a valuable opportunity to move towards this goal. Quiescent vessels can be fitted with upgrades to increase fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Quieter shipyards can retool and secure political support to prepare for future demand to be met with zero-emission vessels. Such opportunities are greatest in Asia, where China, together with South Korea and Japan, represent more than 95% of the world’s shipbuilding by tonnage. Any aid directed to accelerate progress towards decarbonizing shipping should also include opportunities to electrify ports and prepare them to provide zero-emissions fuels.
COVID-19 has significantly impacted maritime shipping
Image: UNCTAD/ClipperData
3. Avoid squandering a post-COVID-19 fish bounty
Unlike other investments, living ocean resources literally grow during downturns. During World War II, many fishing vessels were forced to stop fishing. This reprieve allowed fish populations, such as cod, to increase. Should any such gains be accruing during COVID-19, we must resist the urge to immediately over-harvest them. Instead, we should use fisheries science to design intelligent harvest-yield protocols that maximize the long-term benefit of any possible COVID-19 gains.
Some fish stocks are likely benefiting from the global lockdown
Image: Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash
4. Supporting our mariners – delivery truck drivers of the sea
Ships are arguably the world’s most challenging work environment in which to confront a pandemic. Vulnerable mariners, such as those in the shipping and fishing industry, are vital to the functioning of society. They are the grocery clerks and delivery drivers of the blue economy. Ramping back up these sectors will require that crews be provided with viral and antibody testing and that they be extended dignified, safe transit home after being at sea for one month or more. Crews should also be given access to secure communication channels linking them to home. In the fishing industry, enhanced communications would confer the added benefit of combating slavery at sea.
It’s time to recognise the contribution of mariners to the functioning of our society
Image: Andy Li on Unsplash
5. Stay the course on ocean parks
Only 7.4% of our ocean is currently protected. These ocean parks benefit marine biodiversity and help boost breeding fish populations that spillover to enhance regional fisheries, create jobs in tourism, and potentially sequester more carbon. Some have suggested, however, that because of COVID-19 we must open up these ocean parks to industrial fishing. This would be folly. These parks are long-term ocean investments that take decades to mature, but only days to erase. In addition to short-changing future fishers, dissolving ocean parks would be a blow to sustainable blue tourism. Such actions would be akin to dismantling and selling off all the rides in Disneyland during COVID-19 – a short-sighted disservice to local jobs and economies.
The critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle, Hawaii
Image: Don McLeish on Flickr
6. Farming the sea to feed billions
Scientists estimate that around 845 million people worldwide are nutritionally vulnerable to any decline in seafood. COVID-19 could exacerbate these challenges via disruptions to blue food trade and labour networks. We can avoid some of this trauma to food security systems by using stimulus funds to bolster smart aquaculture, or ocean farming which can provide nutritional support to vulnerable local populations, while minimizing environmental impact. Such investments could be patterned after environmentally and nutritionally aware investments in agriculture.
Done right, aquaculture can provide nutritional security to hundreds of millions
Advanced ocean technologies provide myriad benefits, including improved ocean surveillance
Image: NOAA
8. Don’t prey on the moment
We must be intolerant of efforts to misuse COVID-19 to advance agendas of self-interest. For example, much positive progress has been made transitioning us away from single-use plastics, a major source of ocean pollution. Since COVID-19, however, interest groups have successfully reversed or suspended these regulations for products like plastic bags. There are many things that we must do together to slow the spread of COVID-19 – but using single use plastic bags, instead of paper or reusable bags, is not one of them. Similarly, while external investment in hard-hit nations, like ocean-dependent small island states, can be positive, we must not allow the attachment of predatory terms that take advantage of these nations’ financial vulnerability.
Plastic pollution near Puglia, Italy
Image: Paolo Margari on Flickr
COVID-19 has exposed just how profoundly linked our economies and wellbeing are to the ocean. These actions illustrate the need to inject more blue into COVID-19 discussions of ‘green recovery’. We cannot miss a chance in the times ahead to benefit both people and our ocean as we bring our sustainable blue economy back online.
GENEVA (ILO News) – The International Labour Organization has expressed support for new international measures to protect the rights of seafarers, stranded at sea because of the COVID-19 crisis .
It welcomed a joint statement signed by more than a dozen countries that gives seafarers enhanced rights as key workers. The new measures, also supported by other UN agencies and international organizations, enable seafarers to be repatriated and move more freely during the pandemic.
“I welcome the coordinated efforts undertaken by social partners and the international community to respond to the crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic in the maritime sector, and call on all member States to support the implementation of this joint statement,” said ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder.
The joint statement was signed during a virtual International Maritime Summit, hosted by the United Kingdom government, which discussed the global crew change crisis that has left more than 200,000 seafarers stranded at sea due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I welcome the coordinated efforts undertaken by social partners and the international community to respond to the crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic in the maritime sector, and call on all member States to support the implementation of this joint statement.”
Guy Ryder, ILO Director-General
Some have been confined to vessels for months because of restrictions on international travel and measures to contain the virus.
The agreement will lead to the opening of foreign borders for seafarers and to an increase in the number of commercial flights, which will speed up repatriation efforts.
Seafarers have been among the hardest hit from the fall-out of the pandemic, said Corinne Vargha, Director of the ILO’s International Labour Standards Department.
While delivering a key service to society, they face safety and health risks, and, increasingly now, physical and mental exhaustion, due to their inability to return home or to join their ships because of measures taken to stop the spread of the virus.
“The ILO therefore thanks UK Secretary of State Grant Shapps and UK Minister for Aviation, Maritime and Security Kelly Tolhurst for this timely initiative and for giving the ILO an opportunity to share its perspective on the way forward.”
The ILO has urged governments to recognize seafarers as ‘key workers’ who ensure the flow of trade and the movement of vital medical supplies, safety equipment, food and other critical goods during the pandemic.
Using the guidance of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 , the ILO has been working with its social partners – governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations – as well as a number of international bodies to solve the issue. These include the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), International Maritime Organization (IMO), World Health Organization (WHO), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), European Union and various governments.
“The ILO expresses its support for the joint statement, which provides useful, practical and timely commitments to actions that will help solve this pressing problem and expedite crew changes,” Vargha said. “We are committed to providing support to our constituents in addressing the issue of crew change, including through the implementation of this initiative.”
12 countries came together on the 9th of July to work effectively towards the crew change crisis by signing a joint statement to fast track crew changes around the world and aim to designate the status of ‘key-workers’ for seafarers. This took place at The virtual International Maritime Summit on Crew Changes hosted by the government of the UK.
An estimation reveals that almost 200,000 seafarers are stranded all over the world, awaiting repatriation, while a similar number are desperately looking for a return to their jobs. The restrictions on travel and border closures due to COVID-19 has led to what can be called a growing humanitarian crisis.
Fatigue and consequences of extended work-tenure onboard has been known to cause grave mental health issues to seafarers, often leading to maritime accidents. The action signed by the representatives of the USA, UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Netherlands, Indonesia, Greece, Germany, Philippines, and Denmark sought to look for sustainable measures for the welfare of sea workers. Tours of duty are to be marked at not more than 12 months, as per the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC, 2006)
Image Credits:
International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Secretary-general Kitack Lim embraced the pledge and emphasis o the importance of implementing the Protocols that would allow strong actions to be taken for the welfare and return of seafarers. The protocol was initially circulated and supported by the IMO in May 2020 that included provisions for waiver and exemptions of visas, access to international flights to and from principal countries of the seafarers.
Current maritime operations take place with the absence of about 80% of the workforce. In order to keep the global supply chain alive and running, the protocol also writes measures and procedures that ensure that ship crew changes are carried out safely during the pandemic.
The summit was opened by the Secretary-general remarking, “It is time to act for seafarers. Safe ship operations and crew wellbeing should not be compromised. The humanitarian crisis seafarers face has implications for all of us, for the world economy and for the safety of life at sea and the environment,”
The primary aim of the signed pledge is to speed up repatriation for the relief of crews, globally. Some of the urgent mentioned efforts include:
• recognizing seafarers as ‘key workers’, accepting their international seafarer documents as legal proof of such if necessary;
• implement as far as possible the maritime industry’s agreed protocols for safe crew change
• amend quarantine restrictions as needed to exempt seafarers;
• explore together with the aviation industry suitable flight options for safe crew travel.
The joint statement has also led to the realization that the lesson of the outbreak of the pandemic could be used to create international protocols by working in conjunction with relevant authorities and agencies to help accelerate shipping operations and remain equipped to enable seafarers to work as an essential employee in the case of a future occurrence of a global pandemic.
From 31 December 2020, the European Union’s Ship Recycling Regulations (EUSRR) will require ships of 500 GT and above flying the flag of countries in the European Union (EU), and all other ships regardless of the flag, to carry an inventory of hazardous materials (IHM) when visiting an EU or European Economic Area (EEA) port.
In May 2020, BIMCO asked its members if the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak had presented challenges to shipowners, who were in the process of completing their IHM and obtaining the necessary documentation prior to the compliance deadline of 31 December 2020. The responses showed that approximately 137 (58%) of the 236 ships operated by the respondents would be affected by the new regulation. Out of the affected ships, 33 (24%) had completed the process, while the rest were at various stages of compliance. The IHM process of almost all the respondents had been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Taking this situation into consideration, BIMCO and other shipping organisations have signed a letter addressed to the EU Commission, in which the challenges posed by COVID-19 to the involved parties, especially shipowners are outlined. The letter requests the EU Commission to consider a time-limited implementation or grace period to enable shipping companies to complete the IHM process whilst coping with the COVID-19 restrictions and interruptions. The letter also includes a set of Industry Guidelines on European Union Ship Recycling Regulation Compliance and Developing Inventories of Hazardous Materials that BIMCO members are encouraged to use.
If the 31 December 2020 deadline cannot be met, BIMCO recommends the development of IHMs on the oldest ships first. Old ships are in general more likely to be recycled and such a risk based planning will demonstrate how shipowners are working proactively in accordance with the spirit of the new EU regulation.
Latest COVID-19 status regarding restrictions in Ports/Countries where Waypoint Port Services provide services.
– Latest Update: July 10th 05:30 pm (UTC +01:00)
General National regulation in force (DECNU-2020-274-APN-PTE) issued by the Argentine President:
Starting March 16th and for a period 15 days, Argentine borders are closed. Only nationals or residents can enter the country. This period can be modified at any time.
Individuals performing tasks involving foreign trade, transportation and aviation are excepted so long as they don’t present symptoms. That includes crew members of planes, ships, trains and/or trucks performing transportation of goods.
Airport with restrictions.
Spare Parts, Technical Repairs are still allowed.
National regulation in force specific to shipping (NO2020-17205422-APN-ESCO#PNA) issued by the Argentine Coast Guard following the President’s order above:
Sanitary Authorities will have the prerogative to administer the implementation of the exceptions to the general regulation.
Categories of vessels:
HIGH RISK: If proceeding from a Risk Area (listed below) or if crew temperature log is found abnormal, Sanitary Authorities will take all necessary precautions which could include quarantine of all crew and passengers.
LOW RISK: If vessel has over 14 days of navigation from last port or is proceeding from an area not listed as high risk and crew temperature log is normal, then operations will evolve NORMALLY AND WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS.
In effect, Authorization to take pilots is only given with Free Pratique, and Free Pratique is only granted once vessel is considered LOW RISK by Sanitary Authorities.
Additional information:
Sanitary Authorities upriver are trying to ensure operations run as smooth as possible for which they are showing a higher flexibility for vessels coming from Chile and Brazil. In Bahia Blanca and Necochea the regulation is being implemented in full force and the 14-day quarantine for ships proceeding from infested areas (including Brazil and Chile). A comment of ours, we have been told unofficially that Necochea and Bahia Blanca Sanitary Authorities will be instructed to follow the same rules as Upriver, therefore not imposing the 14-day time gap to ships proceeding from Brazil and Chile as longest their crew members are in good health.
Countries classified as risk areas: China, South Korea, Singapore, Iran, United States, Europe, Brazil and Chile.
MANAUS: As per local immigration information, foreign crew change is permitted with following prerequisites:
Crew have to be transferred straight to destination, ex: Airport x vessel or Vessel x Airport. (no hotel accommodation).
Crew must carry valid VISA or SB.
SB should be signatory of ILO 185
ITACOATIARA: As per local immigration information, foreign crew change is permitted with following prerequisites:
Crew have to be transferred straight to destination, ex: Airport x vessel or Vessel x Airport. (no hotel accommodation).
Crew must carry valid VISA or SB.
SB should be signatory of ILO 185.
BELÉM (VILA DO CONDE / BELÉM / MIRAMAR / BARCARENA): Not allowed disembark unless some illness approved by Anvisa and no embark allowed yet.
SANTARÉM: Not allowed disembark unless some illness approved by Anvisa and no embark allowed yet.
SALVADOR / ARATU: (subject to changes)
Regarding the embarkation / disembarkation of foreign and Brazilian crew members, health port authority ratifies the recommendation of the 14-days quarantine, considering the low reliability of the rapid test for embarkation / disembarkation immediate.
But in contact by phone, Health Local Authority informed that it is not a prohibitive to embark immediately upon arrival. A letter of responsibility is require from owners, since if there is any proliferation of COVID-19 inside the vessel, then the vessel will have to be quarantined for 14 days and the shipowner will have full responsible for not having followed the recommendation, including also the delay in the operation.
In case Shipowner request immediate disembark the letter of responsibility must be provided.
“Also, authorities recommendation is for 14 quarantine days before disembarkation, and if they do not comply, the shipowner will have full responsibility in case of contagion and / or the need for hospitalization / treatment of any crew member.”
Any other additional supporting documents, may be requested by the local authorities at their discretion and time.
ON SIGNERS: Arriving at SLZ, 07 days isolation at the hotel then must do the COVID 19 test, if negative we will have the okay from Porth health Aut. After this procedure they can go onboard. Is possible to avoid the 07 days isolation, they must hold a letter from master of responsibility for boarding without local quarantine considering that the quick test was negative. Local test is mandatory.
OFF SIGNERS: After disembark they must do the COVID 19 test if negative we will get the Okay from Porth health Authority. After this procedure the off signer can directly go to the airport or wait the flight at the hotel.
ON SIGNERS: Due COVID 19 situation, for crew embark they must stay at the hotel during 14 days then proceed with the covid test. Upon negative result, Anvisa releases a term / certificate that authorizes the crew embark.
OFF SIGNERS: Not allowed disembarkation
ON SIGNERS: Due COVID 19 situation, for crew embark they must stay at the hotel during 14 days then proceed with the covid test. Upon negative result, Anvisa releases a term / certificate that authorizes the crew embark.
OFF SIGNERS: Only allowed in cases of heath events or repatriation. Crew should have confirmed flight + local COVID TEST to present to Porth health Authority.
ON SIGNERS: must arrive at RIG and do the COVID 19 (quickly test) upon negative result. Anvisa (health authority) releases a term that authorizes the crew to go onboard (only nationalities who are at ILO list are allowed). Joiners can not stay in hotel, must be embarked directly. So arrival flight must match with vessel’s ETB.
OFF SIGNERS: as it’s not possible to disembark and proceed with the COVID 19 test, a laboratory service to go on board must be hire and collect the sample for the test.
Upon negative result, Anvisa releases a term / certificate that authorizes the crew to disembark to return to his country, directly to airport, also can not stay in hotel.
*On / off signers not allowed to stay at the hotel.
– 14 days of isolation on Brazil lands (done in some Hotel);
– COVID-19 blood test (to be confirmed by Port Health);
– After this 14 days we need to present a medical report attesting the crew is in good health condition (so crew must be followed by a Doctor during this 14 days)
– Authorization from Port Health;
– Authorization from Immigration department.
– Flights duly granted;
– Authorization from Port Health;
– Authorization from Immigration department.
Remark 01: In case of any crewmember lost his flight, the agency have to make sure that re-embarkation on the same vessel to avoid any fine.The crewmember do not allowed to stay in any hotel accommodation.
Remark 02: Local authorities can request any time for new tests or requisitions in embarkation or disembarkation.
It is still remains quite undefined as the situation of plenty authorities being involved and so far nothing really confirmed about which plan we must follow to get 100% certainty. Below instructions got so far (subject to several changes – high risk):
– Crew member must follow a quarantine (14 days) under medical examinations with daily report after arrival in Brazil at hotel issuing a medical final report with all information / confirmation that is free of COVID-19
– Prior to arriving we need to get an authorization/approval with Immigration and also the Health authorities (performing a test prior to embarking as well).
– An embarkation shall be performed directly to the vessel or in case necessary Hotels shall be performed quarantine locally as well until embarkation (with daily monitoring, blood tests and medical expenses).
– Hotels working with restrictions when in case necessary shall be checked availability.
– Subject to final green light from Brazilian health authorities
– Subject to authorities approval and must issue tickets (directly transportation as well)-
– 14 days of isolation on Brazil lands (to be confirmed by Port Health);
– COVID-19 blood test on Brazil lands (to be confirmed by Port Health);
– After this 14 days we need to present a medical report attesting the crew is in good health condition (so crew must be followed by a Doctor during this 14 days).
– Based on above we need follow plenty restrictions and also still subject to authorities approval (final green light) which in case no compliance any company can face fines.
– Information required: all documents (PP and SKB) from on/off signers, employment contract for on signers, and Flights in advance, to send to all authorities;
– Master should send a letter informing that off signers are symptoms free.
– All crew (on and off) must visit the doctor to receive a declaration informing that they’re Covid-19 free;
– Crew can stay at the hotel, before embark / after disembark, there’s no problem;
– It is highly recommend to send on signers at least 1 day before berthing, so we have enough time to send them to the doctor, etc;
– It’s not compulsory to make Covid-19 test. Immigration and Health Authority requests only medical declaration issued locally;
OK-TO-BOARD letter issued by the Agents
Valid passport and seaman’s book.
COVID-19 test with negative results from home country.
Doctor’s report as well as a Company’s letter form stating that the joining crew member fulfilled with the 14 days quarantine before embarking in the flight bound to Brazil and no traces for COVID-19 was noted.
E-Ticket copy.
Fit to Travel Medical Certificate.
Temperature Log for the last 14 days.(*) A rapid blood test for covid-19 upon arrival in Vitoria would also be necessary before embarkation on board the vessel
There is an official request for disembarkation that should be made 3 business days in advance to vessel arrival at the anchorage, containing the following documentation:
Maritime Health Declaration (form shall be sent upon request).
DECLARATION of Master stating that the crew is free from symptoms of COVID-19.
Medicine log book last 15 days before arriving in port and after in case vessel stay at anchor.
Crew List with date & place of embarkation.
Passports + Seaman’s Books – Copy.
Copy of temperature Log for the last 14 days.
E-ticket copy.
(*) A rapid blood test for covid-19 or a Doctor’s consultation Report may be required by the flight Co. to be presented for the crew embarkation at the moment of the check-in.
Any other additional supporting documents ,may be requested by the local authorities at their discretion and time.
Transport Canada has issued a new Ship Safety Bulletin attached highlighting the essential nature of marine transportation services and clarifying the documentation requirements for seafarers who are travelling to Canada to join a ship’s crew. More specifically, there are no travel restrictions on such individuals provided they are in possession of a seafarer’s identity document supplemented by a passport; or other seafarer documentation, including proof of employment on a vessel at a Canadian port, and a visa if required.
TC has sent this guidance to airlines, with a view to alleviating further confusion at international airports due to the imposition of inappropriate travel restrictions on seafarers travelling to join crews in Canada. For our part, we have also shared this guidance with CBSA in order to ensure their officers have a full understanding of marine mode requirements.
Additional guidance on the ability of non-crew individuals such as technicians, surveyors, etc. to travel in order to do work on board ships is expected to be issued by Transport Canada within the coming days.
Shipping Federation of Canda have developed a communique on the heath and well-being of seafarers, which is designed to address public misperceptions about the role of seafarers as vectors of COVID-19 transmission, with a view to discouraging the imposition of measures that significantly limit the ability of healthy seafarers to access shore leave. The communique also highlights the essential role that seafarers play in delivering indispensable goods and supplies that will be crucial in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, and on the consequent need to ensure their ongoing ability to perform these key activities. We will be distributing this message to the Association of Canadian Port Authorities and other service providers over the coming days
Transport Canada has now published a ship safety bulletin confirming that there is no restriction on shore leave and crew change for healthy crew members and requesting all ports, terminals and marine facilities in Canada to continue granting shore leave to seafarers. Full documentation:
Transport Canada has also advised that this information has now been fully communicated to CBSA – which has set up its on COVID-19 working group to support the efficient flow of information to CBSA regions.
14-Day Quarantine Period: TC confirmed that at this time, the department will not be implementing a 14-day quarantine period for vessels arriving in Canada. This decision is based on Canada’s assessment of risks (as informed by the Public Health Agency) and the need to support the fluidity of maritime transportation (carriage of vital goods to and from the country).
Reporting Requirement for Sick Crew Members: TC stressed the requirement for the vessel/master to report any sick crew member via the PAIR report AND to also report anytime a crew member’s health situation changes after submission of the PAIR report – including when the ships is at anchor and at berth.
Seafarer Certificates: TC has put into place measures to automatically extend the validity of Canadian seafarers’ certificates for a 6 month period.
Cruise Vessels: TC restated that the ban on cruise vessels – which is in effect at least until July 1 – applies to vessels carrying 500 people or more. TC continues to investigate whether additional measures are needed with respect to smaller cruise vessels (less than 500 people) calling Canada during this same period (i.e. from the beginning of the cruise season to July 1).
Other: TC stressed that Canada is not closing its doors to international trade and that Canadian ports remain open for business. The movement of goods is considered an essential service, and as such, there are exemptions in place for workers who are involved in this activity. TC also acknowledged the efforts of international ship owners in implementing measures to ensure the safety of ship crews and citizens.
Crew change (On-Signers/Off-Signers) are now allowed but must be evaluated case by case by local authorities in order to grant greenlight. In order to obtain this waiver On/Off-Signers must comply with:
Crewmember (offsigner) must have at least 14 days of navigation from the last port (or quarantine as per local authorities) in order to disembark. After flight itinerary confirmation, processing for affidavit -COVID19 & health department’s approval, for each required case.
If it is plan to disembark crew with less than 14 days of quarantine, they must stay on board until 14 days are reached, subject to local Health department’s evaluation, processing for affidavit -COVID19 and approved flight itinerary, each case at the time as well.
Colombian Government has declared compulsory isolation in the country from next Tuesday march 24th at 23:59 hrs, until Monday, April 13th .
Transport and logistics sectors, as well as, the imports of goods and all related to the production of food will remain active.
Port operation for cargo carriers, remains in normal conditions just with some recommendations and a prohibition of crew changes and shore passes to crew until further notice.
Harbor Master and Port Sanitary requires the following pre-arrival information/documents:
Maritime Health Declaration
Copy of Medical book register
Name of the crew member
Last city where the crew member was before embarking on the last 20 days.
Passport number.
Port Sanitary requires update of the health of every crew member 96, 24, 12 and 6 hours before vessel´s arrival. In case that a crew member presents symptoms of the virus, the vessel will go to a designated anchorage area for quarantine for 14 days and a doctor will be assigned to follow up crew health and conditions.
Crew Members are not allowed to go ashore unless they are going to check vessel drafts. If this is the case, they must wear in addition to their PPE the mask.
Crew Changes are not allowed at any Colombian Port.
It is also stated in the article 5 of the decree the “Suspension of domestic transportation by air”, it will only be allowed in the following cases: humanitarian emergency, transportation of cargo and merchandise, fortuitous case or force majeure. It is important to remark, that couriers are being affected by this measure, so consequently documents arrival to ports can be delayed.
The island of Curaçao intends to reopen without the need for quarantine on arrival on 1 July, , initially to visitors from the BES Islands (Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba), The Netherlands and ‘some other countries from Western Europe.
The total number of tourists on the island at any given time will be limited to 10,000.
All visitors will be required to show proof of a coronavirus PCR test conducted at the passenger’s expense at least 2-3 days prior to travelling.
They will also be required to complete a health and travel history declaration form.
Facemasks and social distancing are to be required in public and mass events will not be conducted.
Additional info: Its necessary to apply for a special fly inn and fly out permit for signing on and off crew. This will take approx. 7 working days.
At the moment there is only one (1) weekly flight to and from Curacao. This is with KLM form Amsterdam. They fly every Tuesday AMS-Cur and every Wednesday CUR-AMS. There is a mandatory use of special transport regulations for incoming and outgoing crew to and from the ship/airport/ hotel/ immigration office. We need to use a mandatory hotel appointed by the government for quarantine to await the arrival of the ship or departure flight.
The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works announces that with effect as from 20th June, 2020 all passenger who intent to travel to Cyprus are obliged, for disembarkation purposes, to carry the CyprusFlight Pass. For its acquisition passengers should in advance fill in electronically the documents needed which could be found in the electronic platform:
As from 1/7 Egyptian airports are open for international flights and crew changes are allow in all ports. Procedures for embarkation and disembarkation:
– Copies of their passports
– Copies of their seaman books
– Flights for on signers – we shall provide ok2b
– Flights for off signers and confirmed e-tickets
also to be provided by master
– Crew list signed stamped
– Maritime declaration of health
– List of port calls
– Vaccination list
Visa will be arranged on arrival however for some nationalities visa stands only for 48 hrs.
Due to not limited availability of flights, we will request from immigration for extension of their visa
Declaration form / no corona test Declaration Form will be handed to crew before departure from the Airport to be submitted to quarantine dept on arrival Egypt. Local authorities / quarantine dept has the right to monitor their temperature at any point of the procedure. No corona virus test is required for the on signers and off signers crew.
Guidance for flights and possible delays: On signers: to arrive Egypt well prior to the airport in order in order the formalities to be completed successfully and on time . Off signers: the need to be at least 6 hours prior their flight to the airport in order the formalities to be completed successfully and on time .
Quarantine Doctor:
Quarantine doctor will attend vessel in advance before the embarking or the disembarking of any person. we shall arrange same and coordinate with master accordingly.
Although Gibraltar declared a lock down, the maritime industry remains operational as normal.
Bunkering and all husbandry matters are being carried out as normal with the slight difficulty of crew movements because of airlines grounding their fleets.
Gibraltar airport still operates with daily flight to London via British Airways therefore crew movements are still allowed providing you can find adequate flights.
OPL will now be allowed for embarking crew. Vessel must be at anchor.
Only designated hotels to be used where hotel stay is required
Agent to arrange special transport provisions – transportation from Airport/Hotel to Port needs to be carried out in the ‘Dirty Vehicle’.
Agents launch crew to avoid close contact with embarking crew.
OPL will now be allowed for disembarking crew. Vessel must be at anchor.
Disembarking crew to confirm free of any symptoms for past 14 days – vessel’s master to provide official declaration.
Agent to arrange special transport provisions – transportation from Port to Airport/Hotel needs to be carried out in the ‘Dirty Vehicle’.
Agents launch crew to avoid close contact with disembarking crew.
Hotel stays are allowed for a maximum of 10 days.
Important – Crew cannot depart to any flight in Spain due to Spanish border Covid 19 restrictions (they can only go into Spain if they have residency there).
All arriving / departing crew must follow protocol and cannot leave hotel / airport at any time and undergo social distancing and adhere to locally precautionary measures.
Only in Athens and Thessaloniki International Airports international flights are allowed to land. However the following restrictions apply until July 15th:
All flights from / to Turkey are postponed as well as any sea, rail, road connections.
All flights from / to UK are postponed until 15th July.
All flights from / to Albania / North Macedonia are postponed (Athens International Airport is exempted) as well as any sea, rail, road connections.
Temporary refusal of entry in the country for NON EU nationals (exempted from this measures are the citizens of the following countries: Algeria, Australia, Georgia, Canada, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, China, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay) For the rest NON EU nationals, they can request for an approval for travelling to Greece directly from the Greek Consulate of their country (and subject to Consulate’s reply they will proceed accordingly).
For all other nationalities, as well as for seamen, please do not forget to fill in the online form PLF (Passenger Locator Form) latest 48 hrs prior to the departure from their home country in order to avoid any penalties from Authorities in Greece.
The link with further instructions and where they will submit all the details is
Apart from the above, they will have to have a copy of the form and present it to the Sanitary Officers and unless otherwise instructed, sample checks for Covid-19 will be conducted and the passengers will stay in quarantine until the results are out.
In case that a case is found positive, then the person will be quarantined for 14 days and further instructions will be provided by Authorities / National Public Health Organization. Please note that this procedure will apply until 31st August.
Both on signers and off signers may possess valid Seaman book and Passport and e ticket, in good health condition, then not request for 14 days compulsory Quarantine but only Medical Surveillance,
(*) For good vessels without cargo operation which intended to apply to enter Hong Kong water for crew change, they should comply with the following conditions:
Out-going crew members who have completed their service on board would be required to stay onboard the vessel during their stay in Hong Kong and travel directly to the airport for repatriation to their home countries so as to minimise contact with the local community.
In-coming crew members should only arrive Hong Kong whilst awaiting to board, the shipping companies/agents should arrange them in an accommodation for self isolation until getting onboard.
Point-to-point transfers should be arranged by the shipping companies/agents for crew members to and from vessel
Crew Change is allow for vessels which will perform cargo operations & non-cargo operations at Hong Kong. But they need to fulfill the above requirement.
Off signers can only stay in HKG within 2 days after disembark
No transit Service available in HK International Airport – but only allow for the internal transit.
Hotel available for both on and off signers, also available for them if request for 14 days Quarantine.
The Government of India has extended the lock down till 31-05-2020 but allowed to work the essential services which include Shipping and Logistics.
The Government is not yet allowed any domestic / international flight services in India and the train services are limited to major cities but not in regular basis.
As of now, Indonesia government does not issue any join visa such as Pre-Arrival Visa Approval (PAVA), Visa On Arrival (VOA) until further notice.
Unless you are managed to apply Visa B211A at Indonesia embassy in crew home country.
On Signer must provide certificate of health (English Version) and statement letter willing to be quarantined (if required).
On Signer must undergo PCR / Swab test in Indonesia before on-board the vessel.
* following important notes before apply the visa B211A
Any Crew / Passenger (applicable to all nationality) had travel to China, Iran, Northern Italy or Republic of Korea in Last 14 days is not allowed to enter Indonesia.
Any Crew / Passenger who is holding PRC (China) Passport is not allowed to enter Indonesia
On Signer must undergo PCR / Swab test before on-board the vessel
On Signer must provide Health certificate and statement letter willing to be quarantined (if required).
Off Signer NOT allowed from Vessel called any Ports in China, Iran, northern Italy or the Republic of Korea in the last 14days.
Off Signer must hold e-ticket at least 1 (working) day before disembarkation as required to arrange exit permit formalities (EPO). Otherwise, immigration will not process the formalities.
Off Signer must undergo PCR / Swab test once disembark from vessel at nearest Medical centre / Hospital.
Off Signer must undergo PCR / Swab test once disembark from vessel at nearest Medical centre / Hospital.
Additional Measures of The Indonesian Government in Relation to Covid-19 Response: click here.
All vessels arriving Japan ports will be required to submit a health questionnaire. This report should be accomplished by the vessel captain and submitted to the relevant quarantine officer before arriving at any Japanese port.
Notice from Immigration Services Agency of Japan, foreigners who cannot enter Japan has been expanded. It will be as follows (effective from 00:00 19th Mar):
China – Hubei, Zhejiang
Korea – Daegu Metropolitan City, Gyeongsang City North Gyeongsang Province, Andong City, Yeongcheon City, Cheongdo County, Chilgok County, Uiseong County, Seongju County, Gunw County.
Italy – Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Piedmont Republic of San Marino – All region
Switzerland – Ticino, Basel-Stadt
Spain – Navarre, Basque, Madrid, La Rioja Iceland – All regions
People arriving in Japan from below countries from midnight on March 21, 2020, returning residents in Japan will be required to use private cars, not to use public transportation to go home in addition to China and republic of Korea:
(They need to take our taxi for moving to anywhere.) Iceland, Ireland, Andorra, Italy, Iran, UK, Egypt, Estonia, Austria, Netherlands, Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, San Marino, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Vatican, Hungary, Finland, France, Bulgaria, Belgium, Poland, Portugal, Malta, Monaco, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Romania.
Effective 20th March 2020, there is a not to land Order on all crew members on the ships calling Malaysian seaports. In cases of serious illnesses requiring hospital admission, the Agent can request the Port Health and / or Immigration for relevant approval to disembark. The approval is being given on a case by case basis by the Government Officials. In order to request this approval, the Agent will need to make a formal request with below documents at a minimum,
Letter of requisition duly stamped and signed by master to immigration for emergency purpose for crew medical.
IMO Crew list
Voyage memo (last 10 port calls)
Crew Passport / Seaman book (originals and copy)
A Hospital Admission Letter will also be collected from the Hospital and submitted to Officials subsequently by the Agent.
Foreign seafarers are NOT ALLOWED to sign-off or go ashore in any Malaysia ports and water.
All seafarers are NOT ALLOWED to sign-on, in any Malaysia ports and water.
Only Malaysian seafarers, who have not developed COVID-19 symptoms, from Malaysia flagged vessels are ALLOWED to sign-off and disembark at the DESIGNATED PORT (International Port of Kuala Linggi, Melaka). Online sign-off must be done at the nearest Port Office.
Seafarers must carry out thorough pre-screening test by the Port Health Inspector at ship/port area, and subject to any instructions provided by the Port Health Officer.
Foreing Seafarers:
Who are currently serving on board of Malaysia flagged vessels, and not having any explicit COVID-19 symptoms, not a COVID-19 suspect, have not gone ashore at China, Italy, South Korea, Iran or Japan within 14 days, are ALLOWED to continue their normal service on board Malaysia flagged vessel
PROHIBITED to change vessel in any Malaysia ports and water:
Those who already possessed COVID-19 explicit symptoms, a COVID-19 Suspect, or have been going ashore at China, Italy, South Korea, Iran or Japan within 14 days. MUST UNDERGO proper health screening and isolation on board as mentioned in ANNEX 1, MSN 05/2020.
Seafarers of Malaysian nationality:
Who are serving on board Malaysia flagged vessels but not having any COVID-19 symptoms, not a COVID-19 suspect, have not gone ashore at China, Italy, South Korea, Iran or Japan within 14 days can continue their services on-board.
Who are having explicit COVID-19 symptoms, or determined as COVID-19 suspects, or have been going ashore at China, Italy, South Korea, Iran, or Japan within 14 days, MUST UNDERGO further health screening and isolation ONLY at the Designated PORT (International Port of Kuala Linggi, Melaka) and their contract at SEA shall be terminated.
All vessels must be cleared by Port Health prior to port entry.
There is a travel ban on persons to and from: (Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, Spain, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Iran, South Korea):
Cruise liners arriving / departing from / to above countries are NOT Permitted.
Cruise ships arriving from country other than those listed above are Permitted subject they are cleared by Port Health prior to entry being granted.
Any requests involving passengers from a county of the above list NOT Permitted.
Any request involving passengers coming from other than countries are permitted and are subject to Port Health clearance.
Requests from local work boats WTW / OTW are subject to Port Health clearance.
Conveyances involving crew changes WTW and OTW are NOT Permitted. Crew changes are only permitted whilst vessels are in port subject that applicable procedures are in place including Port Health clearance.
Conveyance vessels requesting to proceed to OTW are to process a normal arrival and departure notification and are also subject to port formalities including Port Health clearance.
Only cargo vessels (containers, tankers, bulk) are authorized to proceed alongside inner Ports of Martinique & Guadeloupe subject to the approval of the Port Authorities after checking the status of the Maritime Health declaration which must be transmitted to the agent on daily basis. Also, the crew list must contain the date and place of embarkation for all crew members.
A strict 15-day lock-down decided by the French government requiring people in French islands to remain at home came into effect since 17th/03 at noon.
All vessels alongside must take all necessary actions to protect the crew members and avoid contact with the Terminal staff.
During this time it cannot be guarantee the feasibility of usual services (crew change, transportation, CTM, spare parts delivery, etc….) because of the 15-day lock-down decided by the French government.
Pilotage: no movement (anchorage, berthing/unberthing) is possible between 00.01 LT and 04.00 LT – possible delay due to minimum service staff for the port traffic.
While alongside, the crew members must remain on board or are only authorized to remain closed to the ship for ops reasons.
Supreme Commity has stopped the entry of Non-Omanis to the Sultanate of Oman through all land and sea border posts and via air except GCC citizens, as from March 17th.
All ships and their agents are obliged to submit the IMO Declaration of Health to the Harbour Master, along with a completed ‘Corona virus questionnaire’.
Both documents should be signed and stamped by the Vessel Master. Both documents need to be uploaded in the Port management system by the ship’s agent for approval of the vessel call by the Harbour Master.
Technicians/Surveyors can board vessel if they have a valid Oman ID, subject to the approval of the port authorities and terminal Immigration has suspended issuance of Express Visa for Technicians/Surveyors visiting Oman from international destinations
Provisions can be delivered subject to approval from local customs authorities.
Cash cannot be paid to Master.
Underwater Diving is allowed, subject to the approval from port authorities.
Hull inspections are allowed, however repair work are not allowed (Sohar).
Hull inspections and repair work are both not allowed (Duqm)
Incoming humanitarian flights are restricted to Panama nationals.
There are NO ANNOUNCED SCHEDULE for charter/humanitarian flights for crew.
All crew to depart on humanitarian/charter flights need a safe conduct from the crew nationality embassy/consulate to guarantee crew is able to transit/enter his country.
Currently only allowing disembarkation on medical grounds (not related to covid10) and medical follow up is to be conducted. Can remain at hotel until a flight is available.
Disembarks only allowed in force majeure situations requiring a valid reason for the disembark.
Embarks only with origin in airports outside the risk area and on arrival if any suspicious the crewmember will not be allowed to embark and may stay in quarantine.
Crew Change Procedure:
Declaration stating the crew member is Covid 19 negative.
Crew member’s passport and seaman’s book copies.
Flight itinerary.
Ship’s maritime declaration of health+copy of SSEC is compulsory and included on ship’s isps pre/arrivals as usually.
On/signers seafarers must hold valid Shegen visa , no chance to obtain upon arrival.
Off/signers is possible to get transit visa when they are travelling to them origin countries.
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) recognises the critical role that seafarers play in global seaborne trade, as well as the importance of crew change to safeguard the health and safety of seafarers sailing on board ships. Following the tightening of entry of short-term visitors to Singapore, MPA continued to facilitate crew change under the following special circumstances:
the crew has served his/her maximum time on board (and no further extension of the employment contract is granted by the flag State).
compassionate grounds (e.g. death of family member).
the crew is no longer medically fit to work on board the ship.
In addition to the special circumstances mentioned above the following circumstances will also be considered in allowing crew change for cargo ships in Singapore:
crew whose employment contract has expired.
additional crew on board whose sign-off would not affect the safe manning of the ship.
change of crew due to the sale or purchase of ship.
personnel who are not part of the ship’s crew such as superintendents and service engineers.
The requirements for crew change are revised as follow:
Confirmation that the crew has not gone ashore in the last fourteen (14) days before leaving the ship, and remained well throughout that period.
Fit-to-travel medical certificate issued by a doctor in Singapore.
Proof of expiry of employment contract or unfit-for-work medical report, where applicable.
Confirmation that the crew has been in quarantine for at least 14 days prior to departing his/her home country and has been well throughout that period.
COVID-19 test (polymerase chain reaction (PCR) type) with negative result at his/her home country not more than 48 hours prior to his/her departure flight.
Fit-to-travel medical certificate issued by a doctor at his/her home country not more than 24 hours prior to his/her departure flight.
Transfer Arrangements
The crew must be transferred directly between the ship and point of arrival/departure in Singapore.
The ship will not be allowed to depart Singapore until the sign-off crew has departed Singapore and/or the sign-on crew has boarded the ship.
Ship owners/managers/agents should apply for crew change in Singapore by writing to and at least 14 days in advance of the planned crew change.
Air Travel
Returning Singapore residents (i.e. Singapore citizens, permanent residents) will be issued with a 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) upon entry into Singapore.
Travellers with travel history within the last 14 days to Hubei province of Mainland China will be issued Quarantine Order (QO).
From 27 March 2020, 0900 hours, all travellers must submit a health declaration via the SG Arrival Card e-Service before proceeding with immigration clearance[1]
For visitors seeking entry into Singapore
All short-term visitors will not be allowed to enter or transit through Singapore.
Visitors who need to visit Singapore due to extenuating reasons may submit the completed Form 14 (Part V is optional). to, together with the following documents:
For long-term pass holders seeking entry into Singapore
From 29 March 2020, 2359 hours, all foreigners holding ICA-issued long-term passes (i.e. Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) or Student’s Pass (STP), or In-Principle Approval (IPA) letters for LTVP/STP, who plan to enter Singapore from any country must obtain permission from the relevant agency before they commence their journey.
South African Government has imposed the following measures:
Travel ban on foreign nationals from high-risk countries such as Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Germany, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and China with effect from March 18th.
Travelers from medium-risk countries, such as Portugal, Hong Kong and Singapore, will be required to undergo high intensity screening, including self-quarantine for a minimum period of 14 days.
In direct relation to the above and to Crew Changes, as from March 18th:
All sea cruises undertaken by cruise liner vessels into and out of any seaport within South Africa must be terminated until further notice.
The sign-on of crew from high-risk and medium-risk countries for commercial vessels will not be permitted.
The sign-off of crew from vessel arriving from high-risk and medium-risk countries into any seaport in South Africa within the incubation period of covid-19 will not be permitted.
Applications for Off Port Limits for services to be rendered on board vessels will be thoroughly assessed before permission is granted.
Applications for Off Port Limits for crew changes will not be permitted.
The above will not apply to MEDAVACS for medical emergencies, provided that all the necessary port and clinical protocols are adhered to.
No vessel arriving from an international port must be brought into any seaport in South Africa, unless such has been communicated with Port Health.
Seamen/on signers can leave from the facility of quarantine 4 days after completion of COVID 19 test, if there is no any symptoms for COVID 19. (COVID 19 test take approx.3 days.)
In this case, on signers can transfer only via agent car from the facility to the vessel on the same day when vessel arrived at the port. Thus, on signers cannot take a domestic flight as they can take an agent car only.
Require Documents:
a) Employment contract signed & stamped by owner
b) Date of embarkation for on signers
c) Ship’s departure crew list signed & stamped by Master
d) Consent letter signed & stamped by Master
e) Copy of passport & semen’s book for on signers
f) Flight details & e-tickets
After done quarantine inspection without any problems and symptoms, quarantine officer will issue a permit for crews and passengers but if crew & passenger have any symptoms including fever, and headache cough when doing quarantine inspection, no one cannot go ashore.
In case of seamen’s book holder/crew, we are able to arrange crew shore passes from immigration office by submitting original passport/ship’s arrival crew list/permit received from quarantine office and then crews are able to go ashore.
In case of ship’s entry formalities by customs office, we are not sure because customs office usually come on board vessel randomly and if possible, we will let you know after ship’s arrival.
If there would be any joining crew or passengers, they must stay for 14 days at designated place assigned by quarantine office as self-isolation after done quarantine inspection at the airport.
Requirements in order to perform a Crew Change at Spanish Ports:
Vessel’s MDH.
Crew documents (Passport and seamans book).
Vessel disembarking crew cannot depart from the Port until crew have boarded the aircraft.
In case flight cancellation, crew should return to vessel. Master should confirm acceptance of this in writing.
Crew cannot embark / disembark until they have confirmed flights. (Eticket)
Confirmation that there are no flight prohibition in country of destination (Philipines/India/..etc) and the countries of transit is required. Also confirmation that there are no prohibitions on persons arriving to Spain.
Inmigration Authorities must also approve the disembarkation. They require 1 working day notice for approval.
Please note crew change is permitted at Spanish ports (on the above conditions) but as only limited hotels are opened, we recommend the arrival / departure flights must be very adjusted, direct embarkation and disembarkation preferable.
Please note the following regarding visa applications
Full confirmed flights details with PTA ticket number / Amadeus reference along with copies of valid passports, seaman books and visas are required in order to proceed visa application formalities.
All non-EU on-signers must travel with valid Schengen visas issued by the Spanish Embassy of their country of origin. It is the responsibility of each on-signer’s representative to liaise directly with the embassy in question to apply for travelling visa, as agents we can only provide Letter of Invitations (LOI) if required. We will not be held liable for any individuals travelling without valid documentation.
All non-EU off signers will require a valid Schengen visa for transit. As agents we can arrange all the necessary immigration formalities.
Note 1: Off signers requiring Schengen visa arrangements will not be able to travel on the same date of vessel’s arrival.
Note 2: Visa application forms must be presented at immigration police 72 hrs prior to time of departure flight. During this time an appointment will be arranged for off-signer(s) must attend in person in order to arrange formalities.
Note 3: Failure to make aforementioned appointment will result in cancellation of visa and process must be restarted with a new application (see Note 1).
Note 4: Working hours for Visa application register are Mon-Fri between 09:00-14:00.
Note 5: Once Visa application has been issued to immigration office, any change in flight details or itinerary will invalidate process and whole process must be restarted with a new application (see Note 1).
Note 6: Off signer cannot remain at Schengen Area Airports longer than 4 hours
Due to COVID 19 crisis taxi can transport per person per trip.
Due to a disembarked Sri Lankan Sea marshal who was released for at home isolation after undergoing the mandated quarantine period at Isolation center being detected positive for Covid – 19 foreign crew disembarkation will be temporarily banned from the 5th of July 2020 until further notice.
Moving forward only bulk crew changes (Disembarking / embarking directly between vessel and chartered flight) and repatriation of Sri Lankan Seafarers will be allowed
Curfew will continue till 19/2400 hrs lt for following 31 cities. There is no restriction for berthing/unberthing/loading/unloading operations at ports and strait passages during curfew period:
All entry into and exit from Turkey’s 15 cities has been banned except for necessities such as food, medicine, cleaning supplies and certain logistics vehicles, and transit traffic with permission till 19.05.2020 at 24:00 hrs lt. There is no restriction for berthing / unberthing / loading / unloading operations at ports and strait passages during this period:
Ankara, Balıkesir, Bursa, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, İstanbul, İzmir, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Manisa, Sakarya, Samsun, Van, Zonguldak.
There is currently no restriction for berthing / unberthing / loading / unloading operations (except for the ships bound to shipyards) provided vessel is cleared of COVID-19 inspection by sanitary officials who shall first inspect the vessel at anchorage area on arrival to grant berthing permission if a vessel coming from infected country.
Foreign crew embarkation and disembarkation are not permitted.
New regulation in respect of compulsory disinfection related to COVID-19 has come into force as of 04.04.2020 wherefore all vessels calling at Turkish ports must be disinfected by fully authorized companies appointed by port authority as soon as they are at berth or at anchorage area . Disinfection charge may change from port to port.
According to the latest info from authorities regulating vessels passage through Istanbul Strait ( namely VTS ) , the intervals between each vessel entering to the strait shall be 20 minutes instead of 10 minutes as precautionary measures against COVID-19. Regulation, rules and instructions remain unchanged for the passages through Çanakkale Strait. But Pilotage service could be delayed time to time due to reduce of pilot number
Crew change is strictly prohibited for vessels arriving from outside the United Arab Emirates.
All types of entry visa issuance have been temporarily suspended.
All off shore attendance from international visitors (eg: superintendents) temporarily suspended, specific rules for each port are listed below for vessel visitation from local visitors.
All crew members on board should wear PPE, face masks and gloves while on board within port limits.
The Agent should submit the documentation and certificates on the health condition of the crew (issued from the port of loading) prior to the vessel’s entry into the port.
The Vessel Master should submit the health declaration form prior to the arrival (72 hours prior to vessel arrival).
Crew change can be performed subject to USCBP (United state custom and border protection), approval. He will embark and will inspect and then he will confirm if it can be performed.
Off signers are permitted to disembark; however, confirmed flight arrangements direct to foreign would be required, written letter with reason for disembarking also will be needed and personal details in order to approach USCBP, departure flight must be before vessel’s ETD.
For joiners please refer to –CLP Bulletin– which was extended to include the UK and Ireland on 15-March. Basis this guidance, ONLY those holding C-1/D US Visa as crewman are permitted travel
With effect from 8th June 2020 the UK will impose a mandatory 14 day self quarantine for any travelers arriving into the UK. This rule applies to all incoming travelers including British citizens. There is however, a long list of exemptions to this rule.
Ships crews and Masters, overcarried pilots, ship inspectors and surveyors will be granted an exemption from the mandatory 14 day quarantine.
ALL incoming travelers including crew etc above will still need to complete a health declaration on arrival into the UK and also provide some monitoring data.
Crew will be required to complete a form that will include the reason they are traveling (ships crew joining a ship in the UK), they will also need to provide a contact number (their mobile or the ships number) and lastly the address where they will be staying (the full address of the port/terminal where they are joining the ship).
The form is an online document via the web portal and this has to be completed by the traveler BEFORE they arrive in the UK.
ALL travelers to the UK MUST complete this form before they travel – you can NOT submit this form until 48 hours prior to your arrival in the UK.
Unfortunately it is a little complicated with multiple steps requiring information to be completed.
It can NOT be downloaded and manually completed – each traveler MUST complete it (following every step) and submitting it to the portal by clicking submit once it is complete.
The form is in English – any crew member struggling with English will need assistance from someone to complete it.
It does appear to allow a 3rd party to complete the form – it will ask why you are completing it on their behalf (clearly aimed at people with children) however this could be completed by a relative or colleague if the crew member has poor understanding of English or does not have access to technology.
On arrival at the UK border you will be required to present this completed and approved form either printed or on a mobile device to the Immigration Officer at the border control.
Crew will also need a letter from the ship owner / manager confirming their status as seafarers joining a ship in the UK and confirmation that they are classified as a ‘key worker’. This letter should be carried by them in case they are stopped by the authorities whilst in transit from the airport to the ship. If they need hotel accommodation we would need a copy of this letter ‘in advance’ of their arrival so we can make the appropriate room booking – hotels in the UK are closed to the general public so we need this supporting letter to secure the room booking.
ALL incoming crew are still required to have the appropriate seamans book and visa where required upon arrival into the UK.
We would also suggest that any offsigning crew also carry the letter confirming their status should they be stopped on their journey to the airport. Likewise the letter would be needed for any hotel stay if required.
Twenty members of the Port Authorities Roundtable from Asia, Europe, Middle East and North America met on April 24 to declare their commitment to ensuring their ports remain open amidst the current pandemic.
The declaration, initiated by Singapore, calls for port authorities to collaborate and share best practices in ensuring that port operations are not disrupted.
Through this joint declaration, the signatories are committed to work together and ensure that:
• Merchant ships can continue to berth at port terminals to carry out cargo operations and keep the global supply chain going;
• Best practices are adopted, according to national circumstances, including precautionary measures for the shipping community, advisories and assistance for shore personnel and ship crew, and safe handling of cargoes during this period; and
• Port authorities continue to share experiences in combating COVID-19 while safeguarding unimpeded maritime trade.
The Roundtable has shared the declaration with the IMO and the International Association of Ports and Harbours to rally other port authorities to join the declaration.
List of 20 members who signed the declaration
Abu Dhabi Ports
Antwerp Port Authority
Bureau of Port and Harbor, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Busan Port Authority
Guangzhou Port Authority
Hamburg Port Authority
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
Montreal Port Authority
Ningbo Municipal Port Administration Bureau
Port Authority of Thailand (Bangkok Port)
Port of Barcelona
Port and Harbor Bureau, City of Yokohama
Port and Harbor Bureau, Kobe City Government
Port Klang Authority
Port of Long Beach
Port of Los Angeles
Port of Rotterdam
Port of Seattle
Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission
Port of Le Havre
IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim has welcomed the commitment of 13 countries to facilitate crew changes and achieve key worker designation for seafarers, following a virtual ministerial summit hosted by the UK Government on 9 July. This step represents significant progressto help resolve a growing crisis facing the maritime industry, and enable hundreds of thousands of stranded seafarers to go home or join ships.
In a jointstatement, representatives from 13 countriesexpressed their deep concern about the current crisis and acknowledged that “the inability of ship operators worldwide to conduct ship’s crew changes is the single most pressing maritime operational challenge to the safe and efficient movement of global trade”.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, travel restrictions and border closures imposed by Governments around the world have caused significant hurdles to crew changes and left hundreds of thousands of seafarers stranded onboard ships, or unable to join ships. It is currently estimated that at least 200,000 seafarers worldwide are stranded on ships and require immediate repatriation, and a similar number urgently need to join ships to replace them.This has led to a growing humanitarian crisis, in addition to concerns that seafarer fatigue and mental health issues may lead to serious maritime accidents. There are also concerns about the continuity of the global supply chain.
IMO Secretary-General Lim applauded the pledge, by signatory countries of the joint statement, to encourage all IMO states to designate seafarers as key workers and to implement the Protocols for Ensuring Safe Ship Crew Changes and Travel during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, which were endorsed and circulated by IMO in May. Thejoint statement also recognises the importance of considering the possibility of waivers or exemptions from visa or documentary requirements for seafarers, and to help increase access to commercial flights to and from the principal countries of origin of seafarers.
Opening the summit, Mr. Lim highlighted the importance of implementing the Protocols designed to ensure safe crew changes and called for concrete action for seafarers. “It is time to act for seafarers. Safe ship operations and crew wellbeing should not be compromised. The humanitarian crisis seafarers face has implications for all of us, for the world economy and for the safety of life at sea and the environment,” Mr. Lim said.
The joint statement was signed by representatives from the following countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States of America.
The International Maritime Summit on Crew Changes was hosted by the United Kingdom Government and was also attended by representatives from the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), the UK Chamber of Shipping, Nautilus International and Maritime UK.
Crew change protocols set out general measures and procedures designed to ensure that ship crew changes can take place safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read the Joint statement of the international maritime virtual summit on crew changeshere.
IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.
Good progress towards greener and safer ship recycling in Bangladesh has been reported during the annual meeting for the IMO-Norway-Bangladesh project on “Safe and Environmentally Sound Ship Recycling in Bangladesh – Phase II” (SENSREC), held virtually (8 July). IMO and the Governments of Norway and Bangladesh took stock of he Project and discussed further cooperation.
The meeting was informed that major steps forward have been made in training for ship recycling workers, train-the-trainer workshops, awareness-raising and the preparation for a Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF) for hazardous wastes. The Government of Bangladesh, through the Ministry of Industries, has already started the implementation of the TSDF Feasibility Study, using own funds, demonstrating the country’s commitment to establish the TSDF in the near future. This is a crucial requirement for the country to accede to IMO’s ship recycling convention, the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009.
The meeting also discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic situation on the project and risk mitigation measures. Her Excellency Ms Sidsel Bleken, Ambassador of Norway to Bangladesh, opened the meeting and highlighted the significant progress made and continuous support for the project, expressing the hope that Bangladesh would be ready to accede to the Hong Kong Convention in 2023, as stated in the country’s Ship Recycling Act.
As the first dozen cases of coronavirus started being recorded in Wuhan, China, the Chinese government began trying to keep tabs on the virus, looking at potential ways to contain it.
However, having registered 25 deaths and over 600 infections in less than a month, the virus was spreading too quickly and, in response, the Chinese Government decided to ban ships entering the Port of Wuhan.
Hearing this, the Singaporean government then started running temperature screening procedures at all of its port’s checkpoints and, upon hearing about Wuhan’s failure to contain the virus, several cruise liners decided to cancel their planned trips to China.
At the very start of February, an American cruise liner called the Princess Cruises’ Diamond Princess was found to have a passenger who had tested positive for coronavirus. Entering into an extended period of quarantine, the virus spread rapidly around the ship and, within only a few days, it was shown to have the highest concentration of cases outside of China.
A week later, SeaIntelligence reported that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic had caused container lines to suffer approximate financial losses between £240 million and £280 million each week due to decreased traffic. This contributed to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and World Health Organization (WHO) later releasing a joint statement for “health measures [to be] implemented in ways that minimise unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade”.
By the start of March, the coronavirus pandemic had spread to Europe and was affecting Italy especially badly. Faced with an ever-growing number of cases, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) responded to the chaos in Europe by releasing a set of guidelines offering advice on how to manage crews and implement health practices effectively.
By the middle of March, the World Health Organization had declared COVID-19 a pandemic, leading the IMO to announce its decision to shut down its London headquarters. Meanwhile, many important meetings around the globe were either cancelled or postponed to a later date, most notably including a review of proposals to help improve energy efficiency on ships.
A day after these announcements were made, the Italian government reported its intentions to convert a passenger ship into a floating hospital. This was designed to create more intensive care spaces within its hospitals, due to the overwhelming demand the country had faced in the prior weeks and months.
Just over a week later, the United Kingdom joined a number of other European countries in implementing a nationwide lockdown and closing all non-essential business. In response to this move, a joint statement was released by the UK Chamber of Shipping, Nautilus International and the National Union of Rail, Marine and Transport Workers encouraging the government to protect the rights of national seafarers during the pandemic. This stated:
“Our members must be empowered by the government to perform the shipping industry’s key role in keeping the UK supplied with food, medicine, fuel and equipment.”
Moving into April, the IMO called for seafarers and maritime personnel to be recognised as key workers, exempting them from any travel bans. In a letter to the world governments, the organisation cited how important it was to keep ports open and ensure the supply chain was supported throughout the pandemic.
A week later, following on from the IMO’s letter, the European Commission decided to launch a set of guidelines which supported governments with implementing countermeasures for the shipping industry. Highlighting the importance of seafarers on the economy and keeping the world’s supply chains open, the guidelines included ‘sanitary advice, recommendations for crew changes, disembarking, and repatriation for seafarers and passengers.
Final Thoughts…
As we’ve moved forward into the future months of the year, the impact caused by the coronavirus pandemic has started to die down a little.
However, there is still a long way to go and there now remains several uncertainties left to clear up, especially related to whether many cruise liners will be able to financially recover from the outbreak. Watch this space.
Important: please read the Federal Restrictions first and then read whichever set of State or Territory Restrictions that you are interested in as if they were one set of rules. It is meaningless to read either the Federal or the State/Territory rules in isolation from the other. So, if you are interested in say, Queensland, first read the Federal Restrictions and then make sure you read the Queensland Restrictions too.
NOTE: readers should also note that port authorities, port operators and even individual terminals may also have their own restrictions that apply in addition to the Federal and State / Territory Restrictions.
Page last updated: 10 July 2020
Website last updated 10 July 2020: see “International Policies”
Earlier this week (from 07 July 2020) – an extensive outbreak of COVID-19 in the Australian state of Victoria has caused the authorities to impose a wide range of restrictions. Commercial mariners from overseas, or any other non-Australia resident maritime-industry participant should note the following non-exhaustive list of restrictions:
the city of Melbourne (and part of the state outside the city) is in extreme lock down for six weeks – persons are not allowed out of their residences except for certain essential reasons
workers in Melbourne must work from home if possible
roadblocks have been set up international flights have been re-directed away from Melbourne
Police checks are being carried on drivers
the border between Victoria and the state of New South Wales has been completely closed (bar certain exemptions for e.g. freight truck drivers; a permitting/ticketing system applies)
the border between Tasmania and Victoria has been closed
the border between Victoria and Queensland is about to be completely closed (bar certain exemptions for e.g. freight truck drivers)
the border between South Australia and Victoria is closed
the border between the Northern Territory and Victoria is closed
a cap has been put on the numbers of people who can fly into Western Australia, New South Wales and Victoria
Australia’s Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is proposing to reduce the number of people who can fly into Australia(note: the national border is already shut, however, certain categories of people are nonetheless allowed into Australia)
The situation is very fluid and is correct as of 10:00 am 08 July 2020. Further changes may occur overnight and / or in the next few days.
Sources: Australian Broadcasting Corporation; State & Territory Governments; Maritime Safety Queensland
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